The Storm God

Chapter 3687 Information! (Please subscribe!)

"How can it be?"

The Ultimate Yellow Lantern had an unbelievable expression on his face, and there was still a deep sense of fear in his eyes. If he had been a little careless just now, he might have been completely ruined by now.


What's the matter with this guy?

He is obviously still under the influence of the light of fear, trapped in the memory of fear and unable to extricate himself, how does his body act, even fight back?

This unscientific!


And the mechanical superman didn't talk nonsense with him.

When he missed the hammer, he swung the warhammer again and rushed towards him, aggressively, as if he would never give up until he was hammered to death.


The mechanical superman now is obviously a little different from before. For example, his attacking movements look very weird, and it feels...

It's like a walking dead, completely lacking in agility before, giving people a very stiff and mechanical feeling...


Mechanical feeling?

Thinking of this, the ultimate yellow light suddenly froze, followed by a flash of inspiration in his mind, and then widened his eyes, observing carefully while dodging the opponent's attack.


The ultimate yellow light suddenly realized: "So that's the case. I said that this guy is clearly under my fear light, how could he still be able to act? It turns out that everything is controlled by the mechanical intelligence in his body..."

If it was a real mechanical superman, he might be very afraid.

After all, the opponent's strength lies there, and if he is tough with the opponent, this ultimate yellow light thinks he is not Kessel's opponent.


If it is not Kessel who controls this body, but just an intelligent program, then the situation is different.


"It's a bluff, and you want to make a comeback?"

"Are you kidding me!"


The ultimate yellow light laughed.

His eyes were full of disdain, he dodged the mechanical superman's movements, and he was obviously more relaxed, because he started to fight back.

After all, those controlled by intelligent programs are like puppets. Although the power of the walking dead is very strong, it is still terrifying and quite threatening, but overall, it is still not as good as the real one.


It is relatively easy to deal with the ultimate yellow light.

At least the two sides are almost at the same level, which gave him great confidence.

Especially when he saw that his attack could obviously cause damage to the mechanical superman, his confidence in the ultimate yellow light suddenly increased.


It was too early for him to be happy.

You know, this is not the battlefield of the two of them, besides them, there are countless fighters around.

Those who have their own people also have enemies.

Needless to say, his own people would naturally not attack this ultimate yellow light, but the enemy is different.

Especially the relationship with the mechanical superman Kessel is relatively good. Seeing that Kessel seems to have fallen into a strange state, the current attack is completely controlled by the intelligent program, and he is at a disadvantage.

It is very likely to suffer if it continues, many people immediately abandon their opponents and want to rush over to help rescue.

Although the other Kruga star fighters around had tried their best to stop them, some of them still broke through the difficulties and came here.

One of them, in particular, is a general-level existence at the same level as Thin Monkey Sester, and one of the four leaders of the third wave of invasion attacks.

This man is wearing a strange style of metal armor, holding an extremely exaggerated super big knife, and his fighting power is extremely powerful and terrifying.

But anyone who stood in front of him had almost no room for a turn, and no means could stop his terrifying sword slashing.

Whether it is the biological mecha of the octopus civilization or the emotional power of the colored lamp warrior, in front of this terrifying sword, everything is like paper, and it will be broken when it is cut!

This burly man, like a god of killing, was invincible, rampaging all the way, and killed the mechanical superman without any effort.

Such a terrifying combat power immediately made the ultimate yellow light feel tremendous pressure.

As a last resort, he could only take the risk.


It's too late.

Even though he had completely given up his defense, planned to trade his life for his life, and thoroughly understood the mechanical superman, the burly man still stopped him reluctantly with a terrifying speed beyond imagination.


The terrifying sword went down.

The weapon transformed by the emotional power of fear instantly shattered like glass, and even himself was divided into two, completely turning into a corpse.

And until now.

Only then did the ultimate yellow light discover that this burly and strong man's terrifying broadsword had an incomparably mysterious and profound special magic circle on the blade, which would form an extremely terrifying and sharp destructive power when attacking.

And in front of this power, as long as the degree of discipline and strength is not as good as it, no matter what kind of power it is, they are all younger brothers!


He found out too late.

And everyone is his own life.


Although the ultimate yellow light was sacrificed, the yellow light ring in his hand was not cut into pieces along with it.

after all.

This is a yellow light, not a red light.

The fatal injury of the host, the yellow light cannot be effectively avoided and repaired, without destroying the ring itself.


It also gave the special program inside the yellow light a chance to upload all the memories and data of the host to the shared cloud server of the Hongmeng Dark System when the host died.

That is.

The ultimate yellow light's sacrifice was not without merit.

At the very least, he obtained crucial intelligence information for the rest of his compatriots, and avoided more people, like him, from suffering heavy casualties due to insufficient intelligence.

Not only that.

The accusation of Mechanical Superman also illustrates one thing.

Although these generals of Apocalypse are very strong, they seem to be not very strong in terms of spirit and will.


It is impossible for an existence as strong as Mechanical Superman to be affected by the fearful light of the ultimate yellow light so easily.

The same kind of intelligence information has greatly helped other fighters, and he is also a yellow light fighter who is good at the power of fear.

no way.

The power of the will of the green light focuses on all aspects, but it cannot control the mind alone; the role of the red light is mainly manifested in strength and special physique.

The blue light is the exclusive buff enhancer of the green light. Its own combat power is very weak, and it loses the pure auxiliary type.

As for the purple lamp...


These female warriors may be very strong against other people, but in front of the enemies of the Apocalypse, they were restrained to death.

Because their main ability is love. All abilities are derived from this premise.

The problem is that the Apocalypse thugs have no love at all!

Isn't this playing the piano to the cow!


information obtained.

For other fighters, the help is really limited. At most, knowing the abilities of individual enemies makes it easier to defend.

To say that the biggest effect is undoubtedly the yellow light.

After all, their ability is fear, which can affect the enemy's mind to a certain extent and draw strength.

Before obtaining the corresponding information, they didn't know who among the enemies of Apocalypse had a weaker mental will, so they didn't use this ability on a large scale.

More of it is like a green light, turning the power of emotion into various weapons to face the enemy head-on.

Now that I know it, the attack method has naturally become more flexible. Almost all the yellow lights have given up on their current opponents and turned to look for those guys who have undergone special mechanical transformation, followed by a wave of fear. past.


The effect is really awesome.

Among the ten, almost nine are as analyzed in the intelligence data. This type of enemy really does not have enough mental will, and the ability of the yellow light can easily affect the opponent.

Although the remaining people have certain resistance, they will be affected to some extent, thus weakening their combat effectiveness a lot.

In short.

The battlefield performance of the Yellow Lantern Warriors has been greatly improved in an instant, and the defensive pressure on Keruga Star has been greatly relieved immediately.


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