The Storm God

Chapter 3691 The fourth wave of attack! (Please subscribe!)

"those people……"

With the appearance of all the combined color lamp fighters, the mechanical superman Kessel and others were all shocked.

Not only them, but even the defensive armed force personnel on Star Kruga were stunned.

after all……

The Fusion Lantern is very strange.

Except for Commander Nicholas and others, no one outside knew their true origins.


It doesn't matter what the origin is.

The key is that these people just need to be colored light fighters, and it seems that they are here to help Keruga, which makes the fighters of Keruga very excited.

on the contrary.

Apocalypse is very depressed.

Even feeling the pressure, especially after fighting the Fusion Lantern Man, each of them was even more upset.


They sadly discovered that the strength of these guys was not weaker than themselves, and they were even higher than themselves and others.

Also, Wilders, the Lord of Destruction, can still deal with the enemy with the help of the divine weapon of the terrifying sword.

For other people, almost all of them are at a disadvantage.

This is not only because of the strength of the opponent, but also because of the ability of the opponent. Compared with the light-colored Lantern Man, the ability of the Fusion Lantern Man is undoubtedly more strange and powerful.

For example, the Lantern Man of the blue-green combination can be self-sufficient, and his combat power can almost always be in the buff state of the increase. Not to mention the fierce batch, the key emotional power can also be transformed into various types of weapons, which is simply amazing. People are hard to defend against.

Besides, the combination of yellow and red lights, although he is not as good as the combination of green and blue, he can milk himself, but he can absorb the emotional power (fear) around him, and even his own anger can be used.

at first.

Yellow light red may not be very strong.

But as time goes by, his strength will become stronger and stronger, growing with almost no upper limit...

Who can withstand this shit?


The yellow-green combo is also terrible.

The combination of fear and will forms an alternative extreme shortness. The stronger the will, the better the performance; at the same time, it can absorb the power of fear and control the fear that affects the enemy...

Relatively speaking.

Such an existence is undoubtedly more troublesome and terrifying to some people with relatively low resistance to mental will.

In short.

The appearance of the Fusion Lantern Man reversed the situation of the battle almost immediately, causing Apocalypse to suffer heavy losses.

Even the generals like Mechanical Superman did not achieve good results. On the contrary, some of them were beaten and almost died.

"Damn it!"

"Where did these strange lantern men come from?"

"I've never heard of it before!"


The thin monkey Sester was extremely depressed.

In the past, he was full of vigor and high spirits. He often attacked and killed the Lantern Heroes of Keruga Star, and he felt very refreshed.

And now...

But he was completely crushed by a yellow and red Lantern Man.

This made Thin Monkey Sester almost explode.


There was nothing he could do.

Although the yellow and red Lantern Man couldn't absorb his power of fear, he was no match for the opponent at all.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the strength of the yellow and red combined Lantern Man became stronger and stronger, and within a short moment, the opponent had already had a tendency to completely crush him.

Seeing that his metal technology stick was slightly bent by the opponent's fist, Sister the Thin Monkey felt very distressed.

To know.

This is the weapon of his life that he spent countless efforts to build, and it is usually precious.

I didn't expect it, but at this moment, I was hammered like this.

It just doesn't make sense!


He is not alone.

The mechanical superman Kessel on the other side also felt uncomfortable.

Kessel's enemy was the yellow-green Lantern Man. During the battle, most of the opponents used the Green Lantern's power of will as their main means of attack.

Only in rare cases will the power of fear of the yellow light be used.

after all.

Yellow lights beat green lights.

Even if they are combined, the two forces form a perfect unified combination, but they cannot exist and be used at the same time.

Just like ice and fire can co-exist in the same space, but they cannot appear at the same time and produce the same effect.

But even so, it is extremely troublesome for the mechanical superman, because after the fusion, the strength of Lantern Man has been doubled.

Even if it is only a single attribute power, it is definitely enough to pose a threat to the mechanical superman, not to mention the cross use of two kinds of power.

The key point is that the fear power of the yellow light also has a strong influence and restraint on him, which makes the mechanical superman fall into an extremely passive situation, which is extremely painful.

it's not...

It didn't take a while.

The mechanical superman Kessel, who was majestic and majestic just now, was hammered into a beggar by the yellow-green Lantern Man, and the mechanical armor on his body was almost completely destroyed.

Even some of the parts exposed the sparking circuits, as well as part of the internal organs and tissue structure.

so on.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the mechanical superman Kessel will be completely killed by the yellow-green Lantern Man.

And this time.

Wilders, the Lord of Destruction, has no time to rescue Kessel, because even he himself is in a bitter fight.

The enemy he was fighting with was the yellow and red Lantern Man of Kruga, and the blood sword transformed into in his hand was also a top-level artifact, which could be used to toughen Vidas' terrifying sword without losing the wind.

at the same time……

As his rage rises, his power continues to explode. On the other hand, Wilders, the Lord of Destruction, was somewhat powerless, and his consumption was increasing.

One ebb and flow forms a very obvious contrast.

Naturally, the latter fell into a passive position. Although they were not beaten all the way, they were more attacked and less attacked.

Wilders was preoccupied with himself, so naturally he had no time to care about other things.


The other generals also received intensive care, and almost each of them had a fitted lantern man, which made it difficult for them to escape.

at the same time.

As for Kruga, a large number of mechanical soldiers, such as sentinel hunters, were also excluded.


Commander Nicholas didn't want to use these hole cards so early, but the current situation is very bad.

He had no choice but to use it in advance.

After all, the defensive front has suffered heavy losses, and now they must find a way to stabilize the situation, otherwise there may be no future at all.

And with the appearance of a large number of mechanical corps fighters, the pressure on the color lamp fighters has also been reduced a lot in an instant.

To know.

The strongest aspect of Apocalypse is that it has many younger brothers.

And almost all of them are not afraid of life and death. After all, they are some guys who have been brainwashed and transformed. They will only faithfully execute the orders of the superiors, and don't think about what will happen to themselves.

Most of the guards on the Keluga star are living people. Even if they are determined, they will inevitably have some emotions, such as fear, irritability, and despair...

These emotions will also affect the display of strength to a certain extent.

The mechanical corps doesn't have these weaknesses at all, and the key point is that their abilities are definitely not weak.

Even if he can't deal with those super generals, it is no problem to deal with some ordinary Apocalypse fighters, even elite-level masters.

Coupled with the auxiliary help of the color lamp fighters and other guards, it may not be impossible to hold the front and delay for a longer time.


The premise is that the situation on the scene is like this, and there will be no major changes, but the question is, will things really develop like this?

The answer is of course no!

after all……

Apocalypse is no idiot.

The attackers like Mechanical Superman are just the vanguard of Apocalypse. At this moment, seeing that the vanguard has encountered a strong enemy and is powerless, Apocalypse will naturally not stand by and remain indifferent.


They launched a fourth wave of attacks.


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