The Storm God

Chapter 3685 Sester! (Please subscribe!)

Boom boom boom...

Under the strong attack of the Apocalypse star warship, the defense line of Keruga star immediately suffered an unprecedented heavy loss.

It's not that their defense is not strong, but that the enemy's firepower is too strong, and the heroes can't stand the crowd, not to mention the opponent's artillery power is definitely not weak!

With only one volley, the defensive front of Kruga Star almost completely collapsed, causing countless casualties.

Even the biological mechas of the octopus civilization cannot completely defend against the artillery offensive of Apocalypse, obviously because the other party has taken special countermeasures.


Inside the headquarters.

The commander's face was disheveled, looking at the scene in the distance, his teeth were about to be gritted: "Damn it! I said how could they give us time kindly, so the previous attack was just a test..."

He finally understood now.

The reason why Apocalypse did not rush over at once was not because of kindness, or because he wanted to play a game of cat and mouse.

Rather, the other party is using the vanguard troops to test and analyze the combat power of Star Kruga, as well as the deployment of defenses.


Then take a targeted offensive and win in one fell swoop.

Just like now.


Normally speaking, the biological mecha of the octopus civilization should be able to withstand a considerable attack.

But in the end, under a salvo of Apocalypse warships, it was almost destroyed, and the most critical reason was that enough data had been collected from the previous battle between General Rhino and Mechanical Superman.

After that it's much easier.

On the other side of the large army of Apocalypse Star, as if there was no one else present, they quickly analyzed and cracked it, and when they got the results, they used restraint to attack Keruga Star.

As a result, everyone saw it.

The biological mech defense line, which was originally impregnable, is now like paper, and was crippled by the fleet of Apocalypse in a blink of an eye.

On the contrary, the Ultimate Lantern Warriors, because of their special abilities, basically don't have too many weaknesses, so they didn't suffer much damage.

But things don't work out that way.

To know.

Lanterns are few in number.

In particular, those who can be promoted to become the ultimate Lantern Man are one in a million. Even with the advanced technology of Kruga Star and Bai Xiaofei as the backer, the current number of Lantern Corps members is only about one million.

This refers to the total number of people.

Among them, the Ultimate Lantern Man is only about one-tenth of his death.

That is about 100,000.

It looks like a lot.


Actually distributed, but not much.

First of all, almost all of the top finishers were taken away by Sinestro to ambush and encircle Calibak.

As a result, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Not only did they encounter the Black Lantern Army headed by Scarface, but they were also calculated by Darkseid in reverse.

Although there are still about 90% of the Lanternmen on Kruga, if they are to be distributed to every defensive corner of the entire planet, there are really not many.

after all……

Koruga is still huge.

Anyway, it is much bigger than the earth, and ordinary Lanternmen can still be deployed. Like the ultimate Lanternman, it is simply not enough.

Without any choice.

The on-site commander can only deploy the Ultimate Lantern Man in some more important key areas.

Just like the outermost first layer of defense.

Here alone, there are nearly 5,000 Ultimate Lanternmen, which looks like a lot, but in reality that's it.

At least compared to the invading army of Apocalypse, these are not enough at all, and they still look a bit outnumbered.


Aya on Dust Star supported 5 million mechanical warriors on Cruga Star, which greatly relieved the pressure here.


The commander temporarily mobilized some combat power.

Coupled with the biological mechs of the octopus civilization, this constitutes an extremely powerful outermost defensive front.

With such a scale and formation, the commander was confident that he would be able to survive until Chief Sinestro and the others returned.


The fact was once again unexpected.

Whether it is Darkseid or the generals under his command, they have seriously exceeded the commander's expectations.

In less than a moment, the outermost defensive line of Star Kruga encountered several dangers.

Although they have also achieved some physical gains, the overall situation is still precarious.

after all……

There are only so many people on the Keluga star, and every casualty will reduce part of the combat power.

On the other hand, Apocalypse is as vast as the sea, with all kinds of generals, cannon fodder, and super battleships, there are simply endless layers.

In front of the enemy, the commander felt that he and others were like a flat boat in the sea, no matter how hard he tried, he was just drifting with the tide.

Want to fuck the sea?


Except for dreaming and miracles, it is almost impossible!

But even so, he did not give up hope. After regaining his senses, the commander quickly forced himself to calm down, and then commanded and ordered: "Don't fight the enemy head-on, retreat the whole army, and retreat to the defense!"


"Biological mechs retreat, and the ultimate lantern man steps forward, changing the main defense and auxiliary modes, so that the enemy cannot target the attack!"

"Pay attention to the enemy's sneak attack!"


have to say.

The level of this commander is quite good.

But it's a pity that he has too few soldiers on hand. It's like no matter how talented you are, you can't beat the opponent who holds double kings, four twos and four sharps Tianhu ace like.

This moment.

The only thing the commander can do is to minimize casualties and delay the time. As long as Sinestro and the others can come back in time, there is still hope for Kruga.


That would really be the end of the day.

Regardless of what the commander thinks and thinks, on the other side of the battlefield, the mechanical superman team has already rounded up with the main attacking generals of the third wave.

A thin and small general who looked like a monkey, holding a metal technology bundle, grinned at the mechanical superman and said, "Kesel, are you moving too slowly?"

Listen to the tone.

The two parties are obviously old acquaintances.

The fact is indeed the case, this thin monkey-like man was Kessel's friend many years ago.

The two fought side by side, destroying countless planets and civilizations, and were finally recruited by Darkseid together.

Compared with Kessel's Kryptonian identity, the thin monkey man is much more ordinary, just an ordinary human being.


By chance, he obtained a bottle of golden gene potion that had been buried for an unknown number of years. After taking it, he possessed unparalleled power.

Even Kessel didn't dare to say that he could beat the thin monkey.


After joining Apocalypse.

Ranked according to the strength of combat power, the status level of the thin monkey is still higher than that of the mechanical superman Kessel.

It's just that the two sides didn't alienate because of this, they are still good friends, and usually perform tasks and chat and fart together.

like now.

The mechanical superman's mission is not going well, and the thin monkey man is the first to stand up to help Kessel solve the trouble.

If it were someone else, Thin Monkey Sester wouldn't bother to care about it.

"These people are not simple, don't underestimate the enemy, or I won't be able to save you if the boat capsizes in the gutter!"

As for the thin monkey Sester, the mechanical superman Kessel didn't pay attention, but kindly reminded him.

But it's a pity.

The thin monkey Sester obviously didn't listen.

I saw him giggling, and then he turned the metal technology stick in his hand and smashed it at an ultimate red light.

He also shouted while beating: "Little guy, give me a stick!"


The ultimate red light is not showing weakness.

While roaring, he stretched out his arms, and the power of the billowing red light instantly turned into a pair of very textured red gauntlets, and the metal technology stick thrown down by the thin monkey Sestor was a heavy punch.


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