The Storm God

Chapter 3697 Repression! (Please subscribe!)

How did it transfer?

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, feeling very puzzled in his heart.

You must know that he specially prepared this post-transfer for Kruga, just in case of any emergencies.

And this so-called emergency situation generally refers to a situation where there is no way to recover, and one has to transfer to preserve strength.


Didn't Sinestro use all his tricks and plan to catch Apocalypse in the urn? Why is it suddenly reversed now?

Did something go wrong in the middle?

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's consciousness was transmitted to the past, and then through the will of the universe, he directly obtained part of the information connected to it.

"It's really a safe transfer!"

"And it's not just a part of it, but almost the entire planet has begun to transfer. In this situation, it is definitely a catastrophe and has not escaped..."

"But why exactly?"


In addition to doubts.

Bai Xiaofei's consciousness was not idle either.

Relying on the boldness of a skilled person, part of Bai Xiaofei's spiritual consciousness directly came to a certain place on Kruga Star outside through the safe transfer channel.


He saw a scene like purgatory on earth.

"This is!"

Bai Xiaofei was shocked immediately: "How did Keruga become like this? Is that an army of demons? And the elite troops of Apocalypse..."

How powerful his eyesight and perception are.

In just a moment, I almost understood the entire situation of the entire planet, especially in the enchantment...

after all.

That enchantment was built with part of Bai Xiaofei's power, and it was a breeze for Bai Xiaofei's consciousness to know the situation inside.

But the more this happened, the more puzzled Bai Xiaofei became.


Within the barrier at this moment.

Kalibak was still dying to resist, and only some high-end combat forces such as the Ultimate Lantern remained in the barrier to deal with these enemies who did not participate much.

Like Sinestro, Mog, Walker, etc. are all absent.

On the outskirts of the star field of Star Kruga, there are more elite soldiers of Star Apocalypse, and there is even a super boss——


Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he didn't dare to believe it: "He actually came to Keruga Star himself..."


The mind is spinning.

Bai Xiaofei also understood everything in an instant, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "It turns out that with this, the tricks are the tricks, and the praying mantis, the cicada, and the oriole are behind?"

"As expected of a super boss, he is really powerful. You really shouldn't underestimate him at all. Sinestro's defeat this time is not unfair!"

"But what about the Black Lantern Corps and the Parallax Demon?"

"Are you going to fish in troubled waters?"


Bai Xiaofei's face gradually became stern and full of murderous intent.

Forget about Darkseid, after all, he is a super boss, and the result of calculating him is reversed, no wonder others.

It is a mistake caused by my own lack of ability...


What are you guys?

He even dared to take advantage of the fire to rob and fish in troubled waters. He really thought that I couldn't lift a knife anymore, or what?

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's consciousness was instantly enveloped in a certain place on Kruga Star, and that was the place where Sinestro and Parallax Demon fought.


The duel between Parallax Demon and Sinestro is almost evenly matched, evenly matched. Anyway, it is almost impossible to tell the winner in a short time.

But because of Bai Xiaofei's intervention, Parallax Demon suddenly felt that his abilities seemed to have been greatly interfered with.

At this moment, the Kruga planet is in danger, and countless people cannot help but breed infinite fear.

And these are the sources of power of Parallax Demon and Yellow Lantern.

Relatively speaking, Parallax Demon's devouring ability is undoubtedly stronger, after all, he is the source of fear.

This also led to him being able to use his power unscrupulously, because he didn't have to worry about having no supplies at all.

The infinite power of fear around him allows him to let go of his hands and feet and use various big moves to his heart's content.

It was also because of this that Sinestro was in a hard fight.

Although his strength is almost equal to that of the Parallax Demon, but after all, it is in the dual-lamp mode, and this is his territory, so it is inevitable that he will be a little scruples when he starts to fight.

One ebb and flow, the result can be imagined.


With Bai Xiaofei's intervention, Parallax Demon's good days came to an end immediately, a terrifying invisible force instantly cut off Parallax Demon's ability to absorb fear.

It's like the mobile phone suddenly can't find the wifi signal, and it's almost the same reason that it directly disconnects from the network and can only use its own traffic.

The flow is not infinite parallax magic, suddenly a little confused, what's the situation? Why did my ability suddenly fail?

And opposite.

Sinestro doesn't care about that.

Sensing that the power and offensive of the parallax demon had suddenly weakened a lot, he immediately launched a counterattack.

And while the parallax monster was in a trance, with a move of fear, he successfully stripped the parallax monster's body from the current body.


"No, stop, you, despicable..."

"It's actually bullying the few with the more..."


Parallax Monster is extremely unwilling.

Anger, panic, fear, begging for mercy, all kinds of emotions erupted almost instantly, but everything was in vain.

Sinestro doesn't care about him, because the purpose of his trip is Parallax Monster!

Now that he was lucky enough to get it, Sinestro naturally wouldn't hesitate or neglect. After capturing the real body of the parallax monster, he immediately swallowed it into his yellow light ring.


Sinestro stared.

The mind instantly communicates with the parallax monster in the ring, and forcibly fuses with it, intending to transform into a stronger parallax monster.

Of course.

Parallax is not to be outdone.

Although without a body, his original power will not be able to be fully exerted, but he wants to fit with it and become a parallax demon...

Especially for a parallax demon whose power is completely controlled and utilized, and has its own independent consciousness and will, this is definitely not a simple matter.


This is another chance for Parallax.

If he can suppress Sinestro's will in turn, then he can control Sinestro and make it his new body.

that's all.

In the mysterious space of the yellow light ring, the two sides launched a contest between consciousness and will.

The winner will completely suppress the loser and obtain the full right to use the opponent; on the contrary, the loser will completely become a slave, let it be manipulated and driven, and serve as a slave.

"Surrender to me!"


"Really? If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude, Parallax, now I am not just a yellow light..."

"Ah! You still have the power of will? This is impossible!"

"Hehe, nothing is impossible!"

"You, shameless!"


The above is part of the conversation between Sinestro and Parallax.

It can be seen from this that Parallax Monster tends to be weak, after all, Sinestro is now in dual-lamp mode.

It is true that fear is his power, but Sinestro also possesses the power of will, which gives him a strong advantage in this war of dominance about consciousness.

In addition, this new version of the yellow light ring is derived from Bai Xiaofei's forging skills, and part of Bai Xiaofei's power is connected to it...


Sinestro wasn't fighting alone at all.

With more bullying the less, the parallax monster has no advantage at all, and Sinestro directly crushed the parallax monster on the spot.


Parallax gave in.

Facing Sinestro, which is not what it used to be, Parallax, who can't see any hope of winning, can only choose to surrender to protect himself.

Otherwise, what awaits him will be endless torture.

He didn't want that.

after all.

Admitting counsel is at most being used of one's own power, and it won't be a loss of meat or something, but if you refuse to admit defeat, you will really suffer.

How to choose, the parallax monster is very clear.

not to mention……

After fusion.

It's not like he's completely out of chance.

As long as Sinestro's consciousness is slightly loosened and weakened in the future, Parallax Monster can take advantage of the situation to turn around and become Sinestro's controller in turn.

Of course.

Such an opportunity is very slim, almost one in a million, but at least it is possible, isn't it?

The parallax monster comforted himself in the spirit of Ah Q.


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