The Storm God

Chapter 3681 First confrontation! (Please subscribe!)


This burly general, who looked like a big human rhinoceros, held a huge warhammer, and was the first to charge towards the outermost mecha defense layer of Keruga star.

have to say.

This one is rather brave.

Facing the huge armed force of Keruga Star, he dared to go alone. If it is not a problem with his brain, then he has real skills.

And obviously.

The opponent is obviously the latter.

Before the person arrived, his body surface changed rapidly, forming a layer of armor like dragon scales, covering almost his entire body.

The heat-sight attack launched by the octopus mech hit it, as if the water jet from a small water gun had hit a hard and thick wall. Except for the splashes of water, there was no actual killing effect at all.

Of course, this is not because the octopus mecha's heat vision attack power is weak, but because the rhino general's defense is too perverted.

Don't see you.

Other attackers, if they get hit, will grin their teeth in pain and get burned?

Even some people who were unlucky and had relatively weak defenses were pierced through on the spot after being hit in the front.

It can be seen from this.

General Rhino's defensive strength has reached an outrageous level. Even a hot gaze of this intensity is like scratching an itch if he tries to force it.

"Small tricks!"

"Let me teach you what a real attack is! Kaishan Warhammer, blast me!"


The rhinoceros fought all the way against the impact of the heat vision of all the octopus mechas, and when they reached a certain distance, they raised their hammers and smashed angrily.

Although this hammer of his looked very ordinary, the power condensed on it was terrifying.


One force will drop ten meetings.

In the face of absolute power, any bells and whistles are useless, and there is only a powerful and terrifying coercion.

"United defense!"

"Don't fight alone, the opponent's strength is too strong, a single mech can't handle it at all, you have to join forces to form a big net..."

"Attention all fighters, overcome strength with softness!"


The battlefield commander of Star Kruga is obviously a master of vision, and he directly hit the nail on the head and gave the most suitable countermeasures.

The soldiers of the frontline bio-mechas also cooperated very tacitly and in a timely manner without any hesitation or hesitation.

Facing the terrifying war hammer that was about to smash down, the biological mechas closest to them immediately gave up their positions and stretched out their tentacles, connecting and entwining with other biological mechas next to them, forming a huge biological net in an instant.

The tentacles are threads and the torso is knots.

at the same time……

The power of femininity spreads out continuously, runs through the whole body, and communicates with the teammates around, and works together.

follow closely.

General Rhino's war hammer slammed down.

However, the expected picture of the plane crashing and killing people did not appear. Instead, it was the war hammer of the rhinoceros war, which was directly absorbed and restrained by the feminine power of the biological mecha, as if a bull had fallen into a quagmire.


"Impossible! Just now, I used 50% of my strength. Even if I can't break through this damned octopus net, I can't move at all, right?"

"There must be something tricky in it!"


General Rhino was taken aback.

Afterwards, he also didn't have ink marks on it. Since the warhammer was stuck and couldn't be taken out for a while, he simply didn't want it.

General Rhino, who gave up his war hammer, turned over and turned the scream on his head into an attack weapon.

"The mesh structure can certainly share the pressure, but it is vulnerable to sharp attacks!"

"Let's see what else you can do!"

"The Horn of Breaking the Army!"


General Rhino broke out again.

Terrifying power condensed on his body, just like a real terrifying rhinoceros, with its head lowered, its sharp horns opening the way, rampant, and there was a tendency to never give up until it hit it.


Temporary command center.

The detection device of the octopus bio-mecha department immediately sent out bursts of ear-piercing alarms. Obviously, the attack of General Rhino was extremely concentrated, and its destructive power far exceeded the range that the bio-mech could withstand.

There is only one dead end for being tough.


Without any hesitation, the commander immediately ordered: "Don't confront him head-on, avoid his edge, break it up into pieces, and adopt a travel strategy to wear down his strength and patience!"


After the soldiers received their orders, they responded one after another.

next moment.

The defensive net formed by the octopus bio-mech immediately dissipated and turned into scattered individuals all over the sky, making General Rhino's attack instantly lose its target.

But just when he took advantage of this momentum and planned to move forward and cross the defensive line to attack further defensive deployment...

"Hoo hoo!"

Bursts of terrifying suction suddenly came from the side.

It's like a mouse passing through a bellows, but what the rhino general encounters is not the air at both ends, but the endless and terrifying suction all over his body!

The invisible suction force was so terrifying and perverted that his forward speed was greatly affected in an instant.

It slowed down almost instantly, and even gradually stagnated halfway, as if countless invisible hands were pulling him back to pull the cart, which made General Rhino feel great resistance.

"what happened?"

General Rhino was stunned.

Haven't all the octopus mechas been scared away? Where did this terrifying suction come from?

next moment.

He finally knew why.

As far as the eye can see, there are hundreds of octopus biological mechas, united together, forming a huge tube shape.

And General Rhino is right in the center of the tube.

Facing him are the tentacles of countless octopus mechs... the suction cups!

These suckers are not just for decoration, they also have their own functions, just like now.

The terrifying suction that General Rhinoceros suffers from is because of these suction cups, they are like small black holes, frantically devouring and absorbing everything they face.


One or two suction cups, the suction is not to be feared.

But when these suckers form a certain scale, the suction can be extremely terrifying and perverted.

Just like now.

The tube-shaped combination of many octopus biological mechs directly cuts the space where the rhinoceros general is located, and then uses huge suction as an attack method...

Everyone has seen the effect, awesome!

Even a master like General Rhino was instantly suppressed without any temper, unable to move an inch!


He was repeatedly blocked, which made General Rhino very embarrassed and angry. At the same time, he was also very curious. He had heard about the biological mecha of the octopus civilization.

It is said that...

Nice idea, but that's what power seems to be.

it's not a big deal.


How come what I encountered was different.

The ability of this thing is simply abnormal. If you want to defend and defend, the key is to be able to combine and match freely, and the effect is also terrifying!

Who the hell said it's no big deal?

stand out!

I promise not to kill him!

At this moment, his actions were completely suppressed, and even General Rhino, who was restrained, felt extremely depressed.

Especially when he saw that the team members he had brought also did not benefit, and almost all of them were confined to being beaten passively, his mouth opened wide like a hippopotamus.

Of course.

The octopus bio-mech on Kruga is not without any damage. For example, if the response is a little slow, and the coordination is not so sufficient, it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of the loopholes and sneak in.

Fortunately, these are only a small number, and the defense ability of the mecha itself is quite good, so the number of deaths and serious injuries is very small, and they are basically minor injuries.

When General Rhinoceros and the others came back to their senses and wanted to take it seriously, they were greeted directly by a group of senior finalists.


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