The Storm God

Chapter 3689 Will of hope! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

"What's going on with that guy? He's so fierce. There's no one who can stop him. Go up to the red light first!"

"Others be careful!"


The commander is in a hurry.

Seeing that the Yellow Lantern Warrior, who was able to play a major role, was hacked and wounded by a burly man, he felt extremely anxious.

However, the opponent's strength is strong, the artifact is sharp, and there is almost no room for a round. In desperation, the commander can only let the red light save the field.

after all……

Relatively speaking.

Red Lantern's recovery ability and strength are relatively strong, and no one is more suitable than him.


That's not to say that red lights aren't dangerous.

In fact, no matter which Lanternman it is, it is not enough to see Wilders, the Lord of Destruction.

Because the gap between the two sides is too great.

It doesn't matter who comes, it will only be cut off. The difference is that the Red Lantern has a stronger recovery than other Lanterns.

As long as the ring is not destroyed, even if the heart is destroyed, you can remain undead and continue fighting.

The Green Lantern who has been boosted by the blue light can still deal with the enemy if he cooperates with the assistance from the side to contain the enemy.


This is not a long-term solution.

You must think of a countermeasure, otherwise you will lose if you defend for a long time, and this is the third wave of the enemy's attack. I don't know how many more perverted guys are waiting for it.

Among other things, just a Dakseid is not easy to mess with.

The key point is that there are really no generals available on the Kruga star, and almost all of them have been taken away by Sinestro.

To this.

The commander was also very helpless.

For the sake of the overall situation, he could only contact Sinestro again, gave a brief overview of the situation here, and asked, "My lord, how long will it be over on your side?"

It means that our side is about to be overwhelmed.


Sinestro was also speechless.

He scanned the situation in the barrier with his eyes. Although the current black lamp is very cooperative, Kalibak and others are quite tenacious and terrifying under the trap of beasts.

It may take some time to completely solve them.

But the Kruga star outside really can't last too long. If there is no way to solve it, the consequences will be disastrous.

At this moment.

Sinestro suddenly had a flash of inspiration, a flash of wit flashed in his heart, and secretly said: "By the way, I have heard from my husband that in other worlds, there is a method of fusion. After the two are fused, the strength can be raised to an unimaginable level. to the point..."

next moment.

He quickly used the authority granted by the ring to start searching in the secret database of the Hongmeng Dark System.


Sinestro found a way to fit together.

He was immediately overjoyed, and after taking a quick look at it, he sent it directly to his confidant commander.


The commander is very puzzled by the boss's tricks, my lord, I was thinking of you for help, but you gave me a cheat book?

What do you mean?

Let me practice on the spot and smash the enemy?

You think highly of me too, don't you?


Doubts are doubts.

The commander quickly opened the cheat book, and was immediately attracted by the contents inside.

at the same time……

He is not stupid either.

Get got what Sinestro meant almost immediately, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said excitedly, "So that's it!"


The commander was excited.

Xin said: "If this fusion method is really as miraculous as it is said, then even if our current predicament cannot be completely solved, it can be delayed for some time."

follow closely.

He dare not have any negligence.

Quickly through the contact channel, some people who usually cooperate tacitly and have a very congenial temper called over.

"Master Nicholas!"

More than a dozen Lantern Warriors came to the headquarters and looked at the excited commander, all of them expressed their doubts.

Shouldn't it be burning eyebrows now?

Why is he like this...


Commander Nicholas didn't care about everyone's thoughts, looked at the dozen or so lantern men in front of him, and quickly explained: "Now I have a task for you..."

After a while.

Everyone finally understood what the commander meant.


For the legendary fit, everyone obviously doesn't believe it, and they don't look confident.

After all, this thing is too fantasy.

But there is one thing they do very well, that is, they will faithfully implement the orders of their superiors even if they have doubts.

So, in this special room, a dozen or so Lanterns soon began to practice together.

According to the description of the law of fit, first adjust the energy breath between each other to reach an almost identical frequency and level...


Start doing those special fusion moves.

In the end, the two of them docked with each other like people in a mirror, and their spirits and spirits must be perfectly blended at this moment, otherwise, if there is any slightest mistake, it will affect the effect of the fusion.

It is inevitable that there will be some mistakes of one kind or another when you are just learning and practicing, and these Lantern Heroes are no exception.


In the room, a group of obese or weak people who had successfully completed the fit soon appeared.

And this scene.

It also greatly stimulated other people who have not yet completed the fit. They just said they didn't believe it, but now they are frightened.

"Oh My God!"

"According to those shameful movements, it can really fit together? But what the hell are these fat and thin people?"

"The product of fusion failure?"


Everyone was shocked.

Commander Nicholas frowned, quite annoyed.


Once the fit is completed, regardless of whether it is successful or perfect, it will last for a certain period of time, usually about 30 minutes.

If the power of the trick used is too powerful, it will shorten the fusion time.

In the current situation, it is impossible for these imperfectly integrated guys to use excessive energy-consuming tricks, because that is simply unrealistic.

That is.

They can only wait for about 30 minutes before letting them combine for the second time, but what they lack most now is time.

However, the current strength of these fused individuals who have made mistakes is not even as good as the original single body...

This is very annoying!


In the following training, he demanded more stringently.

The movements of the two sides must be trained to be completely consistent before they can try to fuse together, otherwise, if the remaining ten people make mistakes again, it will be cheating.

At this moment, the fighting situation outside has become extremely bad.

Wildas, the Lord of Destruction, is like a humanoid tyrannosaurus. Wherever he goes, he will almost completely destroy the defense force of Kruga Star, causing heavy casualties.

Coupled with the cooperation of other Apocalypse fighters, it put a lot of pressure on the people on Keruga.

However, at this moment, Commander Nicholas can no longer control so much, and fusion is his only hope.

The Lantern Heroes who received the training also felt the pressure, and their hearts were extremely heavy. At the same time, the training became more serious and hard.

that's all.

About ten minutes or so.


Two people felt that they should be able to do it, so they both raised their hands, expressing their desire to try fusion.

Commander Nicholas nodded and agreed: "Then try it, I hope you two can be a successful example!"


The two started a "dancing dance".

After a slightly shameful symmetrical movement, when the two men bent their waists and their hands touched each other in perfect symmetry, an unprecedented bright and dazzling light instantly enveloped the entire room.

See this scene.

Commander Nicholas was so excited that he almost jumped up. His intuition told himself that it was absolutely stable this time.

as expected.

The next moment, when the dazzling light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer the original two Lantern Heroes, but a strange super soldier wearing a special blue and two-color mixed battle suit, who looked extremely unknown.


It is the first color lamp warrior in the history of the DC universe who successfully fit perfectly. Commander Nicholas called it——

The will of hope!


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