The Storm God

Chapter 3709 Decisive battle in the small universe! (Please subscribe!)

To know.

The universe is expanding and expanding all the time.

It's like a super balloon, with infinite tension, filled with infinite gas, and then keeps expanding.

Even if this universe returns to chaos, it still changes its nature and instinct.


Because of the existence of the singularity.

This piece of the universe that has just been divided has almost experienced a pause in expansion and expansion...

This is incredible!

"Be good!"

"Isn't this singularity too fierce? If you were a little soft-hearted when you split up just now, wouldn't you suffer?"

"It's said that the brave will die from starvation, and the timid will die from starvation. The ancients never deceived me. Fortunately, I was careful at the time..."

"Otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled bitterly with lingering fear in his heart.

At this moment, he is very weak, not only the power of the three-eyed pupil is almost exhausted, but also his original power is also consumed.

after all……

It is not easy to divide the universe, but it is outrageously difficult to do so without harming the two separate parts at all, and to allow each of them to operate and grow independently.

Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

Not only because he has the super cheat of the three-eyed pupil, but also because he often nourishes the three-eyed pupil when he is free, which allows him to accumulate enough energy.

Otherwise, even if he picks a little bit at ordinary times, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei will give up halfway because of lack of energy.


Bai Xiaofei finally survived.

Although he was almost squeezed out this time, Bai Xiaofei was not unhappy at all, because the foreseeable future benefits were absolutely beyond imagination.

After the initial gluttonous devouring and almost collapsed the entire universe, the singularity quickly became obedient.

As if he had fallen into sleep mode, the speed of devouring and absorbing became unusually smooth and gentle.

And these are nothing to the expansion and expansion of the universe. The two parties seem to have formed a certain consensus, which seems to be very tacit.

Look at the other side.

The DC universe, which is only about one-fifth of the original size, is almost the same as before, chaotic and empty, and at a loss.

It's as if what happened before didn't happen to me at all, it didn't hurt, there was no discomfort or abnormality in what I should do.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help laughing.

This shows that his segmentation method is quite accurate and reliable. Although it is the first time he has done it, the effect is surprisingly good, and neither universe has suffered half a point of damage.

Simply perfect!

Bai Xiaofei unceremoniously gave himself a good score of 95 points for this operation.


He sat on Panxi and began to recover.

You know, his consumption is terrible, and it is difficult to have any effect in general recovery.

Fortunately, this is a void and chaotic universe, the most indispensable of which is the special existence of dark matter and antimatter.

And these.

For Bai Xiaofei, it was an excellent appetite.

Through special exercises and transformation and absorption, and then using the power of creation that one has realized, one can form all kinds of original power that one needs.

in short.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei seems to be bathed in endless sunlight, but his body, like plants, can carry out photosynthesis.

that's all.

Bai Xiaofei was immersed in a state of recuperation.

The singularity seems to have fallen asleep, and it is slowly growing leisurely in the hotbed that Bai Xiaofei prepared for it.

And at the same time.

The two divided universes are also maintaining almost the same speed and level, constantly expanding and expanding, just like two children, one big and one small, are growing obediently and vigorously in the mother's womb.

The three surround each other without interfering with each other.


I don't know how long it has passed.

At a certain moment, Bai Xiaofei finally opened his eyes abruptly, and at the same time as the endless laws of light flickered in his eyes, at the position between Bai Xiaofei's brows, six mysterious and unpredictable divine patterns also appeared.

It's a pity that the flashing time of the Six Paths Divine Pattern was too short, it almost disappeared in a flash, so Bai Xiaofei couldn't feel their differences and mysteries carefully.

To know.

These divine lines are the key to opening the three-eyed pupil and utilizing the power of the divine pupil. Bai Xiaofei usually relies on them for his research.

However, in normal times, as long as a little energy is given, these divine lines will be revealed obediently, allowing him to study it carefully.

And now...

These divine patterns seem to have become "bad".

Bai Xiaofei gave the same amount of energy as usual, but the research time he got was only a moment!

It just doesn't make sense!


You must not get used to them, you must let them know, who is the master, otherwise, if this appetite develops in the future, I will die?

Dare to play tricks on me?


Let's see!

Bai Xiaofei's heart was full of depression and atmosphere, but his mind was also very firm and straightforward, and he was definitely not used to those stink marks.

If you don't give time for research, then I simply don't read it.

Let's see who can't stand it first!


Bai Xiaofei stood up.

Glancing at the state of the singularity, well, it is almost the same as before resting and recovering, and it looks very stable.

the other side.

The development of the small universe is also very smooth.

It is almost on the same level as Bai Xiaofei's big universe that uses the singularity as a hotbed.


If he sensed it carefully, Bai Xiaofei faintly noticed a trace of unusual existence.


"It smells like someone, and it seems to be very familiar. Could it be Barry Allen the Flash and Kara the Supergirl?"

"There seems to be Shirahoshi's breath in it..."


Bai Xiaofei was suddenly surprised.

In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through his mind, but immediately after, he shook his head and put all his conjectures behind him.

"No matter how much you think about it, it's just a guess!"

"Since there is a human breath in the small universe, it means that the Flash Barry Allen and the others are likely to have reached the critical moment of counterattack. If this is the case, wouldn't it be a good time for me to go there?"

"The universe restarts and evolves infinitely. This is a rare and great opportunity and opportunity for enlightenment. We must not let it go!"

"By the way, I can also look at and give advice to my daughter Bai Xing, and maybe I can get some benefits from it. It's a multiplicity of things!"


Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Thinking of all the benefits, Dang even couldn't help but want to enter the small universe and look for the traces of Barry Allen and others.


Before entering, he did not forget to check the state of the singularity more. After confirming that there was no problem with the singularity, Bai Xiaofei entered the small universe with peace of mind.

next moment.

Relying on the incomparably powerful spiritual power, Bai Xiaofei captured that familiar breath and induction almost instantly.


Bai Xiaofei sprinted over with all his strength.

When he traveled through the chaos and nothingness and broke through the barriers of the rules, what he saw was a completely strange mountain range.

And in the gentle area of ​​the mountains, a group of people in strange costumes are fighting with ghost-like guys floating in the sky.

Bai Xiaofei took a closer look, and found that the people in strange costumes were the Seven Destiny Saints including Flash Barry Allen and Supergirl Kara, and those ghostly things were the younger brothers of the Anti-Monitor - Shadow Demon.

It is worth mentioning that.

Compared with the original book, the current situation is a bit more complicated. First of all, it is the Flash Barry Allen.

In addition to the few people that should be there, there are actually a few more unfamiliar characters, but there is no doubt that these people are very powerful, and they are almost the main force against the Shadow Demon.

Of course.

To say that the most special among them is undoubtedly the incomparably beautiful girl, Bai Xiaofei recognized it almost immediately, this is his daughter Bai Xing!


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