The Storm God

Chapter 3686 Light of Fear! (Please subscribe!)


The passionate collision between the two sides did not last long.

The winner was decided almost instantly, and the winner was obviously not the ultimate red light, because the clear crash sound came from the gauntlet on his hand.

follow closely……

Slender Monkey Sest's metal technology stick, like an axe, smashed down heavily, distorting and deforming the arms of the ultimate red light on the spot, bleeding profusely.

If ordinary people were seriously injured like this, they would probably fall to the ground immediately, but this is not the case for the Ultimate Lantern Man.

after all.

Their deities are green and fat.

The more angry, the stronger the power, and the power of the red light is different from other colored lights, it is directly integrated into the blood instead of the heart.

That is.

As long as the red light rings in their hands are not destroyed, even if their hearts are shattered, they can get up and continue fighting.

What's more, he is still fat green with an even more astonishing physique!


The twisting and deformation of both arms caused the green fat to roar, and the red light ring seemed to sense the owner's emotions, the power instantly amplified and surged out, as if the silk-like horses directly wrapped the distorted pair arm.

next moment.

The artifact happened.

Those arms were repaired abruptly. Not only that, but the gauntlets covering their arms are also more complicated and textured than before, just like the real ones, not created by the power of the red light. Cohesive.


The thin monkey Sestor was slightly startled when he saw this, and said dumbly: "Is this the power of the red light? Sure enough, there are some tricks, but if it's just like this, it's far from enough!"

The voice did not fall.

The metal technology stick in his hand started to discharge directly at the top position, billowing thunder, as if he didn't want money, and all of them flocked to the fat green man who had just recovered his arms in an instant.

The ultimate red light couldn't dodge in time, so he was directly hit, and the terrifying thunderbolt instantly enveloped and swallowed him. From a distance, apart from the terrifying and dazzling blue and white light, the only thing that stood out in the middle was a Blurred images of human skeletons.

And when Thunder disappeared, the ultimate red light finally reappeared in front of everyone.


At this time, he has obviously withdrawn from the state of the Lantern Man, and is just a clone of the green fat, very embarrassed and miserable, almost every piece of good meat on his body is almost cooked by electric shock.

Look at his hands again.

The original red light ring turned into a puddle of pulverization without knowing when, and finally shattered into endless particles before disappearing.

Presumably it was the Lei Guang just now, but the real purpose was not the fat green body, but the red light ring on his hand!

Without the ring, Lupang is just Lupang.

And such an existence is completely insufficient in front of the thin monkey. The gap between the two sides is like an ant and a planet.

There is no comparison at all!

"That's it?"

Tilting his head and glanced at the mechanical superman Kessel, the thin monkey Sester grinned, implying that, were you kidding me just now?

Kessel: "..."

Seeing his stupefied look, it is obvious that he did not expect that the skinny monkey Sester was so powerful, and he solved an ultimate red light in an instant.

To know.

Kessel has personally experienced how difficult these guys are.

Even if it is a mechanical superman, it takes a lot of effort to completely kill the opponent, but the thin monkey Sester did it so easily.


Think again.

Cossel knew what was going on.

It must be that when I was fighting these people just now, Shouhou and the others had already seen and deciphered the opponent's flaws and weaknesses.

Just like myself now, if I really want to kill, it is definitely much easier than when I just arrived on the battlefield.

But having said that, one must not lose face.

So far.

Kessel curled his lips immediately and said: "Don't be complacent, the Lantern Man just now is just a relatively weak one, I want you to be careful of the masters, they..."

The voice did not fall.

The thin monkey Sester swung his stick directly, pointed to a certain direction on the battlefield, and asked, "You mean similar to those guys?"

Kessel looked in the direction he pointed, and saw an ultimate green light, bathed in green flames, rampaging and wanton destruction among the battleships of Apocalypse.

It's not that the destroyer of the battleship, as well as the masters next to him, didn't want to stop him, but the opponent's speed was too fast.

And the other party made it clear that they wanted to kill these warships that threatened the most, and they didn't fight them at all. When they saw someone coming, they turned around and left without delay.

Once free, it will be against the battleship opponent again.

After such a wave of operations, the battleship of Apocalypse fell into a very passive situation.


Not one or two.

On the huge battlefield, there are many similar examples, some are red lights, some are yellow lights...

In short.

They are all chicken thieves, and they don't confront the masters of Apocalypse at all, they just focus on fighting the battleship!

And the ultimate green light that Thin Monkey Sester was referring to was the one closest to them.

The intelligent brain program of the mechanical superman Kessel only took a rough look, and he came to the conclusion that the strength of this ultimate green light is far beyond that of the ultimate red light that the skinny monkey Sest killed just now.

In other words.

This is definitely a master.

If not, the opponent would not be able to easily escape from the hands of the generals of the Apocalypse Army and wait for an opportunity to overturn several warships.

It's not unreasonable for Thin Monkey Sester to choose this guy, obviously he has been observing and paying attention for a long time.


Cossel nodded.

Then, he reminded: "This green light is not simple. The flames on your body seem to be able to isolate and immunize most of the attacks and damages, and the speed is extremely fast. You..."

The words are not finished.

He couldn't continue talking, because the thin monkey Sester didn't listen at all, and had already rushed over with a stick.


Kessel was speechless for a while.

At this time, an ultimate yellow light came in front of the mechanical superman Kessel, raised his hand and sent out a wave of fear.


Kessel swung the warhammer and easily smashed the beam of light, but he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

so easy!

The strength of the opponent is not low, and the opponent is still himself, it is impossible to use useless false moves...

Could it be...

What's so special about this move?

When Kessel was full of doubts, for some reason, the scene when he was reduced to the mechanical planet and was seriously injured and dying suddenly flashed in his mind.

at the same time.

An emotion called fear was quietly being born from Kessel, and was instantly swallowed up and absorbed by that ultimate yellow light.

"Good taste!"

The ultimate yellow light showed a scheming smile, while comfortably absorbing Kessel's power of fear, he approached cautiously.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "It's unexpected that this guy covered in iron bumps will have such a delicious power of fear!"

But for all this before him, Kessel was completely unaware.

He just stood there blankly, as if he had fallen into some kind of illusion, his eyes frightened, and he froze.

"grown ups!"

The boys next to him noticed something was wrong with the mechanical superman, so they all rushed over in exclamation, trying to stop the ultimate yellow light from approaching.


They are too slow.

Before they rushed over, the ultimate yellow shot out several yellow light waves, which directly penetrated their heads.

But just when he finally came in front of the mechanical superman and was about to kill Kessel completely.

Kessel moved abruptly.

And when he raised his hand, a lightning hammer hit the ultimate yellow light. If he hadn't flashed so fast, if the hammer hit the ground, he might be seriously injured if he didn't die.


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