The Storm God

Chapter 3694 Parallax magic reappears! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

"There are too many enemies, and even the sonic boom channel is used, our troops simply cannot handle it..."

"The key lies in your own territory, you can't use it!"


Many people are in a hurry.

For example, Commander Nicholas, Blue Lantern Walker, Green Lantern Mog, etc., watched Keruga Star being crazily destroyed by invaders from Apocalypse Star, causing more and more casualties. Everyone was anxious, but helpless.

after all……

Their strength is limited, and they have no time to spare. They can't do anything except deal with some enemies within their capabilities.

At this moment, everyone only hoped that Sinestro would come back as soon as possible to preside over the overall situation, because he was the person in charge of Star Kruga.


Sinestro is now fighting Kalibak inside the barrier.

Although Kalibak and the others have lost their momentum, they are still very difficult to win under the dying struggle.

And Sinestro also knew that this guy had to be taken down.


The other party has a special identity.

With this bargaining chip, they might still have hope.

And Kalibak obviously guessed Sinestro's intentions, and sneered while fighting to the death: "You want to use me to threaten Apocalypse? Haha, dream about it!"


His attacks were even more desperate.

Almost searching is a desperate style of play, even without defense at all, it is clear that it is to fight to the end.

However, the strength of this product is quite terrifying.

for a while.

Let Sinestro and the others feel helpless.

They can only surround it in groups, constantly consuming the opponent's strength, and waiting for an opportunity to suppress it in one fell swoop.

The key now is whether Kalibak is more resistant, or Keruga can hold on for a while longer.

Who can persist until the end, who is the final winner.


Koruga star.

The war was still going on, and countless Apocalypse demons, like locusts crossing the border, swarmed out of the sonic boom channel, covering almost half of the Kruga starry sky.

Although the armed forces of Star Kruga are quite good, they were caught off guard after all and were not prepared enough.

Even with the millions of mechanical corps supported by the dust star Aya, it is just a drop in the bucket in front of countless demons.

And the powerful Lantern Man had to deal with the more powerful elite fighters in the sky, so he was completely powerless to manage the battle on the ground.

Almost every second, on the ground of Kruga Star, there will be buildings destroyed, and even casualties.

The whole scene is like purgatory on earth.


The casualties on Apocalypse were not small.

After all, most of the people who came here were low-level demons, and they had almost no advantage at all in front of the fighters of Keruga.

Except for their large numbers, they really don't pose much of a threat.

That is to say, the Destroyer is still a little stressed.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Scarface had also left the barrier at some point.

After all, she has gained enough benefits, and the rest is the grievances between Keruga and Apocalypse.

It is inconvenient for the Black Lantern Corps to get involved.


The temptation here is indeed huge, but at this moment, Scarface has a bigger plan brewing in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, Darkseid of Apocalypse Star would take Keruga Star so seriously that he would personally conquer it."


"In this way, although it is not convenient for us to directly participate, without the protection of Darkseid, some ruling star fields of Apocalypse will inevitably reveal great flaws!"

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can make a good development!"

"You guys are here to fight to the end!"


After TBD note.

Scarface, who didn't want to accompany him, immediately left Kruga with his Black Lantern Legion, and turned his head to stare at certain areas ruled by Apocalypse.

As for the result, I will not mention it for the time being.

It is worth mentioning that when this war broke out, there was another person who was trying to reap the benefits of the fisherman hiding in a certain hidden corner.

He is the Parallax Demon.

That's right!

Parallax Demons have a keen sense of smell.

Almost when the army of Apocalypse just arrived, he realized that it was profitable.


Waiting for an opportunity to hide on some of the demons, and secretly collect the power of fear emanating from the planet Kruga.

To be on the safe side, he didn't dare to use too much force.

It wasn't until the outbreak of the war that countless elites of Lantern Heroes and Apocalypse began to confront each other, and the starry sky in the main film was filled with the breath of emotional power. With a natural protective color, Parallax Demon dared to greedily absorb the power of fear.

Especially when the defense line of Star Kruga was nearly collapsed, and countless demon-like armies descended on the land, causing massive damage and casualties, Parallax Demon knew that his chance had come.

He is like a greedy cancer, hiding on the purgatory-like Kruga star battlefield, frantically devouring and absorbing the power of fear emitted by people, and strengthening himself.

But on both sides of the battle, no one noticed his existence.

after all……

That's the parallax monster.

A special ultimate existence born from the possession of a lamp beast.

The only people who can sense something a little wrong are Daxede's level.


This moment.

The bosses are all paying close attention to the battle situation at the scene, who cares about him, an inconspicuous thief.

that's all.

After the Black Lantern Corps, Parallax Demon became the second most profitable person among many people.

at the same time……

The ambition of this guy is not small.

I don't know if it was because his strength increased so fast that his self-confidence was overinflated, or it was planned.

In addition to the devouring and absorbing at the beginning, the current parallax demon is actually directly targeting the central total energy of Kruga.


Same as OA star.

As the base camp of many lantern men, Kruga Star naturally has a special equipment similar to the central energy source.

After all, not everyone, like Bai Xiaofei's Lantern Man, directly obtains power from Bai Xiaofei's source.

Some of them are still the most primitive Lanterns, so they need a backup energy system to charge their rings at any time.


It simply cannot last.

And now, these energy devices have become the target of Parallax Demon, who wants to devour and absorb all the lamp energy of Star Kruga, so as to completely restore himself to his peak!


The current parallax demon is far from the peak state of the year, otherwise it would not be so sneaky, and it can swagger like Darkseid and directly descend on Kruga.

If he could devour and absorb the energy of these lamps on Kruga, maybe he could regain some of the state he had back then.

Anyway, Parallax Demon thinks so.


He obviously underestimated the defense power of Keluga Star. Even though Keluga Star has been invaded by powerful enemies, the protection of the lamp energy is still beyond imagination.

Moreover, the positions of the energy sources of these lamps are also deeply hidden. Even though the parallax magic is powerful, it took a lot of effort to finally find the correct position.

Unsurprisingly, the first source of energy that the Parallax Demon looked for was the fear power of the yellow light.

after all……

This is his original attribute.

Absorbing it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort, but at the same time, this is also one of the core treasures of Sinestro, the leader of the yellow light.

The protection of the energy source of the lamp is a tight one.

The guards are all high-level units of the mechanical corps, and the fear power of the parallax demon is almost completely useless here.

There is no other way but to be tough.


Once so.

Parallax Demon's whereabouts will inevitably be exposed, which makes him very tangled and depressed: "These damned guys, I can't think of being so cautious..."

"That's all!"

"Let's expose it. Anyway, the current Keruga star is in danger, so what if it is discovered?"

"They can't do anything to me..."


Think like this.

The parallax demon immediately gave up the entanglement, and directly shot out a yellow light of fear, and started a confrontation with the mechanical warrior guarding the energy of the yellow light.


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