The Storm God

Chapter 3693 Fallen! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the sudden appearance of so many Lantern Warriors, Apocalypse was a little dazed and unbelievable.

This is different from the plan.

Damn it!

Could it be that Calibak and the others failed? Otherwise, how could these top masters come back early?

Something must be wrong!


They found out.

Among these Lanterns, apart from some more familiar and powerful characters, there is no Sinestro, the most critical leader.

Some people analyzed and speculated that Sinesto must still be fighting Calibak, these people were just Sinesto had to release in order to protect the Koruga star.

after all.

The current Kruga star defense line has almost completely collapsed. If there is no reinforcement, Kruga star will completely fall.

Comparing your heart to your heart, if you were yourself, you would do the same. Just doing it now, what's the point?

To know.

The army on Apocalypse is twice that of Keruga.

So what if these top experts return at this time? Facing the powerful advantages of Apocalypse, failure is almost inevitable.

When they come back at this moment, it is equivalent to sending them to death!

It turns out.

These people's guesses are not too far off.

The situation on Kruga has not improved significantly because of the return of Moge and others.


Apocalypse also continued to invest more troops.

Perhaps Dakseid also realized that something was wrong and wanted a quick fix.

In short.

Apocalypse's fifth wave of attack followed closely the footsteps of the fourth wave, overwhelmingly crushing it.

Moreover, this wave of attacks is almost the last wave of Apocalypse, because Darkseid is also among them.


After the previous waves of offensives, Apocalypse seems to have figured out the true strength and level of Keruga.

This is no longer intending to ink with the other party.


I saw Dakseid standing proudly above countless people, like a peerless emperor, uttering an order coldly.

next moment.

The Apocalypse army launched a devastating attack.

Whether it is a relatively ordinary fighter or a top super expert, at this moment, they all moved.

The countless Apocalypse army like a tide covered almost the entire space of Kruga's star field, and then attacked in an all-round way, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

Even though Mog and the others are strong enough to sweep and crush some enemies, there are too many fighters on Apocalypse.

So what if they can kill a large group?

These guys are like an endless swarm of ants. As soon as one piece is wiped out, a bigger one will spring up...

It's endless!

not to mention……

There are also some of them, whose strength is not weaker than theirs at all, but if they are blocked even a little bit, they will be overwhelmed by countless fighters around them, and then they will fall into bitter fighting and coping, unable to organize an effective alliance at all. defense.


At this time, Nicholas of the headquarters decisively issued an order for the large formation of ground air defense artillery on Kruga.

All of a sudden, countless flames, particles, and even cannonballs poured out like a violent storm, shot from the ground to the sky in a turbulent manner, and then exploded one after another, killing an unknown number of enemies.

But even so, there are still quite a few soldiers from Apocalypse, who resisted the artillery fire and gradually landed on Kruga, and ruthlessly destroyed the ground.

The ground of Star Kruga fell into chaos in an instant.

A large number of buildings were destroyed, innocent people were affected, and casualties continued to increase. Even though the soldiers of the mechanical corps had rushed to the scene of the incident with the fastest speed and tried their best to attack the landing enemies, they still couldn't stop the chaos from spreading.

after all……

They are still too few in number.

Keruga is not an ordinary planet. Its volume is many times larger than that of the earth. Such a planet cannot be defended by millions of mechanical soldiers and some lantern men.

What's more, there is still a considerable part of the troops who have to deal with more enemies of the Apocalypse Star in the star field above.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and more dangerous, Commander Nicholas decisively opened the wartime emergency transfer record after obtaining the consent of Lord Sinestro.


Immediately, bright prototype magic space gates appeared all over the world of Kruga.

On the other side of the door, it leads directly to other dimensions.

There is the safe transfer world that Bai Xiaofei specially opened for Keruga Star, a super planet more than ten times bigger than Keruga Star.

at the same time.

On this super planet.

There is also a certain amount of troops, but their main duty is not to fight, but to help maintain order.

And protect the safety of these transferred personnel.

after all……

War, no one can say for sure.

In the process of fleeing and transferring, it is inevitable that they will be chased by the enemy. The soldiers on the super planet are mainly responsible for dealing with these guys.

Of course.

Planning is good, but it is not a panacea.

For example, what happened on Kruga star far exceeded the expectations of Sinestro and Nicholas.

Even though there was an emergency plan, the speed of the transfer was far lower than expected, because the attack strength of Apocalypse was far above their expectations.

Countless Apocalypse fighters landed like dumplings, and then crazily destroyed everything around them. Faced with such a situation, ordinary people simply cannot resist.

Even for ground fighters, it is difficult to deal with these sudden enemies from Apocalypse. After all, the opponents are all elites, and they have mental calculations without intention. Of course, it is Kruga who suffers.

Not to mention, the casualties caused by the buildings destroyed by the soldiers of Apocalypse put a huge burden on the soldiers on the ground.

In short.

The situation is very unfavorable for Kruga.

Because the main battlefield space of the battle has basically been transferred from the outer space to the interior of the Kruga star.

Even if it's just the invasion of some fish that slipped through the net, there aren't many terrifying powerhouses coming, but it's enough to cause unpredictable damage to Star Kruga.

More critically.

The people on Apocalypse's side also planned it long ago.

Kruga has the means to transfer personnel, and Apocalypse also has the technology to summon companions.


certain corners of the world.

Some Apocalypse fighters, after sweeping away the surrounding threats, immediately began to set up some special equipment.

follow closely.

Apocalypse's signature method, the sonic boom channel, descends instantly.

And what appeared together with it was an endless army of demons. The sonic boom channel seemed to be a terrifying abyss, and a large number of "flies!" immediately gushed out of it.

Although these monsters are just ordinary guys, they can't stand the crowd, just like locusts crossing the border, just the blackness of the large area is quite deterrent.

What's more, such terrifying scenes emerged in countless regions around the world almost at the same time.

Not only that.

In some of the sonic explosion channels, some special types of demon warriors even came out.

Just like Destroyer!

Even some elite generals descended on Kruga through the sonic boom channel.


All of this had been premeditated by Apocalypse.

As long as the large army here is successful, the Apocalypse large army that is ready to go will swarm over there.

Looking from a distance, I saw the originally prosperous and bright Keluga Star, which is being quickly swallowed and annexed by horrible dark forces at this moment, like a bright sphere, gradually decaying and blackening.

Only a very small number of parts can still maintain their brilliance, but it is only a matter of time before they are assimilated and infected.


What a miracle.


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