The Storm God

Chapter 3696 Awaken Lenovo! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

Aya finally finished the data detection work, and then couldn't help but focus on the battle situation of Keruga.

In front of her was a pair of combat projections, about Kruga, I was busy before, so I didn't watch it.

Now take a look...

Aya frowned suddenly.

"Not good!"

"The power of Apocalypse is too huge, not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of masters, it completely crushes Keruga..."

"The odds of winning over there are almost zero!"


Aya is an intelligent life.

The field she is best at is calculation and analysis. Aya can draw a general conclusion just by glancing at the situation on Star Kruga.

And obviously.

The situation is not good for Kruga.

It is the same even with the millions of mechanical legions supported by her on Keluga, because the high-end combat power of Keluga is too scarce, and the number is also much worse.

Coupled with this action, Apocalypse caught Keruga by surprise, and was unprepared for many things, so naturally it suffered a lot.

If it wasn't for the fact that the commander still has some skills, if it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have been defeated by Apocalypse long ago.

Of course.

Even so, it was just a delay.

With the continuous opening of the sonic boom channel, countless demon-like armies swarmed in, and the defeat of Keruga Star was almost a certainty.

Seeing this scene, Aya couldn't help but sighed.

After all, Sinestro screwed up this task. Although he can't be completely blamed, as the project leader and a big boss, he must bear certain responsibilities after all.


The current situation is not too bad.

It is not impossible to make amends, at least the loss of Star Kruga can be minimized.

Think about it.

Aiya didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, the authority of the mechanical corps fighters who supported Kruga was activated to the highest level.

Although it can't help Kruga too much, it can improve the combat effectiveness of the mechanical corps to a certain extent and help them persist for as long as possible.

Aya believed it.

Taking advantage of this time, Star Kruga will definitely move quickly.

Sure enough, Commander Nicholas saw that the situation was not good, and without any hesitation, he immediately started the safe transfer.

But at this moment, the Parallax Demon suddenly appeared again.

Seeing this result, Aiya was quite surprised and surprised that she wanted to take advantage of the fire at such a critical moment.

"That guy, Parallax, is really good enough."

"Sinestro, he actually..."


Finally, when Aya saw that Sinestro unexpectedly left the barrier and ran to deal with the Parallax Demon, she suddenly understood something.


Aya smiled.

Xin said, even if this guy has some brains, he actually knows how to use this guy who delivered it to his door.

I just don't know if he can subdue the parallax monster?

If it succeeds, there is still a glimmer of hope for Kruga, but if it fails, I am afraid that even Sinestro will get involved...

What an adventure!

never mind!

Everything is Sinestro's own choice, and now I can only choose to believe in him and silently cheer for him.


Aya turned off the projection.

Instead, he began to control all the equipment, and tried his best to track down all traces of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys in the Zhoutian Star Dou formation.

To know.

This super boss is the culprit of everything. If you don't kill him, the other party will make a comeback.

Although the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation is powerful, it is not without flaws. This time, it is hard to invite Jun into the urn, and he must not be allowed to escape.

Even if it's just a sentence of avatar, you have to catch it!

Of course.

The main force is not Aya.

Aya's main duty is to assist from the side.

For example, tracking the traces of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, cleaning the battlefield, being responsible for the safety of Dust Star, and so on.

It is Bai Xiaofei who is responsible for finishing off the enemy.


Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry to make a move.

Let the bullets fly for a while, in case this is the cruel scheme of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, and he jumps out in a hurry, wouldn't he be punished?

What he is more concerned about now is the inheritance secret technique about the clergy that he just cut from Locke.

The most important of these is undoubtedly the resurrection technique.

Although Bai Xiaofei can also revive people, there is an essential difference with this, the two are two completely different fields.

The common denominator is that both have certain limitations.

But relatively speaking.

Or the resurrection technique of the clergyman is more concise and effective, and has a wider range of popularity, and it is easy to learn.

As long as you reach a certain level and strength, you can cultivate and achieve certain effects.

Although this process is very complicated, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he naturally comprehended the mystery very easily.


What Bai Xiaofei is frowning and studying deeply is another content - the awakening skills of the priests.

well known.

In DNF, all professions can be awakened, and the effect after awakening is extremely powerful.

If it's just a game, it's fine.

It's nothing more than a setting, but after being perfectly reproduced as a real ability in front of a toy, the problem will be big.

After Bai Xiaofei's analysis and research, he discovered that the content involved in the so-called awakening technique at the beginning was extremely profound, as if entering another world.

With the continuous improvement of the realm of strength and the in-depth excavation of this world, wider areas and secrets will be developed.

And its performance is to obtain even more terrifying power.

Just like priests.


Second sleep!

Three sleep!

Every awakening is a qualitative leap.

The guy named Locke, so far, has only just realized it, and he is still the kind who has not cultivated at all.

The results of it.

The fighting power displayed by the opponent is already so powerful, what if it goes one step further, and even reaches the legendary three senses?

Bai Xiaofei even doubted whether the opponent's realm would directly break through to the peak of the God Emperor Realm, the level of Dzogchen.

That is, on the same level as myself.


Even if they are all at the peak of the God Emperor Realm, there are big differences among them, such as the Saint Realm.

That is a special qualitative change.

Whether it can cross that threshold is extremely important and crucial. If you cross over, it is a completely different level.

on the contrary.

It's a world of difference.

This is as if everyone is the leader of the country, but the leaders of a superpower and a small country are completely different.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, the meaning is similar.

According to this inheritance from Locke, Bai Xiaofei came to the conclusion that even after three awakenings, he still can't reach the realm of a saint, but it's not far off.

It can be called one of the strongest levels under the saint.

That's scary.

To know.

In DNF, there are not only priests as a profession, but also swordsmen, magicians, fighters and other professions.

So what will these professions look like after awakening?

Locke is just one of the many members of the reincarnation space. Since he can obtain the inheritance of the clergy, others may not be able to obtain other inheritances.

Just like the abilities of those boss apostles!

In addition, there are many special occupations and settings in DNF, if all of them can be realized...


That's a big deal.

Among other things, just one enhancement function is enough to make countless top experts crazy about it!


What attracts Bai Xiaofei the most is undoubtedly those super god-level equipment that he once dreamed of, even if he stayed up all night and dreamed.

Like a blood knife or something.

If this thing can also be realized, it will definitely be a heaven-defying existence that leapfrogs and kills people.


Bai Xiaofei was diverging his thinking and making associations, when suddenly, he received a message from his own universe:

Kruga started a safe transfer.



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