The Storm God

Chapter 3710 Conjecture and Paradox! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei was a little puzzled.

Because the current Bai Xing is completely different from the one in his impression, not only his strength is not as good as before, but his appearance and even his aura have also undergone great changes.

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't imprinted special tracking marks on Bai Xing's body before, I'm afraid he really wouldn't have recognized this beautiful girl as his woman, Bai Xing.


Bai Xiaofei realized that this might not be Bai Xing's real body, or, because of some special reasons, Bai Xing had undergone an unexpected transformation.

And the reason why he thinks this way is entirely because Bai Xiaofei felt a strange power in Bai Xing's body that was completely unfamiliar but extremely full of potential.

This force is like a tender seedling that has just germinated. Although it looks immature, it is full of infinite possibilities.

As long as it is given enough environment and time, its future achievements will be limitless!

And this so-called achievement is far more profound and unpredictable than before Bai Xing traveled to this world!

In short.

That's right.

It was precisely because of this that Bai Xiaofei had the association just now, thinking that it might be because of this power that Bai Xing had the current transformation.

As for Bai Xing, he also seemed to be aware of Bai Xiaofei's existence. When confronting the anti-monitor's subordinates, he secretly looked at Bai Xiaofei's location without anyone knowing it.

But it's a pity that Bai Xiaofei has already hidden his figure and all information about his existence, so Bai Xing didn't find anything.

She even thought that she had an illusion, but in fact it was not the case, but someone was really there.

This move made Bai Xiaofei feel incredible.

To know.

His concealment method is quite powerful.

Not to mention the current Bai Xing, even players at the same level as him, dare not say that they will be able to detect Bai Xiaofei's existence.


Bai Xing actually sensed it.

Bai Xiaofei thought subconsciously: "Could it be because of the blood relationship between father and daughter that I sensed my existence a little bit?"

"Or is it some kind of accident and accident?"


What is the specific situation.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to make a conclusion, the only thing he could be sure of now was that his daughter Bai Xing didn't seem to be as weak as he imagined.

Even in this moment of life and death decisive battle, they have always preserved their strength and did not use all their combat power to fight.

No matter what the reason is, this prudence and care alone are enough for Bai Xing to win Bai Xiaofei's praise.

not to mention……

Bai Xing did have real materials.

At the very least, the strangers who are now the main force are no match for Bai Xing at all.

Bai Xiaofei's Primordial Eye can see through the situation of everyone on the scene, except for the anti-monitor and ghost, the most powerful is his daughter Bai Xing.


Shirahoshi is not the main force.

It's just that like The Flash, White Canary and others, they are almost all in soy sauce, and the real main output is someone else.

It is no exaggeration to say that Shirahoshi hides so deeply that he even hides it from the eyes of anti-monitors and ghosts.

This ability alone is enough to make Bai Xiaofei, the father, look sideways and be shocked: "Sure enough! Bai Xing is not here for tourism. Although his appearance has changed and his strength seems to have weakened, the essence and potential of strength , but there is a world of difference compared to before!"

After excitement.

Bai Xiaofei then set his sights on the others.

Like Anti-Surveillance.

The anti-monitor in this world is not some mechanical creation of OA star, but a living figure.

If we want to talk about the anti-monitor, we have to talk about another character——the monitor Mar Nou.

In this cosmic world, Maer Nuowu is an alien creature with infinite power.

Before becoming a Watcher, Novo was a scientist on Martus, who conducted time travel experiments 10,000 years before the Crisis in an attempt to witness the birth of the universe.


Because of the contradictory relationship between positive matter and antimatter, he appeared, which also promoted the birth of the antimatter universe, as well as the existence of his double body, the anti-monitor.

That is.

Infinite Crisis was entirely caused by Mar Novo. If it wasn't for his previous observation of the birth of the universe, there wouldn't be many things that followed.

Of course.

It doesn't make sense to say that.

In the development of things and the direction of fate, sometimes the cause is not important, but the intermediate process and result.

Just like now.

So what if he knew that all the incidents were caused by Mar Nuowu? This is of no help to the current development.

Even if The Flash and the others traveled through time and returned to the Maltus star 10,000 years ago, preventing Mar Novo from observing the birth of the universe, it would only open another timeline.

It will not have any influence on what is happening now, just like the time travel in the Marvel universe, when you travel from the future to the past, everything in the past has become your future now.

No matter how many and chaotic things happen, there will be no change to what has already happened.

Yes, it is just one of many possible births in the infinite universe that suddenly appeared.

It sounds complicated, but it's actually very simple.

That is, no matter what you do now, it will not change what has happened, because without the previous cause, there will be no current result, and even these people who have traveled to the past.

In short.

This is a complete paradox.

The only explanation is that what traveled through the past is a parallel universe, or another newly born timeline.

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei didn't know if Flash Barry Allen and others had gone back 10,000 years ago to prevent Mar Nou's time travel and the observation of the birth of the universe.

He just knows.

The current infinite crisis, not only has not changed, but has become more complicated than what Bai Xiaofei is familiar with.

At least.

He hardly knew any of those strange characters.

Bai Xiaofei even doubted that these guys were messed in by guys from other worlds, right?

after all……

Before Infinite Crisis completely detonated, some members of the reincarnation space also appeared in some earth worlds in this cosmic world.

Although most of them are ordinary players, no one can guarantee that there will not be some super bosses hiding among them.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei was anxious to find his wife and daughter, so he didn't spend much time in this world and surveyed, so he had every reason to suspect that these strange people might be members of the reincarnation space.

At the very least, their abilities and tricks are obviously different from those of The Flash and others.

In this cosmic world, almost all superpowers can be explained by science, and even restrained.


The abilities of these strange characters seem to be inconceivable even by The Flash and others, and they are always shocked and excited.

If they were familiar with each other, they definitely wouldn't react like this, so Bai Xiaofei suspected that Flash and the others shouldn't be very familiar with these guys.

It is likely that these strangers suddenly appeared when the Flash and others came here to fight against the Anti-Monitor.


Following the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, the two sides temporarily formed an alliance to deal with the anti-surveillance that seemed to be stronger.

And the absolute main force among them is undoubtedly Green Arrow Oliver Quinn. To be precise, he is the god-level enhanced version of Green Arrow who already possessed ghost power and came back from the dead.

If it wasn't for his restraint, the Anti-Monitor would have wiped out Flash and the others, as well as these strangers, long ago.

after all……

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.

In the words of a certain old man, only magic can defeat magic, and by the same token, only a boss who is also at the multiverse level can defeat the Anti-Monitor.

Anyone else, even the so-called protagonist, who is not strong enough, is simply not enough to watch!


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