The Storm God

Chapter 3702 The war is over! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing Sinestro and the others, Mechanical Superman and other generals who suddenly all returned to Star Kruga, they were all stunned.

what's the situation?

Why didn't you care about anything all of a sudden?



Everyone was at a loss.

On the contrary, Dakseid faintly understood something.

One of the personal guards breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Dakseid: "My lord, can we now..."


Darkseid didn't answer right away.

Instead, he took a deep look at a certain corner of Kruga Star, and then nodded slightly: "Go back!"


Just like that, Apocalypse retreated.

They came in a mighty way, and left in a hurry, even Darkseid's own son Kalibak didn't care.

It can be said to be quite comedic.

To this.

Many people are full of puzzlement.

For example, Mog, Walker and other super-British generals are very puzzled, why did this war suddenly end?

"Black light!"

Sinestro's explanation is succinct.

Some people with better brains understood the tricks almost instantly, while some who were relatively slow were still confused and puzzled.

But at this time, Sinestro had gone far.

Without any choice.

Those with quick brains can only play the role of commentary. After listening to the explanation, the dull people suddenly understand.


There are some things they still don't understand.

For example, how did Sinestro become a parallax demon? Also, since the backyard of Apocalypse is on fire, why doesn't Kruga take advantage of the situation to fight back now?

To know.

This sudden war caused heavy losses to Kruga, and it is unknown how many people lost their lives.

"The timing is wrong!"

The ones who wandered around quickly, had already seen through the details, and explained: "Dakseid and others are too strong, even if the backyard is on fire, it is far from what we can compete with now, continue to chase, the result It will only get worse!"


"That's right! If we really want to chase after him, Darkseid will definitely vent all his anger on us."


"On the other hand, Star Kruga has been severely damaged, and now is the time for urgent recovery and appeasement. Don't worry about revenge, there will be opportunities in the future!"

"I see."

"Not only that, but there is another reason, that is, the black lamp has benefited the most from this incident, and it has been promoted directly from the weakest party to the level of equality. If we continue to chase after it, it will only make the black lamp become weaker. Even stronger, this is not a good thing for the whole situation!"

"Also, is there another reason?"

Many people expressed that they were shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that a retreat order from Sinestro contained so many profound meanings.

This moment.

They couldn't help but sigh, no wonder there are so many super generals who are almost as powerful as Sinestro, but only Sinestro can lead everyone, he is really awesome.

In other words, this scheming alone is almost unmatched.


the other side.

Sinestro directly came to the barrier.

At this time, Kalibak and the others were still stubbornly resisting, dying, but compared to when Sinestro left, there were fewer of them now.

The few surviving guys are also in quite miserable condition.


Even Kalibak himself.

They were all wounded all over, and they were in extreme embarrassment.

But even so, Kalibak's eyes were still resolute and stubborn, showing an unyielding posture.

The Lantern Heroes around had no choice but to continue to grind hard at him, wearing down their strength and will.

Until Sinestro reappears.

"grown ups!"

Everyone was a little ashamed.

Master Sinestro has settled the battle outside, but he and others still can't take down Kalibak, it's really too shameful.

"You guys step back and have a good rest!"

After waving his hand, Sinestro didn't mean to blame. After letting everyone evacuate, he came to Kalibak and the others alone, and said bluntly: "Kalibak, Darkseid has already retreated."


Kalibak immediately retorted: "You must be lying, what kind of person my father is, how could it be possible..."


He didn't finish his sentence.

Sinestro directly sneered and interrupted: "In normal times, Darkseid would naturally not give up easily, but what if your ruling world is invaded and assimilated by the Black Lantern Legion in this emptiness?"


Calibak's eyes widened suddenly, speechless.

He really wanted to refute, but his rationality told him that Sinestro was right. If that was the case, then with his father's character, he would definitely not give up one hundred thousand worlds because of a small Koruga star, and Sit back and watch the strength of the Black Lantern Legion.


It shouldn't be.

With my father's strength, if the royal conquest came by himself, even if he came in a hurry, he should have taken the Kruga star long ago.

Why did I fight for a long time without success?

To know.

Sinestro and the others were dragged into the barrier by himself and the others at that time. With the level of Star Kruga, there shouldn't be more super warriors.

Even such a Kruga star, can't you win it?

This is so unscientific!

"give up!"

Sinestro doesn't care what Kalibak thinks, he came here to tell the other party that the war is over, Darkseid has given up on you, and you don't mean much to me.

If you continue to resist, there is only one dead end.

If you really want to die, then I will fulfill you.

Change to before.

Sinestro may not be qualified enough to say such a thing, but now, as a parallax demon, he definitely has.


Feeling the power and fear of Sinestro, Kalibak did not refute, but was completely silent.

It seems that he is unwilling to believe the truth, or because his father gave up on him...

In short.

They gave up fighting.

Seeing this, Sinestro was not polite to Calibak and the others, and waved directly, releasing several golden ropes to tie them up.

These ropes are all condensed by the power of fear, and at the same time possess powerful law power.

Once bound, it will become a special binding force, making it impossible for Kalibak and others to use their power, completely becoming a mortal.

so far.

The Kruga Star Rebellion has come to an end.

However, after this battle, Koruga suffered heavy losses, countless civilians and soldiers died, and the city buildings were also devastated.

The entire planet is now like a purgatory on earth, full of ruins, wars, and the corpses of the demon-like army.

Such an environment is obviously no longer suitable for the alliance's base, and the only thing that can be done is to recuperate.


Because of the advance plan, the commander Nicholas started the safe transfer in time during the war, so the civilian casualties on Kruga Star were not very large.

They were basically all transferred to Bai Xiaofei's cosmic world, and the defense force formed by the alliance was more sacrificed.

And all of this is worth it.

At least.

They proved themselves.

Even in the face of the most powerful evil force in the universe, the Apocalypse, the alliance of Kruga has the power to fight.

Although the loss of Kruga was not small, the casualties of Apocalypse were even greater, especially when the Black Lantern Legion took advantage of it.

The infection and assimilation of a hundred thousand worlds is terrifying just thinking about it. Even if Darkseid rushes back, it is estimated that it will be difficult to recover this loss and situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest beneficiary of this incident is the Black Lantern Legion who took advantage of the fire.

at the same time……

Everyone has also deeply realized the terrifying power of the Black Lantern Corps. This time they are dealing with Apocalypse, so what if it is a civilized world under the alliance?

So far.

Suddenly, everyone lost their sense of gloating, replaced by fear and worry about the Black Lantern Legion.


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