The Storm God

Chapter 3703 Summary meeting! (Please subscribe!)


Sinestro and other leaders sat together and started the summary of the meeting on this incident.

In general.

This campaign was unsuccessful.

Although Darkseid's own son Calibak was captured, it seemed that this guy was not an important bargaining chip for Darkseid.

Otherwise, when the other party leaves, they will not ignore it.


compared to get.

Kruga lost even more.

According to current incomplete statistics, the number of dead and seriously injured Lantern Warriors and Alliance fighters alone is as high as nearly 10,000!

Casualties in other areas were not small either.

Such as mechanical corps.

military defense.


After all, the opponent is Apocalypse.

And it was Darkseid's personal conquest. Although in the end because of the Black Lantern Corps, Darkseid, the super boss, didn't take action in person, but the troops he brought were quite deadly.

If it weren't for Kruga's strong cards, which reversed the situation several times, other planets would have fallen long ago.

But even so, Star Kruga was destroyed badly, the city was almost completely destroyed, and the casualties of innocent people were also a staggering number.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, coupled with the opened safe transfer channel, this did not cause more casualties.


This time the battle.

The loss of Keruga Star is not heavy, no matter what it is.

To this.

Sinestro felt very guilty.

In front of everyone, he admitted his mistake. If he hadn't underestimated Apocalypse and resorted to tricks, I'm afraid things wouldn't have turned out like this.

"Sinestro, it's not all your fault!"

Someone expressed understanding and comforted him: "After all, we all participated in this plan, and we can only blame the enemy for being too cunning. Who would have thought that the big boss of Apocalypse would personally lead an army to attack Keruga?"

"That's right!"

"Besides, if you hadn't turned the tide in the end and became a parallax demon, which turned the situation around to a certain extent, I'm afraid we would have become the dead souls of those demons on Apocalypse..."

"That's right, our top priority now is not to hold anyone accountable, but to take practical actions and think about what to do in the future?"

"The Black Lantern Corps took advantage of the fisherman's profit this time, and its power instantly expanded to the point where it cannot be increased. I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with it in the future."

"After this battle, the Kruga star suffered heavy casualties. If it is not replenished and recovered in time, I am afraid that it will not be able to deal with the Apocalypse or the Black Lantern Corps in the future."


Everyone has different opinions.

The main problem can be roughly divided into two points: First, Kruga must speed up its recovery and increase its combat power, otherwise it may be able to cope with the pressure from Apocalypse and the Black Lantern Legion.

The second is the threat of black lights.

After this battle, the power and scale of the Black Lantern Corps have skyrocketed unprecedentedly, which is not good news for the entire universe.

If it is allowed to develop, I am afraid that it will become the most powerful enemy of the entire universe in the end. This must be eliminated and stopped.

Its threat level is so high that it is even far above Apocalypse.

after all……

No matter how awesome Apocalypse is, he is still a living person.

But the Black Lantern Corps is not the case. More than 99% of its members are dead creatures.

There is an essential difference between the two sides.

Moreover, according to what Mr. Bai said before, the current Black Death Emperor seems to have not fully awakened, so his ability is greatly restricted, and his performance is not very strong.

But once the Black Death Emperor recovered to a certain level, it seemed that destroying the corpse would be useless at that time.


Black Lantern's ability can completely reshape his physical body.

Even if the soul collapses, the other party can also extract information fragments through the long river of time, and then copy and rebuild them.

If so, it would be extremely terrifying.

Especially with the rapid development of Heideng, everyone felt tremendous pressure and threat in an instant.

Some people even suggested that they should form an alliance with Apocalypse and eliminate the biggest threat, the Black Lantern, first?

This view has also been recognized by many people.

after all……

Black lights represent death.

Darkseid of Apocalypse, no matter how terrifying and evil, is still a living person. Although he brought a lot of blood and death, the main purpose is not to let the universe go completely dark and dead.

That is.

At least everyone still has the same interests to a certain extent.

They believed that Apocalypse would not refuse Kruga's invitation to form an alliance after the Black Lantern took advantage of the fire to rob them.

At the very least, Star Kruga has proven itself, and is fully qualified to negotiate and form an alliance with Darkseid in the same position.

Of course.

Relatively speaking, there are still relatively few people who support this view, and most of them are representatives of the alliance.

Like the Lantern representatives, they almost completely disagree.

You know, Apocalypse just invaded Keluga, causing such huge casualties and losses here, but Keruga turned around and wanted to form an alliance with Apocalypse?


What would the soldiers under his command and the surviving people think?

Not to mention whether Apocalypse will agree, even if the other party really considers it, Sinestro will definitely not agree.

after all……

It's not too late.

It's not that he has reached a point where there is no other way, he can't give up his integrity for the sake of the so-called overall situation.


How can he be worthy of those sacrificed soldiers and innocent people?

"This proposal will stop here. I don't want to hear similar views in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Sinestro said seriously.


The several representatives who proposed to form an alliance suddenly fell silent and kept silent, expressing that they knew about it.

At least on the surface, that's the case. As for whether he really agrees with Sinestro's approach in his heart, that's another matter.

Sinestro didn't care about these people, seeing the other party fell silent, he immediately changed the topic to another place:

"The battle situation on Sanddust Star is now basically clear. Even though there are still some variables, the probability is very small..."

The meaning of the subtext is that we are not without backers. Although the Kruga star suffered a loss in this battle, on the other side of the battlefield, the enemy was defeated!

Everyone is not stupid.

Hearing this, they immediately understood what Sinestro meant, and at the same time their eyes lit up, the depressed mood became clear and excited.

Someone asked: "How about the casualties of Sanddust Star?"

This question is critical.


Dust Star is victorious.

But it depends on the casualties over there. If the casualties are small, then needless to say, it is definitely a big victory.

on the contrary.

If Dust Star's victory was achieved through countless sacrifices and losses, it would be a tragic victory!

Such a victory cannot give everyone too much confidence.

Naturally, Sinestro knew everyone's thoughts and thoughts. He smiled slightly and explained: "As we all know, the combat power on the Dust Star is basically a mechanical corps. It's just a loss."

"not to mention……"

"The casualties over there are not very high, just the loss of some high-level mechanical monsters."

"The opponent didn't touch the core defense layer of Dust Star, and even the leader over there was trapped in the formation."

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is an absolute victory!"


Sinestro not only said, but also showed you some battle scenes from Dust Star, as well as the scene.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes widened with excitement, and they were so excited that the frustration and worry just now had weakened a lot.


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