The Storm God

Chapter 3711 Be afraid! (Please subscribe!)

"A ghost?"

Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself.

In DC comics, the title "ghost" has been used for many characters. And this one is one of the highest beings in the DC universe!


Ghost is so awesome!

It is rumored that he is the spirit of God's wrath and vengeance, and judges all wicked people on behalf of the Supreme God. As long as the ghost judges the guilty, the wicked person will be thrown into endless hell after all.


Ghosts are somewhat different from other existences.

Just like a lamp beast, it often possesses its host for activities, and the host has been changed many times.

Some of the most famous are Jim Corrigan, Hal Jordan and Chris Pass Allen.

The Green Arrow in front of him, Oliver Quinn, is obviously one of them, and now he is using the magical power of countless parallel worlds to fight against the Anti-Monitor.

As for performance...

Bai Xiaofei can only say that it is so-so, and there is no big bright spot.

You know, when possessing Hal Jordan, Specter killed Darkseid with one blow.


The so-called killing is not complete.

Because Uncle Da is the incarnation of the concept of evil in the universe, and will be eternally existing and resurrected as a balance between light and evil.

And all of this comes from the arrangement of God.

Realizing this, Phantom gave up his plan to completely kill Uncle Da, because he knew that he could not succeed.

after all.

Ghosts are incarnations of God.

As an incarnation, how could it be against the will of God?

But in any case, this person's abilities are super terrifying and powerful. As long as he wants to do, there is almost nothing he can't do. This is the power bestowed on him by God.


Almost, not absolutely.

Because ghosts cannot judge those who have supreme protection and soulless and lifeless beings.

Just like Uncle Da and Hei Si Di.

The Black Death Emperor is the incarnation of blackness, without soul and life, beyond the responsibility of the ghost, so the ghost has no power for it, and was even expelled by the Black Death Emperor for a time.

All these piles of piles can be summed up with one meaning - this product is very, very awesome!

Regarding the existence of this person, Bai Xiaofei is still quite apprehensive and worried. You know, this person is the incarnation of the existence of the ceiling in DC comics.

The ability is extremely amazing.

Maybe they will be aware of their own existence, and even regard themselves as evil elements, and then want to judge themselves.

As for this existence, no one can really kill him. Although his ability is limited by God, he is still one of the strongest existences.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei is afraid of ghosts.

These special bosses of the key DC all pay attention to one thing and one thing.

Although the ghost can instantly kill Uncle Da, it is completely restrained by the Black Death Emperor, and the Black Death Emperor is restrained by the Spirit of Existence...

The strength of these few people, it is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker. When they are awesome, they are really awesome, but when they are stretched, they are also really stretched.

It mainly depends on who the opponent is.

Take the current anti-monitor for example.

In the comics, Mobius, the anti-monitor, even mastered the power of the Black Death Emperor, and was imprisoned by the Black Death Emperor, and his soul was used as the total energy of the Black Lamp.

Strictly speaking, it can be regarded as a mutual victory and defeat with the Black Death Emperor.

In the crisis on infinite earth, the anti-monitor was defeated by the ghost, and the latter restarted the entire universe with the fire of hope.

Theoretically speaking, the ghost is stronger than the anti-monitor, but in front of the Black Death Emperor, who has a mutual victory and defeat with the anti-monitor, the ghost is restrained by the opponent...


There are many things that cannot be measured specifically.

What Bai Xiaofei fears the most is that ghosts cannot be truly killed unless God can be completely killed, but this is obviously impossible...

In addition, it is the ghost's ability to judge.

Its strongest attribute, judgment, is equivalent to Athena's victory scepter. As long as he finds you guilty and does not restrain himself, he will be invincible.


This is simply cheating!

Even if Bai Xiaofei is better than ghosts, facing such a bug's ability, he is completely useless.

not to mention……

In terms of real strength alone, Bai Xiaofei may not be stronger than Phantom, at least he has no certainty of victory when facing the anti-monitor in front of him.

You know, this anti-monitor is completely different from the mechanical anti-monitor next door.

He is the doppelgänger that was inadvertently created by the watcher Mar Nou, the complete opposite.

Its name is Mobius.

Representing the entire antimatter universe, the more universes devoured by antimatter, the stronger his ability will be.

And now...

It is the strongest state of Anti-Monitor Mobius.

After all, the entire infinite multiverse has been completely destroyed by him. Except for these people in front of him, the rest is nothingness and chaos, and there are endless special existences such as dark matter and antimatter.

Mobius in this period is definitely his strongest peak.


Even if he is the strongest, he is still no match for Specter, which is enough to show how terrifying and powerful Specter is.

The reason why the ghost hasn't discovered Bai Xiaofei's existence yet, Bai Xiaofei thinks it should be because the other party's attention and thoughts are all on the Anti-Monitor Mobius.

Otherwise, with the opponent's ability, it is impossible not to sense it.

after all……

Even his daughter Bai Xing can faintly feel his own existence, so it doesn't make sense that the ghost, the incarnation of God, can't feel it, right?

So far.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry to show up.

Because no one knows what the consequences will be, especially in this extremely special and critical period.

To know.

The purpose of Bai Xiaofei's coming here is not to fight ghosts and anti-monitors, but to reap benefits.

It is naturally the best to be able to reap the benefits of the fisherman without showing up and reap a lot of benefits.


Once an accident occurs.

Even if the restart of the entire universe is affected by this, then the gain outweighs the loss.

after all.

One of the main purposes of Bai Xiaofei's coming this time is to restart the fire of life in the entire universe.

Hiding in the dark to steal the teacher, or even stealing this great power, and completely turning it into your own power, this is the best posture. Any operation that may cause unexpected changes is unacceptable.

in short.

Now Bai Xiaofei only needs to watch the show in silence, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and then when the ghost restarts the universe, he can reap the benefits to his heart's content.

The rest, avoid if you can.

at the same time……

He did the same.

Even in order to prevent being discovered by himself, while watching the play silently, Bai Xiaofei once imposed a lot of protection and insurance measures for himself. After all, he is not afraid of ten thousand but just in case!

With these insurance measures in place, Bai Xiaofei felt much more relaxed, and he was confident that he would be able to deal with any accidents in time, so that he wouldn't be caught off guard and neglect everything.


Bai Xiaofei focused his attention on those strange guys, and after a moment of observation, he came to the conclusion that they were members of the reincarnation space.

Just like Locke, Long Zhan and others under the command of Oneiroi Morpheus, they are powerful and profound.

Think about it too.

Without a few brushes, it is impossible to survive the destruction of the entire infinite multiverse.

Since he was able to stand firm until the end and once became the main force against the Shadow Demon, this in itself explained a lot of problems.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei guessed.

Among these people, there must be a stronger guy hidden, a super boss similar to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

From Bai Xiaofei's point of view, these people are strong, but they are still not enough in front of the anti-surveillance Mobius.

Moreover, their identities are very problematic. The ghost is so powerful, if there is no special protection, it is impossible to escape the ghost's eyes.

Unless there is a certain super boss who uses special abilities to help these people hide the past.

Just like Bai Xiaofei now.


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