The Storm God

Chapter 3707 Target next door! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei was very excited.

Seeing that the singularity is still shrinking, the power is growing rapidly, and the influence on the surrounding is getting bigger and bigger.

He had to force himself to calm down.

"So strong!"

"Not long after it started, a terrifying and powerful force burst out. If I continue to let it go, I'm afraid my small universe will be affected, or even distorted and swallowed..."

"It seems that another dimensional space must be opened up to accommodate it, and use it as a hotbed for a new universe."

"But such a space is hard to find!"


After calming down.

Bai Xiaofei began to feel worried.

The birth of a new cosmic singularity will inevitably mean the advent of a new world, and all of these require room for growth.

If you put it in your own small universe, it will definitely not work.


Singularity reversal explosion.

The power of creation that will be generated at that time will definitely affect the existing universe. At that time, it will not be the creation of the world, but the destruction of the world!

Only when it is placed in an almost empty space can the power of creation be brought into full play.

But the problem is, such a space is hard to find.


It is not completely impossible.

For example, Bai Xiaofei can also use certain treasures as the foundation, from which to open up a separate dimensional space, and use it as a hotbed to breed this singularity.

When the singularity grows to the limit and reverses and explodes, the power of creation will naturally transform it into a brand new universe.


The singularity created by Bai Xiaofei has too much quality and potential. It has only just been born, and it can affect Bai Xiaofei's inner small world. If it grows up a little bit, it will be fine?

Almost predictable.

Using the method of returning three elements to one, the singularity born by combining three different creation forces, the universe world that will be bred in the future must be extremely vast and powerful.

That is.

The hotbed that bred it must also meet the corresponding standards, otherwise it will definitely be exploded!

Generally, treasures that meet this requirement are priceless treasures, not to mention rare in number, and have no market price.

Bai Xiaofei's wallet is a bit empty now, not to mention he has no money, even if he has, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find suitable treasures in the heavens and myriad worlds. It's not that there are no treasures at all, but such treasures are generally not sold .

If the method of replacing the treasure is not working, then we can only use the second method, that is: the dove occupies the magpie's nest!

in short.

It is to put the singularity in other universes, so that the singularity will devour and absorb the power of other universes. Even if the world will be destroyed when it explodes, Bai Xiaofei will not lose anything, but will gain a stronger one. universe.


Right now, there are not many universes that meet the requirements.

The dimensional universe of the previous mechanical green light may be fine, but it has completely become Bai Xiaofei's dark matter medium and server. Naturally, Bai Xiaofei is reluctant to use such a good treasure as a hotbed of singularity.


The world of the DC universe now has many layouts and younger brothers of Bai Xiaofei, and it is impossible to be used as a hotbed of singularity.

Because when the singularity reverses and explodes, the universe will be completely destroyed. At that time, all people, no matter Sinestro and the others, or evil forces such as Apocalypse, will not be able to live.

Unless Bai Xiaofei is willing to take them into his own universe, but this is obviously extremely troublesome.


After much deliberation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't come up with a good solution.

But just when he was about to give up, he was temporarily planning to place the singularity in the DC Universe, and then transfer it when he thought of a way.

However, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought of a solution that was not a solution——

"I'm really confused!"

"The DC universe world next door is now facing the Infinite Earth Crisis, and the anti-monitors there are destined to destroy the infinite dimensional world!"

"Although the Flash and other seven saints will eventually rekindle the fire of hope and restart the universe, it will take a slow process..."

"That said, I could have placed the Singularity in the next-door Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Universe world."

"The anti-monitor's antimatter has no effect on the singularity at all. Instead, the destruction of the universe will create a unique environment and conditions for the singularity."

"Even if Green Arrow restarts the universe, it's okay, because the universe next door is originally composed of countless dimensional universes, and at least a little bit of manipulation will be able to completely separate the universe where the rest of the singularity is located. "


The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became, his eyes were full of light, and he said excitedly: "This is equivalent to me taking advantage of the singularity and abruptly cutting a piece of the 'big cake' next door to make it into a singularity." Nutrients!"

"And how much to cut this cake and how much to leave for the other party is almost entirely up to you!"

"This is simply tailor-made for the singularity. It fits so well that you don't have to feel sorry for it!"

"That's it!"


Without any hesitation.

Bai Xiaofei made a decision right away, he didn't look for any more treasures as substitutes, and he didn't need to think of other ways.

Just use the DC universe world next door as a hotbed of singularity, and then use some hands and feet to completely cut the destroyed void world, so that it will neither affect the restart of the universe there nor delay the reversal of the singularity The explosion, and the birth of a new universe world...

Simply the best of both worlds!

The only fly in the ointment is that doing so will affect the income of his daughter Bai Xing to some extent. After all, the universe next door was planned by Bai Xiaofei himself, and he wants to give it to Bai Xing for development.

As a result, now that he is a father, he wants to use the singularity to cut the next-door universe and use it as a hotbed...

Just thinking about Bai Xiaofei felt a little embarrassed.

"Forget it!"

"The big deal is that when the singularity is born in the universe, some of the dimensional evolution authority will be assigned to Bai Xing as compensation..."

"When the time comes to gather the two major universes as the path of evolution, I believe it will be of great help to Bai Xing, right?"


Bai Xiaofei could only comfort himself like this.

As for the cosmic world where the singularity was born, will it evolve into countless dimensional cosmic worlds like the DC cosmic world next door?


That must be inevitable!

First of all, not to mention how great the potential of the singularity is, even without that potential, Bai Xiaofei would have robbed the resources of the next-door universe. Do you think he would let go of the terrifying power that was born from the restart of the universe?

To know.

The reason why the DC universe next door can split infinitely and evolve into an infinite universe is due to this special terrifying power, okay?

Now that he has decided to cut off the DC universe next door and use it as a hotbed of singularity, then Bai Xiaofei will naturally not let go of such a good resource.

At that time.

As long as part of the source of this great power is put into the singularity for fusion, when the singularity reverses and explodes, it will naturally evolve and generate infinite power.

The only thing Bai Xiaofei is worried about now is how far the Infinite Earth Crisis in the universe next door has progressed?

Has the universe collapsed into nothingness?

Have the seven saints united with Green Arrow launched a decisive battle with the Anti-Monitor? Is it still too late for me to go there now?

And my daughter Bai Xing, how is her development over there?

It is useless to think too much.

Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Now that a decision has been made, there will be no delay or fantasy. He first used his peerless power to seal the space around the singularity, and collected it in a specific dimensional space for easy movement and isolation.


Bai Xiaofei immediately contacted Baikas and Aiya, explaining some specific matters and the direction of future development.

With no worries, he used his strength to directly cross the barrier of the universe with the singularity, and entered the world of crisis on infinite earth.


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