The Storm God

Chapter 3683 Destruction wave! (Please subscribe!)

Mechanical Superman!

If Bai Xiaofei saw this scene, he would definitely think of this name. Although this mechanical superman is not the same person as he remembered, in other respects, there is almost no difference.

The same Kryptonian family.

It also possesses near-invincible super powers, and has also been transformed by extraordinary technology, making it even more powerful and terrifying...

The only difference is that the person has changed.


Their strength is beyond doubt.


The defeat of General Rhino made Apocalypse feel very embarrassed.

Therefore, when he returned to his own camp, he was ridiculed by other colleagues immediately without any accident.

He made General Rhino very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Who made him lose the battle?

Who can blame this?

To this.

He didn't explain much either.

Bearing everything silently, he glanced carefully at the aloof Lord Darkseid, and found that the other party did not intend to punish him, and he was overjoyed.

And the other side.

The mechanical superman led a group of warriors from Apocalypse, and once again confronted the defensive forces of Keruga.

Like General Rhino, Mechanical Superman is the absolute main force.


He did not fight alone.

Instead, let a few adjutants around him cooperate with him to form a sharp knife squad to deal with those areas with very strong defenses. Sharp knife, full of cohesion.

On the other hand, the rhinoceros general before, the formation is very scattered, fierce, but too reckless, it is easy to be targeted.

Moreover is.

The first person to eat a crab has no experience after all, and it is inevitable that some hard objects will knock his teeth or something.

The mechanical superman's team, as the second echelon to attack, naturally has a certain advantage.

At least with the help of General Rhino's battle, they have learned certain lessons and experience, and they are more handy in dealing with them.

Just like now.

Also dealing with the biological mechs of the octopus civilization, the mechanical superman's approach is very calm and relaxed.

No matter what you do, it's just the thermal vision on the white hair and the laser focusing on the same part!


Who can stop such an attack?

Almost in the blink of an eye, the defensive area that was unfortunately under fire was quickly blasted away.

All the nearby biological mechs were killed, and none were spared. After all, that destructive force was unleashed by gathering hundreds of Apocalypse masters, and it was extremely terrifying and powerful.

Even the Ultimate Lantern Man might not be able to withstand this destructive power for a moment. It is already remarkable that these biological mechs can withstand Moment.

And as the biological mecha net was torn apart, a huge hole and hollow appeared in the outermost defensive force of Kruga Star. Grit your teeth and make up.


The mechanical superman moves too fast.

Before the ultimate Lanternman arrived, he led the team members and rushed in directly, and he came up with a secret skill.


I saw a bright light spot suddenly lit up between the eyebrows of Mechanical Superman, followed by bursts of strange sound waves, presenting countless rings and spreading out instantly.

And anyone who was affected by these sound wave rings, not counting the biological mechs of the octopus civilization, but the ultimate Lantern Man who rushed over, immediately felt as if someone had hit his chest with a hammer, and they were severely injured in an instant, vomiting blood.

Especially for some fighters whose most of their strength is in the mechanical aspect, the end is even more tragic, almost instantly disintegrated and crashed.

"not good!"

"The ripples are too weird and weird, everyone don't get close, all back away, don't be impulsive!"

"Technology department, quickly analyze!"


The commander saw that something was wrong, and while frowning, he immediately ordered everyone to evacuate from the core area, so as not to be wiped out by the enemy and suffer heavy losses.


Although everyone listened to the commander's orders in a timely manner, the mechanical superman would not show mercy and just sit back and watch.

While the mechanical superman's secret technique suppressed the situation, the Apocalypse masters around them launched a bloody massacre against the defense fighters of Keruga.

In less than a short moment, hundreds of fighters were killed in the armed defense force of Keruga Star.

The defensive power in that area was instantly weakened to an unimaginable level.

Just like a perfect fear, a hole was suddenly smashed out, and the enemy's follow-up forces can almost freely enter and exit through this hole.

"The analysis came out!"

Most of the members of the technical department on the Kruga star are super artificial intelligence of the type Aya.

Some of them were even given certain permissions to connect to Bai Xiaofei's Hongmeng Dark System, so their computing power was astonishing, and they quickly analyzed the mechanical superman's secret skills.

"According to the detection and analysis, the ripple is a powerful destructive wave that combines infrasonic waves, electromagnetic pulses, radiation shocks... and many other special means, which can almost kill people invisible."


After the commander heard about it, his expression was so ugly. How could there be such a terrifying method?


He hurriedly asked: "Then is there any way to defend against it? If we don't solve the threat of this thing, we can't organize a counterattack at all!"

"Currently still in the process of calculation, because it is a complex and changeable ripple concentration, it is difficult to defend against it. The effective defense that can be achieved at present is only against infrasound waves and electromagnetic pulses. Others cannot be effectively defended for the time being..."

"This is possible too!"

The commander is really in a hurry.

Especially when he saw that the defensive formation of Keruga Star was being continuously destroyed by the enemy, and the previous hole had been more than doubled in an instant.

He could only grit his teeth and ordered: "The nearby fighters obey the order and stop their expansion at all costs!"


Everyone responded one after another.

At the same time, the headquarters also sent everyone the reference data that can effectively defend part of the current defense in an instant.

The defensive fighters, after receiving the data, immediately followed it up and rushed forward without any hesitation, and started another confrontation with the mechanical superman and other enemy forces.

And this time.

Because of the insurance measures and means for defense, the situation of everyone being suppressed by the powerful destructive wave is obviously much smaller than before.

Although he still couldn't completely save himself, he was able to gather some strength and attack the enemy.

This scene.

It surprised and surprised the mechanical superman.

"How can it be?"

"My Kassler destroys the light wave, and ordinary people are absolutely unable to defend against it. How could they find a way to deal with it so quickly?"

"Even if it only offsets part of it, it's still not quite right. Could it be that there is intelligence beyond imagination on this planet?"


The mechanical superman couldn't help frowning.

In fact, this mechanical superman is not a puppet that Darkseid got from Krypton, or a transformed human weapon.

on the contrary.

He has his own personality and consciousness completely.

Just as people are divided into men and women, they are also divided into good and bad. Although this man of the Kryptonian family was born on Krypton, he has no emotion for Krypton.

Because he is a heinous villain.

At the beginning, due to an accident, he was reduced to a mechanical planet. Although he finally killed the so-called righteous man who was chasing him, he himself was also seriously injured.

Without any choice.

He could only use the limited resources of the planet at that time to transform himself into a half-human, half-mechanical appearance.


Slowly upgrading and changing, this is how he has his current honor, as well as his extraordinary technological combat power that is unknown.

After that, he joined Darkseid's camp, and by virtue of his own ability, he became an executive of the Apocalypse Star Wars General.

In the end, he didn't expect that, on this inconspicuous Keruga star, he encountered an extraordinary technology that could rival his own!

This made Kessel feel incredible.


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