The Storm God

Chapter 3701 Here comes the problem! (Please subscribe!)

"It's so strong!"

On Dust Star.

Aya also saw the changes in Kruga, and was shocked and envious of the changes in Sinestro and the improvement in strength.

If this kind of strength had been possessed before, I am afraid that it would not be so exhausting to deal with Kalibak and others.


At that time, the parallax monster was not there, so Aya could only say that everything is fate, and it cannot be forced.

But at this moment, the super detector of Kruga star suddenly sounded an alarm.


Aiya suddenly looked over curiously.

Then he widened his eyes, showing an expression of disbelief, and at the same time quickly contacted Bai Xiaofei:


"What's the matter, from your tone, it seems that something unexpected happened?" Bai Xiaofei frowned slightly.


Aya explained: "The detector just showed that in some civilized worlds ruled by Apocalypse, a large number of Black Lantern members appeared..."


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

But immediately after he understood what Aya meant: "You mean, while the Darkseid army was attacking Kruga, the Black Lantern Corps attacked their rear?"


Aya nodded.

Then he immediately sent a piece of data to Bai Xiaofei, which showed that the Black Lantern Corps had spent a lot of money this time, and a large number of dark and death forces were dispatched, creating an extremely astonishing number of dark members in a very short period of time.

The number of civilized worlds ruled by Apocalypse is extremely large, and a few have more than 100,000+.

And now...

The world infected or even assimilated by black lights has almost reached about 30%, and this rate is still increasing rapidly.

I believe that it won't be long before these 100,000 worlds will be completely devoured by the black lights and completely transformed into a planet of death.

Seeing these data, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but be shocked: "These black lights really have a good time. They just got benefits from Kruga, turned around and ran to the rear of Apocalypse..."

He had to admit that he underestimated Heileng a little bit.


None of this is critical.

The most important thing is that Darkseid's cooperation with the opponent is really good. If it were him, I'm afraid he could do better than this.


Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

The Boss of Heideng hasn't fully awakened yet, how could he let Heideng go to so many worlds in an instant?


The Black Death Emperor has recovered considerable strength.

At the very least, it can cross the cosmic space and send people directly to other star fields. Otherwise, the Black Lantern Legion would not be able to invade and infect the world ruled by Apocalypse to such an extent in such a short period of time.

If this is the case, then things will be troublesome.

after all.

Black Lantern can invade the world ruled by Apocalypse, and naturally it can also infect other civilized worlds.

The enemy has amazing mobility, which is definitely not good news for the side headed by Bai Xiaofei.

At the very least, it will be much more difficult for them to defend.

And if you continue to let the expansion of the Black Lantern Legion go, it won't take long for the Black Lantern to become the largest and most powerful terrorist force in the universe.

At that time.

The tripartite situation will inevitably be broken.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care what happened to Apocalypse, but other innocent civilized worlds would inevitably cause unimaginable casualties.

And these are things that Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to see.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly lost interest in watching a play.

While his eyes were solemn and stern, his eyes also crossed the void and stared directly at Dakseid.

I can get news here, with Darkseid's ability, shouldn't I know nothing?

So what will he do?


In the Apocalypse army.

Just as Bai Xiaofei expected, Dakseid soon learned from his subordinates that there was something wrong with the world he ruled, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Black Lantern Corps!

What a Black Death Emperor and Scarface, who actually took advantage of him while he was out attacking Kruga?

It just doesn't make sense!


Darkseid was furious.

This anger, the terrifying momentum, exploded in an instant.

All the masters on the battlefield sensed the astonishing and terrifying coercion in an instant.


Regardless of the enemy or our own side, they all stopped.

It felt like a group of cats and dogs fighting at the scene suddenly broke into a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The latter's absolute terrifying strength and coercion immediately suppressed both parties on the scene, making each other unable to move.

"So strong!"

As the only top powerhouse on the scene, Sinestro was shocked by Darkseid's terrifying aura.

"Is this the strength of the dark lord? It's really scary. I thought that I could be more or less tough with the opponent now, but now it seems that I am still a little bit close after all!"

He was filled with emotion.

at the same time……

He didn't forget to signal to everyone, and took this opportunity to quickly shrink the line of defense. Sinestro's intuition told himself that something might have happened to Apocalypse, otherwise Darkseid couldn't be so angry.

So what is it?



For some reason, Sinestro suddenly thought of Scarface, followed by a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly realized: "My God! Could it be Scarface and the others..."

the other side.

All the masters from the Apocalypse camp saw Dakseid's fury, and they all fell silent, not daring to take a breath.

They didn't know what happened, and they thought it was something they did wrong that caused Darkseid's dissatisfaction.

As everyone knows.

Dissatisfaction with them, of course, is there, but not all.

The most important thing is that he was given a position. With Dakseid's status and dignity, naturally such a thing is not allowed to happen.

So Darkseid was angry.

follow closely……

Here comes the problem.

The world ruled by Apocalypse is now being invaded and infected by the Black Lantern Legion.

What do they do now?

Should we continue to attack Keruga, or turn around and go back to deal with the Black Lantern Legion who dared to plot against Apocalypse?

This is indeed a difficult question.

If you want to continue, the Black Lantern Legion will definitely not give up with good intentions. The cliff will continue to advance, wantonly assimilate the world ruled by Apocalypse, and strive to develop Black Lantern members.

In this way, even if Kruga was really brought down by Apocalypse, it would not be worth the candle.

after all……

Koruga is just one planet.

And the world ruled by Apocalypse has at least a hundred thousand worlds. Even though the Kruga star is an existence comparable to the OA star, it is definitely not as important as the Hundred Thousand Worlds.

Because that is not only the Hundred Thousand Worlds, but also the foundation of the Apocalypse. Once damaged, the Apocalypse will be greatly affected!

But what would happen if they gave up attacking Kruga and turned back to defend against the Black Lantern Legion, not to mention failing, or going back late.

Even if it succeeds immediately, it is easy to scare away the Black Lantern Corps. Wouldn't the Kruga star take advantage of it?

To know.

The battle just now caused heavy losses to Star Kruga.

Now it's Apocalypse's turn to be deflated, and Dakseid doesn't believe that Sinestro of Kruga will swallow this breath so easily.

If the opponent joins forces with the Black Lantern Legion tacitly, then Apocalypse will be hit by the enemy.

Of course.

This possibility is small, but not impossible.

Apocalypse had to guard against it.


Krugastar made it clear that he would not be involved.

So far.

Dakseid's brows couldn't help but tightened, because it meant that Apocalypse seemed to be afraid of Kruga.

It made him feel very uncomfortable!

And this time.

Sinestro also received Bai Xiaofei's voice transmission, and instantly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"Sure enough, it's Scarface!"

After secretly sighing in his heart, Sinestro also immediately understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning, followed without saying a word, and led the soldiers of Kruga Star, turned around and chose to evacuate.

It was as if the Apocalypse people outside did not exist, and they had no intention of continuing to fight at all.


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