The Storm God

Chapter 3695 Give me a pillow when I fall asleep! (Please subscribe!)

"not good!"

Commander Nicholas was closely watching the situation on the battlefield, but suddenly, his expression suddenly changed:

"There is danger in the energy department!"


just now.

His ring, came the alarm.

The source is the energy equipment with a yellow light, and the alarm level is not low, which means that someone is calling the attention of the total energy.

Although the total energy is not the most critical to the current battle situation, it will more or less affect the performance of the yellow light fighters.

after all……

Most of the energy of the yellow light fighters comes from the total energy of the yellow light. If the total energy of the yellow light is damaged, these fighters will also be affected at the same time.

The specific impact depends on the damage, and the most serious is the complete loss of strength.


This is limited to normal yellow lights.

Yellow light fighters like Sinestro who use the new version of the yellow light ring, whose power comes entirely from Bai Xiaofei, will not be affected by this.

But even so, this matter should not be underestimated.

Because, the total energy system of Kruga Star does not only have yellow lights, but also green lights, blue lights, and red lights.

Relatively speaking.

The number of ordinary fighters of other color lamp fighters is relatively large, if the total energy is damaged, the consequences will be disastrous.

next moment.


Nicholas' ring immediately projected everything that happened in the yellow light energy system.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a man with a tall and straight figure that looked like a stick, and he was engaged in a fierce confrontation with the guarding mechanical warriors.

The most important thing is that the power used by this person is almost the same as the energy of the Yellow Lantern Warrior!


Nicholas was stunned for a moment, unable to believe it: "The power used by that person is also the power of the yellow light..."

"But how is that possible?"


After the shock.

The commander quickly thought of a possibility - Parallax Demon!

To know.

Before that, Parallax Demon fought against Sinestro, but was beaten away by Sinestro in the end.

No idea.

When Kruga was invaded by Apocalypse, this guy came back again, and wanted to take advantage of the fire to absorb the energy of the yellow light.

It's a good plan!


"This guy's strength doesn't seem to be low. If it wasn't for the fact that the guards set up at the energy department are all high-level mechanical warriors, ordinary people might really not be his opponent..."

"Now how to do?"


Nicholas's mind began to spin.

Now, the situation on Kruga is very bad, Apocalypse alone is enough for them to drink a pot.

As a result, another parallax demon came running.

What's the matter?


how to spell?

Star Kruga already has a small number of manpower, so where can we call out experts to deal with Parallax Demon now?

And ordinary masters can't deal with him at all.

But you can't let it go.

To know.

That is the total energy of the yellow light.

Once a problem occurs, it will spread to other lamp energy sources, and the consequences will be unimaginable!

In short.

Commander Nicholas is having a headache right now, and after thinking about it, he can't think of any good solution.


Without any choice.

He could only truthfully report this situation to Sinestro, and asked, "My lord, how long will it take for you?"

It means, hurry up, I really can't stand it anymore!

"Parallax demon?"

Sinestro was quite a headache.

As a result, when he heard that the Parallax Demon was coming, he even showed a slight smile, and said, "That's great, I'm just worried that I can't think of a solution. Isn't it because someone gave me a pillow when I fell asleep!"


Commander Nicholas looked confused.

Obviously didn't understand what the boss meant, just when he wanted to continue asking, Sinestro said again: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will solve it myself later..."


This is the end of the communication.

within the enchantment.

Sinestro found a confidant and ordered, "From now on, you will be in charge of everything here!"


"Remember, don't be reckless. It's best to use up his strength. I'll catch him alive. Although Dakseid probably doesn't care about this son at all, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up!"


"Okay, then I'll leave first."


After explaining.

Sinestro decisively opened the barrier channel, flew out of it, and headed straight for the energy source of the yellow light.

His target is the parallax monster!


It's parallax.

Rather than the so-called parallax magic.


Sinestro arrived at the destination, and as far as he could see, he saw the last guarding mechanical general being cut in half by the big knife condensed by the parallax demon with yellow light.

And the parallax demon also has various upper bodies, large and small. Obviously, even the parallax demon paid a high price for dealing with the guardian fighters here.


Parallax is sensitive.

As soon as Sinestro arrived, he sensed it. He frowned slightly and said angrily, "It's you!"

"That's right, it's me!" Sinestro sneered, "Parallax, we meet again."


while speaking.

Sinestro was not idle either.

A green light shot out directly, and then instantly turned into a wall of incomparable knowledge, blocking the path of the parallax demon.

And he himself rushed over quickly.


Seeing that his way was blocked, the Parallax Demon became even angrier. He gritted his teeth and said, "You want to stop me?"



Parallax Demon sneered: "I can't see it, can I? I am very clear about your personality, especially at this critical moment, you must have some special purpose for coming to me!"

"It seems that you are not stupid!"

Sinestro nodded, not hiding his intentions, and generously admitted: "I want you to be my strength!"


Parallax Demon was taken aback when he heard the words, and then understood what Sinestro meant, the other party wanted to become a new Parallax Demon!

Then use your own power to expel the invasion of Apocalypse.

So far.

He suddenly burst out laughing.

Looking at Sinestro, his eyes were full of sarcasm and disdain: "Sinestro, who do you think you are? Just relying on you to want to control me, it's wishful thinking!"


Sinestro also sneered, and said: "Is it wishful thinking? You'll only know after you fight. Stop talking nonsense and do it!"

The voice did not fall.

The whole person has already rushed over.

The yellow-green light in his hand, like a machine gun, fired a burst of crazy shots at the Parallax Demon.


The parallax magic is not covered.

It was very easy to dodge Sinestro's attack, and instead of retreating, he rushed over with the opponent in mind.


Parallax also wanted to take this opportunity to make a break with Sinestro, after all, the body he was possessing now was too bad.

in comparison.

Although Sinestro annoyed him immensely, he had to admit that this was indeed the best parasitic body.

The premise is that the parallax monster can perfectly control Sinestro's mind, otherwise, it would not be him controlling Sinestro, but Sinestro using the parallax monster.

In short.

No matter what, defeat the opponent first.

Only by winning can one gain the absolute upper hand, otherwise, how can a defeated general be controlled?

It's true to run away quickly!


The two sides fought fiercely together in an instant, almost the same force collided fiercely, and the aftermath of the extremely terrifying battle erupted, destroying the already messy equipment and buildings around them on the spot, making them even more pitiful.

However, the result of the first wave of reckless fighting between the two was that they were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.


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