The Storm God

Chapter 3692 Reinforcement! (Please subscribe!)

Apocalypse's fourth wave of attacks was larger and more terrifying than the third wave, perhaps because of the powerful strength shown by Keluga, Darkseid also realized the seriousness.

In short.

The army came in mighty force.

The situation on Kruga Star, which had just improved, suddenly became tense and uneasy.

after all……

The Fusion Lantern is not permanent.

Their combined time is only about 30 minutes, and as more and more power is used, the time will only decrease.

Once the time limit is exceeded, it will revert to two people.


It will take an hour of recovery before they can be combined again and become a more powerful combined Lantern Man.

This is undoubtedly a disadvantage for Kruga Star.

not to mention.

Even if there is no time limit, in terms of quantity, Kruga Star is still quite inferior. On the other hand, Apocalypse is like a cloud of masters, with countless layers, and it seems that they are almost out of the nest.

Who can stand this?

To know.

The strongest Dark Lord Darkseid still didn't make a move.

If this big guy had done it himself, it is estimated that he would be able to beat many masters by himself.

So far.

Nicholas, the commander of Kruga, suddenly felt a deep sense of despair for Alexander.


Considering that there is Lord Sinestro behind him, and Mr. Bai as a backer, Commander Nicholas still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He firmly believed that the final victory would be his side.

"Everyone, don't be afraid!"

"Keep working hard and persevering, we will definitely win!"

"All enemies are paper tigers!"


Nicholas yelled.

Believe it or not, he certainly believed in it.


And the other side.

Within the barrier, the battle between Sinestro and Calibak has come to an end.

This time, the Black Lantern Legion did not break their promise.

Perhaps considering the power and terror of Apocalypse, Scarface was very cooperative with Sinestro's request.

No sign of any reverse water.


Even so, Sinestro was still prepared, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.


Kalibak and the others were all executed, and only a handful of people were still stubbornly resisting, sitting and dying.

Just like Kalibak.

To this.

Sinestro was also very helpless, because the strength of the opponent was there, even if it was him, he couldn't easily defeat it.

After all, that is Darkseid's own son!

Fortunately, there are not many people left on Kalibak's side, and it has not had much impact on the overall battle situation.

Therefore, Sinestro made a decision to leave some people to continue fighting with it, and at the same time release some people to help the Kruga star defense line outside against the large forces of Apocalypse.

To know.

Commander Nicholas has reported the situation outside more than once, and Sinestro is also very clear that the situation outside is not optimistic.

Even if there is a method of combination, it is the same.

Because, the fighters outside are the most powerful, they are only high-level final lights, similar to the existence of top-level final lights, and the number is very small.

On the other hand, there are many experts on Apocalypse. If reinforcements are not made in time, God knows what will happen to Kruga.

As for the threat of the Black Lantern Corps?


It's not that Sinestro didn't think about it, but he was already prepared, just like the mechanical corps outside...

Moreover, the masters who died in the battle of the Apocalypse in the enchantment, as long as the bodies were preserved intact, were also promised by Sinestro to give scar faces, and I believe that the other party should restrain themselves.

If the other party is too greedy and wants to make trouble, then Sinestro may have to use the last resort.


Scarface knows the times.

She seemed to have anticipated Sinestro's defense, and seeing that the battle in the barrier was about to end, she immediately stated that she would not continue to intervene in the battle between Kruga and Apocalypse.


Sinestro was noncommittal, and said in a deep voice: "I owe you a favor this time. After this battle, we are still enemies, but within the rules, I can help you once."


Scarface also agreed with this statement.

Afterwards, Sinestro opened some of the entrances and exits of the enchantment, allowing quite a few soldiers to leave the enchantment and go to strengthen the defense line of Koruga.

As for the Scarface and other Black Lantern Legion, Sinestro doesn't need to take care of it, because the other party has its own way and method to leave this enchantment.

In short.

This cooperation, the two sides are quite happy.

But to say that the ones who benefit the most are undoubtedly the Black Lantern Legion. Whether it is the power of emotion or the general of the dead, they have gained a lot.

The key also got a favor from Sinestro.

That's a lot of money!


Sinestro isn't bad either.

As far as the result of this battle is concerned, Sinestro's side didn't lose much, and the vast majority of those who died were Kalibak's people.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sinestro was quite successful in this catch-in-the-urn plan.

But for the overall situation, he failed.


All of this is Darkseid's calculation. Sinestro and Keruga Star are all in the opponent's plan.

Fortunately, Sinestro's confidants are strong enough, and he just relied on limited forces to deal with the army of Apocalypse for so long.

Although many soldiers still died, the invaders from Apocalypse did not end well.

They also suffered heavy losses.


Whether the other party feels distressed or not is another matter.

Anyway, Sinestro was very remorseful and guilty, and then poured all his anger on Calibak and the others who were still dying.

"Catch me alive!"

Sinestro ordered: "Perhaps at a critical moment, we can still use this guy as a bargaining chip!"

After all, this is Darkseid's own son.

Status is different.


The Lantern Heroes and warriors of the enchantment responded one after another.

Then they rushed towards Kalibak like a swarm, and the latter was submerged almost instantly.


outside world.

Koruga star line of defense.

With the launch of the fourth wave of Apocalypse's offensive, Kruga immediately fell into a situation of extreme passiveness and being beaten.

The losses were severe.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even the Fusion Lantern Man suffered several casualties, which shows how fierce the attack was this time.

If Commander Nicholas hadn't adopted a reasonable distribution model, dividing the combined Lantern Heroes into several groups and taking turns to fight, each of them would have enough recovery time to resist tenaciously.

With their numbers and quality, I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it long ago.


No way is no way.

In the face of absolute force, it is useless to play tricks, at most it is just a little delay.


The defense line of Keruga star was completely collapsed.

The soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and the battle line fell apart. Countless Apocalypse warships and elite fighters, like locusts, densely covered the entire sky.

The darkness is like a terrifying giant beast, which is gradually devouring the light and hope of Kruga Star.

And in this darkest hour.


A group of familiar figures suddenly appeared out of thin air, followed by resolutely killing the Apocalypse army in the sky.

"Sorry, we're late!"

Mog's voice was full of apology.

At the same time, his attack was really blunt. The terrifying power of will, under the magnification and enhancement of Lantern Walker, turned into a more terrifying force, like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves, instantly slaughtered a large number of Apocalypse warriors .

And a similar scene also appeared in other star domains of the Keluga star defense line at the same time, and there was an unprecedented burst of cheers.

They are back!

Hahaha, now we are saved!


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