The Storm God

Chapter 3684 The third wave! (Please subscribe!)


The mechanical superman Kessel is proud.

After being stunned for a moment, he returned to his original stern look, and at the same time, he also offered a mechanical warhammer full of sci-fi feel.


Warhammer comes with blue and white plasma, just like Thor's Hammer.

It's just that the handle of this war hammer is a bit long, which is more suitable for holding with both hands, rather than the one in Marvel. It is short and has a small handle, and its appearance is two completely different styles.

The Thor's Hammer in Marvel is more like a handicraft than a combat weapon, while this one of the mechanical superman Kessel is full of tyranny.

One can tell at a glance that this thing is precipitously born to kill people.


The war hammer was unleashed, and Kessel didn't have any ink marks, and immediately started to amplify his moves.

Rolling thunder, as if it didn't want money, spewed out of the warhammer wantonly, turning into a curtain of thunder that filled the sky.

And the terrifying endless tears were condensed and compressed in an instant, turning into an oversized warhammer thunderbolt, and smashed down on the Lantern Heroes who were attacking him.

Because of the huge difference in size between them, from a distance, it looks like someone is hitting an ant with a hammer.

Full of pressure!


Lanterns aren't stupid.

They can naturally see that the mechanical superman's attack power is far beyond imagination. If they don't stop attacking and switch to defense, they will definitely die!


Everyone stopped rushing forward.

All the power was concentrated and turned into a shield.

Then, the moment Lantern Man's power turned into a shield and just took shape, the terrifying Thunder Hammer slammed on it hard.


The terrible shock erupted instantly.

Endless waves of air, wrapped in terrifying power, ravaged everything around, except for the mechanical superman standing still like a mountain, the rest of the people, no matter whether they were enemies or their own people, were all shocked Back again and again N far distance.

The strength gap between the two sides is huge, which can be seen from this.

The facts are as expected.


The Mechanical Superman was even better. The Thunder Hammer shattered the defenses of the Lantern Heroes, killing several people on the spot.

The rest of them were also seriously injured and almost unable to fight anymore. After all, Kassler's power to destroy the light is not something to talk about. Under the double blow, being able to save their lives is already quite good.


On Tian Qixing's side, seeing this scene, they were immediately very excited, and they all waved their flags and shouted, cheering.

The rhino general's complexion is quite complicated and ugly.


The more powerful the mechanical superman is.

The more it can bring out the shame of his defeat!

Then, the rhinoceros general couldn't help but start to think secretly: "Hmph, don't be too happy, when you have bad luck later..."


This is the beginning of cursing.


I don't know if it was the bad luck of the mechanical superman, or the curse of the rhino general finally worked.

Just when they were preparing to further expand the results of the war, completely occupy this star field, and then use this as a base to launch an invasion of Kruga Star.

The headquarters on the Kruga star suddenly deciphered almost all the data of the mechanical superman Kassler destroying the light.


And at an astonishing speed, he worked out a corresponding restraint method, which finally solved the problem of being unable to defend against enemy suppression.

And without the limitation of Kassler's destructive light, the true combat effectiveness of the Ultimate Lantern Man and the octopus civilized biological mech was fully displayed.

The pressure of the mechanical superman team came suddenly.

The attack, which seemed so easy just now, immediately became very difficult, and some of them were even careless and were beaten directly.

This phenomenon is a new number.

The fighters on Keruga Star immediately launched a frenzied counterattack as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The star field that the poor mechanical superman team just occupied has not been happy for a long time, and it almost changed hands again.


Seeing the results of his team, the enemy's counterattack is getting smaller and smaller, and the mechanical superman's brows are getting tighter and tighter.

at last……

He rushed out by himself.


On the way to fly.

The mechanical superman Kessel directly zoomed in, and the thunder hammer in his hand spun wildly, like a propeller, and the endless thunder and lightning suddenly turned into a rolling hurricane, completely enveloping his figure.

Wherever it went, it was like a terrifying thunderstorm, and nothing could block its way.

Anyone who dares to rush forward to stop it will be smashed to pieces almost instantly by this terrifying thunderstorm!

Even the Ultimate Lantern Man is no exception!

"not good!"

"He wants to break through our defenses, and he must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise the position we have worked so hard to regain will change hands again!"

"Brothers, let's fight him!"

"Let's join hands to stop him!"


More than a dozen Green Lanterns looked at each other tacitly, and then directly gathered together.

follow closely.

The terrifying power of will erupted.

Under the boost of the blue light, their strength soared into the sky, and they also transformed into a green storm that was comparable to the thunderstorm, and then directly faced the enemy.

In order to maintain the state of these Green Lanterns, the blue lanterns behind all had grim faces and sweat profusely.


They have almost reached their limit at this moment, but in order to win, none of them gave up, and they are still gritting their teeth and persisting.


Thunder Hurricane and Green Storm, the two powers finally meet.

There are no bells and whistles, just the purest collision of forces, wind against wind, thunder and lightning against will power!

Don't give up an inch, fight to the death!


The aftermath of the fierce battle between the two sides, although the scope of the impact is not large, is extremely dangerous and deadly.

As long as it is accidentally affected, it will be seriously injured if it is not dead.

No one is spared!

"very scary!"

When the rest of the people saw this scene, they couldn't help but marvel at it, and then backed away one after another, fearing that it would harm Chi Yu.

Except for the defensive fighters of Keruga Star!


This is their duty.

Their existence is to protect the safety of Keruga Star, no matter how dangerous the scene is, they must hold their positions.

In the past, it was because there was no other way to lose the position, but now that it has finally gotten rid of the influence, naturally it will not take half a step back!

On the other hand, the retreat of the Apocalypse fighters, the two sides one in front and one behind, can be said to have formed an extremely sharp contrast.


Star Kruga also paid a great price for this.

No less than thirty biological mechas of the octopus civilization were damaged by the aftermath of the two major storms, and were dismembered and died on the spot.

Even for Lantern Man, there were many people who stretched out their hands and severely injured them.

It's a pity that this position has finally returned to their hands, and the follow-up troops are also very strong, almost following closely behind, and quickly filled most of the vacancy formed by this hole.

If things go on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before they can mend the torn defensive front.


Wishes are beautiful.

But the reality is extremely cruel. Just when everyone on Kruga thought that the situation was gradually improving, the third wave of Apocalypse's invasion team suddenly broke into the battlefield.

And compared to the previous two waves of attacks, this third wave of attacks has more people and stronger quality!

Just the leader of the master generals, there are four more people!

The other elite warriors are also unaware, and they look quite difficult to deal with, and the key numbers are so many.

It is almost equal to the number of defenders here.

The most important thing is.

In the scale of the attack this time, in addition to the regular fighters, it also included some super warships from Apocalypse!

Moreover, the opponent was very ignorant of martial arts, and when he came up to face the defensive line of Kruga, he fired a series of destructive cannons to cover up the attack, completely ignoring that his own people were still fighting on the defensive line at the moment.

It's crazy!


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