The Storm God

Chapter 3682 Miserable! (Please subscribe!)

"Get rid of them!"

The commander shouted excitedly: "Before the enemy is serious yet, output with all your strength, try to reduce the enemy's vital force as much as possible, and don't hold back!"


The high-end final lights should be one after another.

Then, they immediately erupted with the strongest strength, one by one, like chicken blood, and unreservedly presented the most terrifying side of themselves to the enemy.

The most powerful attack is undoubtedly the red light.

after all……

Red lights are known for their strength.

The red light in the ultimate mode has even more terrifying and powerful attack power.

The second is the green light under the blue-green combination. Under the boost of the ultimate blue light, the ultimate green light's attack power was even stronger than the red light at a certain moment, and it once became the MPV of this battlefield.


The power of a red light cannot be applied to a blue light.

They even become extremely weak due to the influence of the blue light, so when the two sides fight, they are basically separated.

A pair of red and yellow lights, and a pair of blue and green lights.


There is nothing complementary about yellow and red lights.

But they will not affect each other, and even to a certain extent, the power of the red light will bring some convenience to the yellow light.

To know.

The yellow light represents the power of fear.

Whether it is one of our own or an enemy, as long as there is a heart of fear, the strength of the yellow light will grow.

It is obviously unrealistic to simply rely on the yellow light to absorb a large amount of power of fear.

After all, the enemy is a soldier of Apocalypse.

The other party is also a master of playing with fear, and it is too difficult to make them feel fear.


With the help of the incarnation of anger, the Red Lantern, it would be much easier, especially the Red Lanterns under Razer, who were all born with the green fat as the prototype host.

These green fat clones themselves have the property bug that the more angry they are, the stronger their power, plus the bonus of the red light's anger power...


That is simply a monster.

Especially after being advanced to the ultimate Lantern mode, such a fat green is even more terrifying, almost equivalent to the development of comics with fat green as the protagonist in Marvel.

In a word.

The crazy green fat red light is really scary!

Their strength has almost no upper limit, and their bodies are extremely hard. When they fight, they look like crazy beasts, and they are very scary to watch.

Even the masters of Apocalypse would feel a little terrified in the face of such a monster.

And these emotions are undoubtedly the best nourishment for the yellow light.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.


The vanguard combat team headed by General Rhino was defeated almost instantly under the siege of the ultimate lantern man who was twice as many as himself.

That is to say, the rhinoceros general has rough skin and thick flesh, and is protected by an inexplicable armor, so he took his life.

The other elite fighters of Apocalypse died on the spot after suffering a horrible terrorist attack.

All of them are dead!

after all.

Lu Fat doesn't know what pity and kindness are. For him, there are only two kinds of people, one is his own people, and the other is enemies.

And to deal with the enemy, his usual method is to beat him!

The kind that beat you until you couldn't stand up again.

Of course.

As for how to beat?

It depends on the mood at the time, there is no specific regulation for this, the key depends on the degree of anger.

In short.

The more angry, the more tyrannical and cruel it is to hammer people.

Unfortunately, the current group of green, fat and red lanterns are very angry, so each one of them is very ruthless.

Pity those elite fighters of Apocalypse, some of them didn't even know which number the enemy was, and they were directly dismembered by five horses and hammered into meat sauce!

no way.

Who made these green fat people almost all look the same.

All the enemies who encountered them would instinctively rush to wonder, could it be possible that these guys have multiple births?

Of course.

There are also some smarter ones.

They guessed almost instantly that these opponents were probably the products of gene cloning.


These people will subconsciously think that it is no big deal, because the products of gene cloning have a well-known fatal weakness, their growth potential is limited, and it is almost impossible to surpass the deity.

Seeing so many identical individuals at once, the enemy dares to guarantee that these are definitely mass-produced.

The mass production type generally means that the level of strength is relatively low.

But they don't know that the gene cloning technology that is limited to the local universe, if it is from a foreign universe, it is another matter.


These people paid a heavy price for their underestimation of the enemy.

The green, fat, and red lights used their actual actions to tell the other party what a punch with a sandbag is, and...

Mass production can also be awesome!


It's too late for those people to regret.

In just a few moments.

The battlefield that was still somewhat chaotic just now returned to calm in an instant. As the enemy gradually rushed to the street, the outermost defensive line of Keruga Star was still strong.

On the other hand, the enemy's vanguard combat team, except for two or three poor big cats and kittens, survived and fled back, most of the rest were left forever.

General Rhino was even more frightened by the ferocity and terror of the green, fat, and red lights. The power of fear was pouring out from his body, and was greedily swallowed and absorbed by the yellow light fighters behind him. .

Don't blame the other party for being too cowardly.

Mainly on the Kruga star side, they don't play cards according to routines at all.

This is just the most peripheral defense. Generally speaking, there will not be too many powerful masters.

As a result, Kruga star did the opposite.

Because Sinestro and other elite leaders were absent, the on-site commander could only put the strongest existing force directly on the outermost periphery.

after all……

This is the territory of Star Kruga.

If you really want to be attacked by the enemy, it doesn't matter if you can defeat the enemy in the end, the one who will be forced to be unlucky must be yourself.

Let's not talk about anything else, just on their own territory, unscrupulously opening up, fighting each other frantically and desperately, the aftermath of the battle can almost destroy the environment of the entire planet!


The commander's junior high school is to try to transfer the battlefield to outer space, unless there is no other way.

Also, try to delay as long as possible.

If you can bluff one, you can't bluff, so use the strongest means to deter the other party.

In a word.

It doesn't matter if you lose, but you must not make the enemy feel better.

It's a big deal!

In comparison.

The team with the combination of green light and blue light is much more harmonious than the team with red light and yellow light.

After all, the other party is a normal person, unlike the red light and yellow light, once they fight, they will easily be affected by the corresponding emotional power, thus turning into a devil-like existence.

But even so.

The battle results over there are also quite astonishing, the number of enemies killed is not even under the yellow light and red light.


The enemies who died in the hands of Green Lantern and Blue Lantern were relatively happier, and basically died in normal battles.

Unlike here, it would be miserable to die!

The process is extremely painful!

"Back to defense!"

Don't chase after the poor.

Seeing that the rhinoceros general, leading a few poor people, finally escaped from the defensive line, the battlefield commander immediately ordered everyone to stop chasing and return to the defense quickly, so as not to be ambushed by the enemy.

Fortunately, Apocalypse came in a hurry, and did not set any traps or ambushes nearby. It was just that some special types of demons followed the instructions and took General Rhino and others back.

at the same time.

Apocalypse's second vanguard team followed them, and its leader was a Kryptonian man covered in various unknown mechanical skeletons and armor.


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