The Storm God

Chapter 3700 Hitting east and west! (Please subscribe!)


In these hearts, Darkseid is a symbol of fear, so Sinestro will transform into Darkseid in front of them.

At the same time, an incomparably rich power of fear was born.


There are some exceptions.

But that's only a minority, most people are still very afraid of Darkseid, but no matter who they are, their results are the same, completely affected by Sinestro's ability.

To know.

Parallax monsters are the source of fear and represent the power of fear in the universe. Yellow lights can arouse the fear of creatures, let alone Sinestro, who has now been upgraded to an enhanced version of Parallax monsters.

That is.

His attack just now was not a bluff, but a control skill used to affect the enemy's mind.

As long as the trick is affected, it will trigger the phantom of fear, breed the power of fear, and while strengthening oneself, it will also weaken the enemy's combat power.

It can be called a magic skill.

Of course.

This trick is not 100% effective, the key depends on whether the enemy's mind is tough.

Originally, Sinestro just wanted to try it out, and wanted to test the effect of this trick.

after all……

Sinestro has just become a parallax demon, and he doesn't have a very clear understanding of his own ability.

And the scene in front of him was obviously beyond his imagination. More than half of the dozen or so top masters who besieged him were actually affected.

This is not to say that the enemy's mentality is too weak and not tough enough, but that after becoming a parallax demon, Sinestro's fear influence has been raised to a rather terrifying level.

If not, these enemies would not be so easily affected by fear, falling into the shadow of fear one after another.

Think here.

Sinestro immediately said with emotion: "I still underestimated the ability of Parallax Demon. If that's the case, then let me completely let go and play around!"

next moment.

Sinestro, who was in a turbulent mood, shot again.

Ignoring the generals who were not affected by the halo of fear, Sinestro directly aimed at those affected.

With a thought in his mind, the yellow light in his hand gathered and turned into countless Gu worms, flying directly towards the opponent.

But those people, as if they had never heard of it, stood there blankly, allowing countless Gu insects to swarm over.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing this, the rest of the generals and masters were shocked. At the same time as the birth reminder, they also took action one after another, using their own abilities to rescue their companions.


They move too slowly.

Moreover, the Gu worms transformed by the yellow light are not real energy, but invisible attacks for the mind and spirit.

Gu worms are nothing more than an illusion that Sinestro deliberately showed them, the purpose is to let these people see it, and then make a move.

In this way, Sinestro has a chance to make a move.


Actually from the beginning.

Sinestro's target is not those affected by the halo of fear, after all these people have been controlled and will not recover in a short time.

Then after removing them, Sinestro's resistance is only those sober people whose minds are extremely tough and unaffected.

These people are not easy to deal with. Not only are they strong, but their minds are also first-class tenacity, and there are many of them.

Sinestro wants to solve them quickly, the normal way is almost impossible, so he can only use tricks.

This trick is called making a sound!


Taking advantage of the chance that those generals were busy saving people and showed their flaws, Sinestro made a decisive move.

The power of fear erupted again, and the bright golden light instantly crossed the space and bombarded the enemy almost immediately.

And these golden lights are not the ones just now, they are all highly concentrated and substantial attack power.

The recruiter is like being shot by thousands of arrows. No matter how strong the defense is, it will consume a lot of power in an instant, resulting in some loopholes and flaws.

This is what Sinestro wanted.

His consciousness and perception are all connected to the golden light, and if he senses a loophole in someone's defense, he will immediately launch a second wave of strong attacks.

Compared with the first wave, this second wave of attack is even more terrifying. It is no longer a vast scattering, but a golden arrow-shaped energy attack that further condenses power and attack.

Sinestro is like a sharp archer, every time he shoots, he will hit a local general.

The golden arrow is invincible, piercing through the enemy's defense on the spot, causing substantial damage to the opponent.

There were two unlucky ones who were directly sent into the soul by Sinestro, shot to the heart on the spot, and received the box lunch in an instant.

It wasn't until this time that they came to the realization that they had been fooled. The damned Sinestro had come for him and others from the very beginning.


It was too late for them to understand.

At this time, Sinestro had already mastered the initiative and rhythm of the entire battle. He frequently touched the arrows in his hand and sniped from a long distance. In a blink of an eye, he shot these poor enemies like hedgehogs, covered with golden arrows.

These arrows not only inflict horrific injuries to the enemy, but also have the terrifying ability to spread the fear virus.

How about your mental toughness?

As long as you are hit by my arrow, you will be poisoned, and the toxin of fear will quickly infect your body and mind, and eventually your mind will be completely disintegrated, and you will become a walking dead of fear!

Coupled with Sinestro's halo of fear, it's a perfect match!

that's all.

In less than a moment, a total of five top generals in the region were calculated to death by Sinestro, and they received their lunch boxes completely.

In the process, some of the generals who were affected by the halo of fear were the first to recover.


By this time it was too late.

The encirclement of the enemy has been completely disintegrated.

Sinestro, who has mastered the overall situation and the initiative, faced these enemy generals whose individual strength is completely inferior to his. The result can be imagined.

Bloody abuse throughout.

Even instant kills are not impossible.

After all, these people have been affected before, and naturally they are not Sinestro's opponents.

After a while.

More than 90% of the dozen or so Apocalypse generals who had besieged Sinestro before had died now.

For the rest, it wasn't because they were lucky, or because Sinestro was kind enough to let them go.

But Apocalypse saw that the situation was not good, and after reacting, he immediately sent a wave of generals to help and save people.

And this time, they learned a lot, and they didn't confront Sinestro at all. Before the people arrived, there was a wave of long-range firepower in the distance, and they didn't give Sinestro a chance at all.

Even if Sinestro successfully released some skills, with the lessons learned from the past, these Apocalypse generals were already prepared, and they all dodged and fled, and no one dared to contact them easily.

As a result, Sinestro's offensive was greatly affected, and it was impossible to achieve considerable results in a short period of time.

Of course.

The previous results are actually quite impressive. After all, there are a dozen or so top generals. The more masters the enemy loses, the less pressure and loss on Kruga.

In short.

For his strategy and achievements, Sinestro is quite appreciative. Although he is still a little short of the ideal goal in his mind, he has at least passed the passing mark.

If he wants to go further and achieve better results, he just needs to work harder, anyway, he hasn't tried his best yet.


Facing the siege of more than 50 top generals, instead of worrying, Sinestro was full of expectations.

These are all scores!

It must be taken!


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