The Storm God

Chapter 3698 Breaking the line of soldiers! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro succeeded.

Terrifying power erupted from him, just like when a Super Saiyan 3 transformed, the terrifying power formed layers of astonishing golden arrogance, and the coercion and air waves alone almost destroyed everything around him.

This is the result of Sinestro's efforts to control and suppress it, otherwise, if it erupts as much as it wants, the horror of the entire Kruga star will not be able to bear it.

after all……

This is a parallax demon!

And it's still an enhanced and upgraded Plus version, there are proper super bosses, can't it be awesome.

"So strong!"

"Is this the power of the Parallax Demon? Sure enough, I am not disappointed. Now I am at least a hundred times stronger than before!"

"If you continue to develop and improve, you can even become stronger, but unfortunately there is no time for that now..."

"I have to use this power to quickly solve all kinds of problems and troubles that Koruga has suffered!"

"Let's start with those guys outside!"


Sinestro stared directly at the sky.

He wasn't too worried about the situation inside the barrier. After all, Kalibak's troops were already at the end of their strength.

Even if the rest are all elites, it is absolutely difficult to stand up under the pressure of masters who are multiples of them.

If it wasn't for those who wanted to catch alive, try to see if it could be used to blackmail Darkseid, and if they killed him, Kalibak and others would have been killed long ago.

The top priority now is undoubtedly the external threats to Star Kruga, such as those sonic boom channels.

as well as……

The Apocalypse army outside the starry sky.

The existence of the sonic boom channel allows the demon-like army of Apocalypse to swarm and continuously flow into Kruga to carry out more destruction and invasion.

Even if it's just some ordinary units, it's still a great threat to Kruga, which is currently extremely short of manpower.

There was no way to do it before, but now Sinestro has transformed into an enhanced version of Parallax Demon, and his power has increased by an unknown number of times. Naturally, he knows the source of these hazards.

next moment.

Sinestro struck.

I don't see anything special about him, just raising his hand slightly, the yellow light ring immediately shot out thousands of incomparably bright lights of fear.

And the yellow light formed by the highly compressed and condensed power of these fears, like spirit snakes with self-awareness, rushed directly to the sonic boom channels in all directions of Kruga Star.

"Quack quack!"

Apocalypse is not stupid either.

The sonic boom channel is such an important strategic existence, and it must be surrounded by various soldiers to protect it, so as not to be destroyed by the enemy and cut off their line of troops.

In addition to the ordinary arms, there are also some elite masters, even super generals.

after all……

The current situation is very special.

If Apocalypse wants to achieve a complete victory, it must maintain its superiority in military strength, which is the same in the sky and on the ground.

Unless necessary, some capable generals will not attack the enemy. Their duty is to protect the sonic boom channel.

Some of them with sharper perceptions sensed the approaching danger at that time, and immediately made defenses.


All in vain.

Their defenses, even their self-proclaimed indestructible physical bodies, were like paper in front of Sinestro's "Spiritual Snake".

In an instant, they were all broken down.

not only that.

The sonic boom channel guarded by them was also smashed to pieces on the spot and completely scrapped. Countless demon-like troops died tragically in the turbulent space.

And there is not just one scene like this, but thousands of them. In other words, with a wave of his hand, Sinestro easily beheaded more than N guardians and completely destroyed the sonic boom channels they guarded.

This is the strength of the enhanced version of Parallax Demon.


Unparalleled horror!

after all……

This thing can reverse and travel through time and space at will, and it is properly a multi-universe boss.

Dealing with these little guys is really no different from crushing a group of ants, unless you encounter opponents of the same level or similar to him.

But it's a pity.

In the current battlefield, except for Dakseid and a few personal guards around him, the rest are rubbish!

At least in front of today's Sinestro, few can be called masters and powerhouses.

All are ants!

To know.

The current Sinestro, whose strength level is comparable to the peak of the God Emperor level, is not strong enough.


After sensing the effect of his casual blow, Sinestro immediately showed a satisfied smile.

Secretly said: "With such strength, I really did not expect it. The current me is definitely qualified to turn the tide!"


He dare not neglect.

After solving the threat of the sonic explosion channel on the ground of Kruga Star, Sinestro flew directly into the starry sky.


There are more powerful minions waiting for him.

And the other side.


Bai Xiaofei's consciousness also sensed the power and terror of Sinestro, who had transformed into a parallax demon.


"It actually allowed Sinestro to cross the threshold of the two major realms and step into the realm of the god emperor. It is indeed the ultimate power in the legend!"

"In this way, basically, I don't have to worry too much about the battle here, unless Darkseid personally takes action..."


By the usual logic.

Big guys like Dakseid generally won't make a move easily, unless there are special circumstances.

The current Apocalypse army almost occupies an absolute advantage. Even if a parallax demon Sinestro pops up, it is estimated that Darkseid would prefer to watch a show rather than directly fight hard.

after all……

Except himself.

The guards around him are also extremely powerful.

With their help, it is enough to deal with these small situations in front of them. Otherwise, if Dakseid really wanted to make a move, he would have sent all the army to storm Kruga star.

How could they continue to test one after another?

This shows that the other side is afraid of something, even though they have the determination to wipe out Keruga Star, they dare not advance rashly.

If the car overturns, it will be a tragedy.

In view of this.

Bai Xiaofei was also happy to relax, and directly became a spectator here, waiting for Sinestro's good show to be staged.

The only pity is that the current Bai Xiaofei is only a conscious body, if the deity is there, he might get some popcorn to cheer him up.

As for the battles of other relatively ordinary people?

Bai Xiaofei didn't care much about it.

after all……

He is a super boss.

There are countless elite younger brothers under his command, it is impossible to do everything by himself, care and care about everything, if that is the case, I am afraid that he will become the second Zhuge Liang and be exhausted to death.


The younger brother also needs tempering.

Casualties are unavoidable, only the fierce battle between life and death can break through the heavy shackles and shackles, and let oneself step into a higher realm.

To some extent, blindly focusing on the Holy Mother and Asylum will kill the younger brothers' aggressiveness and possibility of becoming stronger.


Bai Xiaofei chose to ignore it.

After all, this world is like this, the weak eat the strong, if you want to survive, you have to fight hard, and the only capital is your own life.

The younger brother is like this, so why isn't he like this?

The only difference is that the enemies Bai Xiaofei faces are more powerful and terrifying, and his capital and hole cards are slightly more...

Closer to home.

In an instant, Sinestro, in the form of a parallax demon, has arrived at the tragic battlefield in the outer space of the Kruga star.

And his appearance instantly surprised and excited Mog, Walker and other high-end fighters.

Surprise is surprise, after all, the current Sinestro is completely different from before, especially the power, which is completely at an unfamiliar level.

All they can feel is—

Scary and scary!


Needless to say?

Who wouldn't be excited to see the leading brother on his side suddenly become so awesome, and fight side by side with him against the enemy?

On the other hand, the enemy is a little depressed and bitter.


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