The Storm God

Chapter 3690 The combined Lanternman debuts! (Please subscribe!)

"It's done!"

Commander Nicholas was overjoyed immediately.

Looking at this strange figure in front of him, it is obviously different from the previous combined image, and its momentum and aura are unprecedentedly terrifying and powerful, even more terrifying than the most advanced final lamp.

He could be sure right away that it was really a success this time.


The one who answered was the warrior after the fusion. His voice seemed to have special sound effects turned on, giving people a sense of electric sound.

The tone and attitude are completely different from the previous two, but a brand new personality formed by combining the characteristics of the two.

This made Commander Nicholas feel strange and familiar at the same time. At the same time, he also sighed that there is no problem with the cheat book of the art of fusion.

Immediately confidence increased.

And the others, after feeling the power of this successful fusion, immediately dispelled all doubts and became more determined and eager.

If they can, we must be fine too!

Come on, Ollie!


Regardless of how hard the rest of the people tried to train the fusion technique, the commander Nicholas here directly invited the fusion fighter who claimed to be Augustus aside.

The name Augustus sounds like a combination of the two names of Otko and Giligus.

To this.

The commander didn't care.

What he values ​​more now is whether the strength of this combined fighter can play an important role in the current battlefield that is extremely unfavorable to his side.

"O... Gus, huh?"

Nicholas patted the combined soldier's shoulder, and said: "It's up to you now, go ahead and buy more time for everyone. Whether or not Keruga can be kept depends on your ability!"


Augustus nodded heavily.

His personality is obviously the type that is not very good at talking, which just corresponds to the two people before the fit.

It may be because the two introverted people became more introverted after meeting, so Augustus looked very calm and mature, giving people a sense of confidence.

No nonsense or hesitation.

After receiving the order, the combined soldier of the blue light and the green light immediately flew away from the headquarters and went into battle.


Because of his sudden appearance, the entire battlefield seemed to be thrown into a boulder, which immediately caused an uproar.

The root cause of all this is that Augustus attacked and killed more than a dozen elite soldiers of Apocalypse with a sweeping momentum when he came up.


Augustus's powerful strength and outstanding performance immediately attracted the attention of the mechanical superman Kessel, the Lord of Destruction Wilders, the skinny monkey Sester, and several other super warriors.

They all looked sideways, their eyes full of excitement and excitement, their expressions seemed to say that finally there was an opponent who could interest me.


Almost all of these people rushed towards August at the same time, obviously wanting to solve this trouble with their own hands.

after all.

This is a great achievement.

Among them, the closest one is a female warrior, holding a metal spear, heroic and sturdy.

But it's a pity.

Even though she is the closest, her speed is not the fastest.

A well-mannered man with technological equipment on his body, somewhat similar to a tech geek, came from behind and was the first to meet Augustus at an incredible speed.

"A very special type of Lantern Man!"

The tech-nerd man looked at Augustus, almost glowing, as if he had discovered a treasure, full of greed and desire: "You are mine!"


It was just a bombardment.

This cannon is not simple. The rolling and thick particle cannon is packed with indescribable and terrifying power. It is almost indestructible, and there are not many things that can stop its destruction.


When it ran into Augustus, it completely overturned.

I saw Augustus clenched his fists tightly, and his left and right hands lit up with bright blue and green lights respectively, and then he bombarded the incoming particle cannon, as if it was not a cannonball, but just a stream of water or something Yes, he didn't seem to take it to heart at all.

The most important thing is that he actually succeeded.

The particle cannon, which was invincible in the past, is now in front of Augustus, just like a child playing with a water gun.

It was easily smashed by Augustus with a punch.


Nothing happened to Augustus.

It's as if what was shattered just now wasn't some terrible attack, but just an insignificant small stream of water.

"This is impossible!"

The tech geek's eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief: "My particle cannon is super destructive, how could he just empty-handed..."


Don't wait for him to talk.

The man felt his eyes go dark, and then there was an extra figure, it was Augustus who suddenly appeared.

"Come and not reciprocate!"

"Please give me a trick too!"


The bright green light suddenly condensed.

In the dazzling green light, there is also a beam of emotional power as thick as a blue arm, which instantly pierced through the layers of armor defenses of the tech nerd, and finally connected them together.

The aftermath even almost affected the female general of the Apocalypse Star who was the closest, and its terrifying power can be seen.

Seeing this scene, the female warrior immediately stopped moving, her face full of shock and disbelief.

Not just her.

The Mechanical Superman, Thin Monkey, and Lord of Destruction are almost all the same. The sudden fall of the tech nerd is incredible!

after all……

That's a super warrior.

Although the main combat power of the tech house is almost exerted with the help of technological equipment, its defense power is not low at all.

Even in some respects, the defensive effect produced by the energy shield of the tech house is far superior to that of other experts.


Such a great general died suddenly on the body of an unknown Lantern Man. It was like an elephant being knocked down by ants suddenly, which made them jealous, shocked and unbelievable.


For your own safety.

The mechanical superman Kessel and the others immediately stepped on the brakes, lest the next unlucky person would be their turn.

They all showed dignified and alert expressions.

And Augustus...


He didn't care about these people.

Seeing that everyone was afraid to come forward to trouble him, he himself didn't bother to find each other, but turned around and killed the others directly.

You know, his compatriots are still fighting bloody battles, and the situation is not good for Keruga!

Now that Augustus is born, his strength is so strong that the mechanical superman is afraid. Naturally, he wants to make good use of his advantages and try to make up for the disadvantages on the battlefield.

And with his strong shot, Apocalypse's offensive was effectively suppressed in an instant, and at the same time, many comrades who were about to be unable to persist, instantly ignited hope again.


Regarding this strange Lantern Man, everyone was very puzzled: "Who is this person? Why does it look so strange, but it gives people a very familiar feeling?"

"Could it be Master Sinestro's hidden trump card?"

"This man is so strong!"


Everyone was shocked by it.

The people on Apocalypse also quickly reacted. After realizing Augustus's intentions, the mechanical superman and the others immediately wanted to stop it.

But at this moment.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Suddenly, several completely unfamiliar figures reappeared on the battlefield. Their outfits are almost similar to those of Augustus, the only difference is that the outfits and colors on their bodies are slightly different.

Some are yellow and red, while others are red and green, and there are even yellow and green color lamp fighters among them.

Of course.

No matter how they dress up, these people all have one thing in common, that is, they don't know what is going on, and they are extremely powerful.

no doubt.

These people who have just rushed into the battlefield are naturally the newly released combined colored lamp warriors after Augustus.


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