The Storm God

Chapter 3705 The Power of Creation! (Please subscribe!)

There is one thing to say.

Sinestro still has a lot of prestige and the right to speak on Kruga, and his speech immediately won the users of most people.

Although there are still a small group of people who insist on returning to Star Kruga and rebuilding their homeland, they also know that now is not the best time.

Even if you want to go back, you have to wait until the situation over there is almost resolved, otherwise it will not be going back to rebuild, but looking for death.


These people didn't make any fuss.

He just expressed his hope, and then readily obeyed Sinestro's intentions, temporarily settling here, not making trouble, and waiting for the good news from Keruga.

This made Sinestro very pleased.


He also doesn't ink.

Immediately contact Aiya and dispatch a group of construction robots to help the people here build their temporary homes.

after all.

This is the place for alternate safe transfers.

Although the environment is beautiful and there are certain living conditions, there are only a small number of people after all. Now almost all the people from Keruga have been transferred here, so naturally it is not enough.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have many other things, but there are many robots.

With a highly intelligent mechanical corps and endless material support, it is completely possible to build a standard temporary home for the transferred personnel of Kruga in a very short period of time.


If some ability users are sent to use various superpowers to help with the construction, the effect will be even more perfect.

For example, those with the ability to control the magnetic field can help control the movement of metals and other operations, greatly reducing the construction period of robots.

Another example is that with the ability to control the earth element, you can use your own ability to easily build super-strength cement resources...

Similar examples abound.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was not stingy either.

After learning what Sinestro meant, without saying a word, he conveyed a will to the people of his own planet.

Subsequently, a large number of capable people were transferred to this planet, and together with the mechanical corps, they helped build a temporary home.

Of course.

The people of Kruga are not lazy.

They said that they could also help, and Sinestro didn't have any organization. They immediately organized their staff and formed a temporary but very professional planning and leadership team.

that's all.

A super-strong construction team took shape quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the construction started in full swing, but the follow-up matters, there is no need for a boss like Sinestro to worry about it, and it can be completely left to the personnel under his command.

And he himself came to another very beautiful planet - the pure land of the underworld.


Bai Xiaofei was waiting for him.


Sinestro lowered his head with some guilt, and blamed himself: "I am willing to take full responsibility for this incident!"

If it wasn't for his arrogance and self-confidence that he could handle the invasion of Apocalypse, things would not have developed to this extent.

Even though there were some unexpected factors, Sinestro was not prepared to argue, because it didn't make any sense at all.


Bai Xiaofei smiled and waved his hands.

Then he patted Sinestro lightly, and said: "Okay, I know the reason of this incident, although you are responsible to some extent, but you can't blame it completely!"

to be honest.

Darkseid's personal conquest, let alone Sinestro, even Bai Xiaofei didn't expect it at all.

Let me ask...

How could he blame Sinestro?

Moreover, Sinestro's performance at that time was also completely remarkable. If it were someone else, I am afraid that the planet Kruga would have fallen long ago.


For Sinestro, Bai Xiaofei didn't mean to blame anything, what he cared more about now was undoubtedly Sinestro's state and strength.

That is the potential of the Parallax Demon.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei's light pat was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

While comforting Sinestro, a wave of divine sense and detection power instantly entered Sinestro's body.


Bai Xiaofei sensed the existence of the parallax monster.

And, the original force that originated from the birth of the real universe because of fear.

This power is very mysterious and important to Bai Xiaofei, because his own power of fear is not pure, it is only simulated based on the ability of the yellow light.

Even if Bai Xiaofei's strength is too strong, and even completely surpasses the ability of the yellow light itself, but in fact, its pure fear effect is not as good as the deity.

It can only be said that both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Now that he has glimpsed the origin of the Lantern Parallax Monster's power, the doubts in Bai Xiaofei's heart, as well as the flaws in the power of fear, can undoubtedly be supplemented and improved.

For others, this may be very difficult.

But to Bai Xiaofei, it's like eating and drinking water, after all, Bai Xiaofei's strength realm far surpasses Parallax Monster.

It's like parsing an exercise.

For the students in the lower grades, it is undoubtedly equivalent to the existence of a heavenly book. Even if they rack their brains, it may be difficult to decipher it, or even find any clues.

In the eyes of students at the same level, although this exercise is somewhat difficult and special, it may not be impossible to solve it, but it will take some time and energy.

From the initial analysis, the gradual settlement in the middle, to the final correct result, it takes time and process.


In the eyes of senior Bai Xiaofei, the difficulty of the parallax monster exercise is almost equivalent to the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of primary school students, and it is almost not difficult at all.

Far from other problems, it may need to use some equations and other more advanced processes to solve them.

Even if it was necessary, for a senior student like him, it would only take a little extra brainpower.

In short.

It's a breeze, no difficulty.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Bai Xiaofei's strength is extremely strong, and he also has deep research and attainments in the power of emotions.

If it were another master who was about the same level as Bai Xiaofei but had no research on the power of emotions to solve this exercise, I'm afraid it would not be so easy.

after all……

When it comes to the mysterious original power at the beginning of the universe, this is no longer a simple question of power, but also involves deeper rules and mysteries.

For example, the light of creation that influences and creates all of this!

After analyzing and researching the source of parallax monster's power, Bai Xiaofei found that the biggest difference between it and his own power (emotional power) is that there is another more special and powerful source of power in the deepest part of its core .

If you guessed right, it should be the power of the light of creation.

You must know that Lantern Man's emotional power was formed and born due to the influence of the light of creation.

Therefore, it is not surprising that their abilities contain a little power of creation. This can also explain why the abilities of different colored lamps, combined, can restrain the black lamp to a certain extent.

That's because the ability of a single Lantern Man, the power of creation contained in itself, is too meager and scarce, far from being able to restrain the pure power of darkness and death.

But when two or even multiple emotional forces are fused together, the situation is completely different.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei understood the original power of parallax monsters.

Including some of the power of the light of creation that is deeply hidden, after all, before this, Bai Xiaofei already had part of the original power of the ion shark, so he is no stranger to this power.

It's just that the two Lantern Beasts, due to some reasons of themselves or the outside world, cause the power of the light of creation they hold and perceive to be somewhat different.

What is the specific difference, Bai Xiaofei was not very clear for a while, he only knew that these two powers seemed to be directly fused, just like the emotional power of different color lamps can be combined to form a stronger effect.


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