The Storm God

Chapter 3704 Appease! (Please subscribe!)

"Very good!"

"Sanddust Star's great victory, this can be regarded as a painful lesson for Tian Qixing, let's see if they dare to be presumptuous in the future!"

"What happened to that horrible guy?"

"Did you run away?"


Everyone discussed excitedly.

Some people think this is very cool, and it can be regarded as making up for the regrets of Keruga, but at least it has caused Apocalypse to suffer a big loss.

There are also people who are more concerned about whether the leader on the battlefield over there (Morpheus, the Oneiroi) succeeded in running in the end?

after all……

That's a super boss.

If it can be eliminated or captured, it will definitely be a huge blow and weaken to Apocalypse.

But it's a pity.

Among the information displayed by Sinestro, there are no relevant data and reports, so they can only ask Sinestro.

"Feel sorry!"

Regarding this matter, in fact, Sinestro is not very clear, the data is obtained from Aya.

As for whether Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was arrested, Aya didn't mention it, and Sinestro didn't want to ask more.

It's okay to kill or catch it.

In case the other party escaped unfortunately, and I asked at this time, wouldn't that be an embarrassment for others?

To know.

Sinestro still owes Aya a favor.

Of course he wouldn't do such a fucking thing, so he can only be vague about everyone's inquiries:

"Because the matter is of great importance and it also involves Mr. Bai's future layout, the result will be kept secret for the time being."


For such an answer, although everyone was very depressed, they also expressed their understanding and did not continue to ask.


The focus of the meeting returned to the issue of Koruga. Should the survivors continue to stay on the transferred safe planet, or should they be transferred back?

"Don't transfer it for now!"

Sinestro sighed deeply, and said: "Current Kruga planet is almost full of ruins, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to restore it in a short time..."

"It's not easy to resettle the survivors when they are transferred back, and they will also touch the scene and burst out with strong emotional power."

"This will inevitably give Heileng an opportunity to take advantage of it. To be on the safe side, it's best to stay where you are!"


It makes sense.

Everyone also expressed their understanding and approval of this.

As for how to appease everyone, this is something that the representatives need to worry about. There is no need to bring it up for discussion at the meeting. The representatives can figure out a way after they go back.

The meeting mainly discussed important matters related to the safety of the entire universe and the overall strategy.


Defensive deployment against the Black Lantern Corps.

Previously, Kruga had issued a statement instructing various civilized planets on how to effectively resist and eliminate the invasion of black lights.

However, this moment and that moment.

The power and scale of the current Black Lantern Corps have skyrocketed unprecedentedly, and their capabilities have become increasingly powerful and terrifying.

It is conceivable that most of the previous methods may be outdated, and they must be updated and remedied in time.

But alas.

How to effectively prevent and resist the assimilation of black lamp infection, now Sinestro is not sure.


They didn't know how far the Black Death Emperor had recovered.

According to the analysis of the 100,000 worlds ruled by Apocalypse, at least 30% were infected and assimilated by the Black Lantern Legion.

The emotional power obtained by the Black Death Emperor is definitely at a massive level. When these powers gather on him, even if he cannot be fully awakened and recovered, at least a considerable part can be recovered.

As for how much, it is not clear.

Sinestro has now merged with the parallax monster and has become the form of the parallax monster. With the continuous improvement of power and perception, he also knows some information about the Black Death Emperor from the parallax monster.

after all.

Parallax monsters, these lantern beasts, were the first characters to confront the Black Death Emperor in the place where the universe was formed.

And according to the information analysis obtained from the parallax monster, the current Black Death Emperor is probably still in the interlayer between the chaotic universe and the real universe.

That is.

The reason why the Black Death Emperor cannot fully use his power is because of the isolation and defense of the real universe.

To break through the barrier defenses of the real universe, the Black Death Emperor needs to absorb and consume an extremely large amount of power.

And the source of these powers is undoubtedly the power of emotion.

In other words.

The success of Scarface's operation this time will provide the Black Death Emperor with a considerable amount of power to help him break through and penetrate into the real universe, so that the ability of the black lamp can be further strengthened and improved.

As for how much it can be strengthened, it's hard to say.

after all……

All analysis and speculation are useless. There must be real evidence for this thing, otherwise it will be impossible to carry out targeted defense work.

This begs the question, how can we obtain accurate data about the capabilities of the black lights?

no doubt.

The best way, of course, is to capture a member of the Black Lantern, and then carry out numerous experiments and research on it.


All this is easier said than done.

First of all, the horror of the Black Lantern Corps, as we all know, they never act alone, basically they are in groups.

This also means that the difficulty and intensity of arrest will be greatly increased. If there are fewer people, they will not be able to catch the opponent, but if there are too many people, it will be easy to be exposed...

at the same time.

Those who go there must also have certain abilities.

At the very least, it must have a high resistance to darkness and death, otherwise it will be infected and assimilated by the black lamp when it goes up. What is the difference between sending a head to the enemy?

It is undoubtedly difficult to meet such conditions.


With the influence of Sinestro.

It's not that it can't be taken out, the key is that Star Kruga has just endured a big battle, and it hasn't had time to catch its breath yet.

If you really want to pull up a team in a hurry, there will inevitably be problems of one kind or another.


Sinestro ultimately vetoed the proposal.

What he meant was that everyone's main job now is to recover after the war. As for the defense of the black lamp...

There is no rush for this.

You know, the universe is huge, even if they are anxious to get angry, it is impossible to take care of all the civilized worlds.

That being the case, instead of letting yourself run around in a hurry and lose your sense of proportion, it's better to calm down and concentrate on finding a solution.

Haste makes waste!

Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood!

To this.

Everyone also understood and agreed, and expressed that they would try their best to appease the civilized world they represent. As for whether they can prevent the invasion and assimilation of the black lamp, it depends on luck.

after all……

This is the catastrophe of the entire universe.

It's not just one or two worlds, you can do whatever you want. It takes everyone to work together to overcome this crisis.

That is.

Necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

No matter what others think, anyway, everyone at the meeting is basically ready to be generous.

Sinestro also said that he will work out countermeasures as soon as possible to help everyone deal with and resist black lights.

that's all.

The meeting lasted about three hours.

When everyone dispersed and began to work according to their respective plans with complicated emotions, Sinestro came to Bai Xiaofei's universe.

A large number of Kruga planet refugees here are waiting eagerly for the arrival and appeasement of his boss.

Fortunately, everyone was prepared in advance, so there was not much resistance to the transfer.

Everyone obeyed the order, there was no trouble, and some people even acted spontaneously to help the Lanternmen maintain order and so on.

Seeing this, Sinestro felt very relieved.


He began to give a speech, explaining to everyone the current situation of Koruga and the dangers that may be encountered.

The core meaning is that this place is very safe, you should stay here first, and bring you back after the outside matters are basically resolved.


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