The Storm God

Chapter 3708 Divide the universe! (Please subscribe!)


After crossing the cosmic barrier, Bai Xiaofei's first feeling was that he was at a loss, with a barren chaos in front of him.

Even with the strength of Bai Xiaofei's consciousness, he couldn't perceive the existence of any objects, as if this place should be like this.

Could it be that he came to the wrong place?

It shouldn't be!

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very sure.

After all, when sending his daughter Bai Xing here, Bai Xiaofei specially left coordinates and marks.

If he really came to the wrong place, Bai Xiaofei would definitely sense it immediately, but he didn't have such a feeling.

That is to say, Bai Xiaofei didn't come to the wrong place, the wrong time may be the time of this place.

To know.

The world was going through the Infinite Earth crisis before, and Bai Xiaofei didn't participate in the rescue operation of The Flash and others because he was anxious to find his wife and daughter.

Now that it has been so long, God knows how far it has developed.

But looking at the current situation, Bai Xiaofei reckons that it is very likely that the anti-monitors have already succeeded.

That is, the infinite earth in this world is all destroyed by the anti-matter, and returns to the chaos and nothingness.

Only in this way can we explain everything in front of Bai Xiaofei.


This does not mean that Bai Xiaofei is late.

According to the original plot, the Flash and the seven sages of destiny will try their best to turn the tide and restart the universe.

Since it is still in a state of chaos, it means that The Flash and others have not succeeded and may be working hard.

And this is Bai Xiaofei's opportunity!

There is nothing, so naturally there is no need to worry about it. It doesn't matter how you make trouble, because the whole universe is chaotic, and there are no creatures at all.

Here, Bai Xiaofei can experiment as much as he likes, and even act recklessly, just like before in the dimensional world of the next-door DC universe, he transformed the entire chaotic and dark universe into his own Hongmeng dark system server.


This cosmic world is obviously much vaster than that dimensional world, and Bai Xiaofei will have to spend a lot of effort to attack it.


It's just a little more troublesome.

After opening his consciousness and exploring to the greatest extent, Bai Xiaofei can be absolutely sure that this universe is basically cool.

There is nothing here but a place and existence hidden in a particular place in time!

He can safely and boldly carry out his own experiments.


Just in case.

It is definitely better for Bai Xiaofei to cut this universe to a certain extent first, lest the Flash and the others suddenly succeed in restarting the entire universe when it is about halfway through, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Speaking of this.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but think of his cheap daughter Bai Xing. After coming to this world, he doesn't know how her plan will unfold?

Now that the entire universe has been destroyed and returned to chaos, Bai Xing doesn't know what's going on?

With Bai Xing's participation and participation, the actions of Flash and others should go more smoothly, right?

Not sure though.

after all……

The crisis on infinite earths is the catastrophe of the entire universe, and it is the general trend that cannot be changed and avoided.

In this situation, the rejection of external forces can be said to be extremely powerful. Because Bai Xing wants to take the path of the mixed side, his own strength may be severely reduced...

Coupled with the fact that in Flash's team, there is also a super black-bellied and bald man who can kill people without paying for his life, Bai Xiaofei is still not sure whether his daughter Bai Xing can make it to the end.


Bai Xing and Bai Xiaofei have a wonderful special connection.

Whenever Bai Xing encounters any fatal danger, Bai Xiaofei will have a little telepathy.

It's like a quantum entanglement effect.


to this day.

However, Bai Xiaofei has never sensed anything wrong, which means that no matter how the plan progresses, Bai Xing's life is at least guaranteed.

Think here.

In Bai Xiaofei's heart, he was slightly relieved.

Afterwards, he didn't dare to be negligent, and at the same time his eyes were fixed, the power of the three-eyed pupil instantly turned into a pair of invisible big hands.

The pair of invisible big hands are extremely terrifyingly powerful, and the speed at which they expand is also extremely astonishing.


It transcends all chaos and nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, the big hand directly broke through the barriers and barriers of this universe, as if holding a ball of dark dough, and began to knead wantonly.

at the same time.

With the kneading of the big hands, a feminine and strong cutting force quickly penetrated into it, and it didn't take long to split this dough-like chaotic universe into two parts.

in short.

The current state of the universe is like a Tai Chi yin and yang fish, but it is not so round and regular.

Not only that.

With Bai Xiaofei's mind control and the power of the three-eyed pupils constantly invading and functioning, the black and white parts of this Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish are also growing one after the other at an astonishing speed.

You don't need to guess, you know that the part that is constantly being eaten away and shrunk is exactly the growth space that Bai Xiaofei left for the world to restart.

And the other part that is expanding at an astonishing speed is the breeding ground specially prepared by Bai Xiaofei for his own singularity.

The potential of the Singularity is immense.

In order to cultivate him into a talent as much as possible, this time, Bai Xiaofei spent all his money, risked everything, and spent 90% of the power stored in the three-eyed pupil, which perfectly divided the DC universe.

This moment.

If the original DC universe world is compared to a round cake, then it still belongs to its original part, only a small handful.

Most of the rest belonged to Bai Xiaofei, and the size ratio between the two parties almost reached an astonishing 1:4.

This is outrageous!

In such a situation, if it were placed in other places, it is estimated that some big shots would jump out and accuse Bai Xiaofei of not teaching martial arts.


The universe in front of him is a piece of chaos and nothingness, which is almost equivalent to an ownerless thing, and it is naturally allowed to be cut and distributed by Bai Xiaofei at will.

If he hadn't considered his daughter's development, as well as the subsequent development of this world, which would benefit him to a certain extent, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei would be even more ruthless in slaughtering him!

Just taking away four fifths of it, this is already the maximum limit Bai Xiaofei can accept.

No less is impossible!


At the same time, this is the best effect Bai Xiaofei can achieve so far, even if he wants to cut a little more, he can't do it.

Because, the power stored in the three-eyed pupil is almost exhausted at this moment.

Without the super plug-in of the three-eyed pupil as the energy drive, Bai Xiaofei's own ability alone would not be able to carry this level of big moves.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei's current level of strength is still too low.

It is not something ordinary people can do if they want to perform ultra-difficult operations such as cutting and separating a super-large cosmic world.

At the very least, he had to be a bigwig in the field of venerables, or a level similar to Hongjun's sage of heaven.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he just chopped off a corpse now. Although his cultivation system is quite special, far surpassing others at the same level, there is still a gap when it comes to big realms.

The key is that he has the super cheat of three eyes.

Driven by the terrifying power stored in the three-eyed pupils, even the dominant force, Bai Xiaofei was able to achieve this level.


This is his trump card killer.

It will never be used unless it is a critical moment, but the matter of the singularity is really too important.

Coupled with the special circumstances of the current universe, there is basically no danger, so Bai Xiaofei decided to play big.

Then, there is the result just now.

It turns out.

Bai Xiaofei bet right.

When he was full of excitement and excitement, he unsealed the singularity and placed it in the center of the divided universe.

Singularity immediately showed a terrifying devouring ability that was more ferocious than ever before, and almost the entire chaotic universe was sucked by him, almost stopping its expansion.

That's scary!


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