The Storm God

Chapter 3706 Singularity! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei thought a lot.

Of course, all of this was done in an instant, and Sinestro didn't feel anything unusual.


The parallax monster in the body, when Bai Xiaofei patted himself on the shoulder, there was some inexplicable movement, but Sinestro still sensed it.

But he didn't have any connection, he just instinctively thought that this might be the parallax monster's instinctive fear of Bai Xiaofei.

the previous time.

Sinestro simply felt that Bai Xiaofei was powerful and terrifying, but as his strength improved further, he became more and more aware of how terrifying the boss he was following was.

Even now that he has become a new generation of Parallax Demon, in front of Bai Xiaofei, Sinestro still feels as small as an ant.

This also caused Sinestro, who was a little swollen, to restrain himself a lot, and at the same time, his desire for strength improvement and desire also increased again.

just like……

A door to a new world opened.

Sinestro finally knows that there is still a vast and vast world waiting for him, and he must not stop here!

And all of this was given to him by Bai Xiaofei.


For Bai Xiaofei.

Sinestro sincerely admired and respected him, and even directly regarded Bai Xiaofei as his belief.

Especially at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's magnanimity and tolerance made Sinestro even more grateful.

"Sir, I..."


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said: "It's all in the past, so don't mention it again, do it well in the future, I am optimistic about you!"


Sinestro immediately patted his chest to promise that he would not disappoint Bai Xiaofei, and Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he said: "Your current state is only the most basic integration, and it is far from the strongest stage, that is to say, there is still a lot of room for improvement..."

The current Sinestro, after merging with the Parallax Monster into the Parallax Monster, is probably at the high level of the God Emperor Realm, and if it breaks out, it may be at the peak level.

to be honest.

This kind of strength has basically gone sideways.

But it is limited to the world in front of me. If it is placed in the heavens and worlds, it is still not enough to see.

Not to mention anything else, there are N more masters stronger than this in the reincarnation space, and if you jump out anytime, you can kill Sinestro.

As one of his strongest younger brothers, Bai Xiaofei values ​​Sinestro very much.


He imparted a lot of experience and insights to Sinesto, and hoped that the other party could learn from it and improve his strength as soon as possible.

After all, strength is king. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!

Sinestro has a deep understanding of this.

If he was strong enough at that time, he would not have been delayed for so long by Kalibak and others, resulting in a serious lack of high-level combat power on Kruga Star, so that countless fighters were killed by Apocalypse Star.

Every time he thought of this, Sinestro would feel heartbroken.

Having received Bai Xiaofei's teaching at this moment, Sinestro secretly vowed that this time, he would definitely not live up to Mr.'s expectations!


He left.

With the tasks assigned to him by Bai Xiaofei and the small goals he set, he started a new journey.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he resumed his deep thinking and research just now, thinking about the fusion of the original power.

"The power of emotion can be fused. These two somewhat different powers of creation can also be fused..."

"The light of creation contained in the power of multiple emotions is perfectly integrated to a certain extent, even almost comparable to the light of creation..."

"But it's a pity that until now, only two lantern beasts, the ion shark and the parallax monster, have been found, and the rest of the lantern beasts are still missing. It is obviously impossible to obtain the power of creation from them for experiments. !"

"Then can you replace it with other powers, such as your own power of creation?"


The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

This problem, for other people, I am afraid it is a difficult problem, and I dare not experiment rashly.

But he is different!


Bai Xiaofei has the method of returning the three elements to one.

With the help of the principle of ternary normalization, Bai Xiaofei can completely increase the success rate of the fusion test to an unimaginable level.

At the same time, the current him is not the deity, but just an incarnation, one of the three corpses of the deity.

Even if there is any accident in the experiment, it will not have any impact on the deity, so you can do it with confidence.

And once the experiment is successful, the benefits obtained are absolutely beyond imagination, and it is not impossible to even form a special creation force that is completely your own!

Do whatever comes to mind.

Bai Xiaofei is definitely not an ink-blotted person. After he had an idea, he immediately started making preparations here in the pure land of the underworld.


It's an isolation barrier!

After all, the power of experimentation is three different forces of creation. Even Bai Xiaofei dare not underestimate the consequences of the collision between them.

Therefore, the isolation power of the barrier must be top-notch, and even if there is any accident, it cannot affect the outside world.


It is the carrier of the test.

Any experiment needs a carrier, and the fusion of the three creation forces is no exception.

And Bai Xiaofei's decision is the pure land of the underworld itself.

To know.

This planet was originally used by Bai Xiaofei as a platform for Cancer's abilities, as well as some subsequent extensions.

It is still in the development state, and only some simple rule setting and planning have been done, and it has not been fully completed.

Even if it is really destroyed, Bai Xiaofei won't feel too much distress, the worst is to configure it and copy it to other planets.

As the master of this cosmic world, Bai Xiaofei, who affects billions of galaxies and countless stars, expressed that he has no pressure!

at last……

It is the specific test steps.

Bai Xiaofei thought about it carefully, and felt that he might not be able to keep up with his busy schedule by himself.

So two clones were directly separated, and each of them had a different force of creation, and then slowly approached at the same time, slowly contacted, and tried to merge.

follow closely.

in the macrocosm.

There were three Bai Xiaofei, each holding a terrifying force of creation, slowly gathering together on a planet.

And this planet is the pure land of the underworld.

The originally bright and dazzling stars, because of the sudden approach and close contact of the three creation forces, began to be greatly affected, and became discolored, and the sky fell apart.

at the same time.

In the microscopic world, countless particles, atoms and other substances also began to undergo terrible and wonderful changes under the action of the force of creation.

And specific to the substantive external manifestations...

From Bai Xiaofei's point of view, it felt a little familiar, and it directly reminded him of the fire in the anime Transformers——

A circular energy substance similar to an egg, with three different energy core substances regularly surrounding each other.

The performance of the three creation forces in the experiment after contact and fusion is almost exactly the same as that scene.

The difference is that the fire seed source is only about the size of a fist, but the one in front of me is a star-level one.

The terrifying level of its energy also far exceeded Bai Xiaofei's expectations, making him instantly surprised and delighted: "It's so strong! This familiar power..."

"A point with infinite density, infinitely high curvature of space-time, infinitely high heat, and infinitely small volume, all known laws of physics are completely invalid..."

"You can't go wrong, this is the power of the singularity!"

"Did I succeed?"


Bai Xiaofei was extremely excited.

Seeing the pure land of the underworld, together with the isolation barrier surrounding it, shrinks infinitely, and at the same time, its quality is getting bigger and stronger, and its power is getting stronger and stronger.

Its terrifying influence has even affected the stability and operation of the universe in its own small world.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei knew that his experiment should have been successful.

As long as this singularity is compressed to a certain limit, and then starts to flip over and expand evenly, that is the beginning of another universe!


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