The Storm God

Chapter 3712 End up together! (Please subscribe!)

"It seems that things here are far from being as simple as I imagined. It seems that someone has been eyeing this big cake for a long time..."

Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, thinking to himself.


At that time, he didn't stay for a long time, and he didn't pay much attention to the development and direction of this universe.

By the time Bai Xiaofei came back, it was already too late, and he was not very familiar with many of these things.


Bai Xiaofei's daughter, Bai Xing, might know something.

But the problem now is that due to the strength of the ghost, it is difficult for Bai Xiaofei to get in touch with Bai Xing directly.

If it is discovered and perceived, it will be bad.

Without any choice.

Bai Xiaofei can only hide in the dark, pay more attention and observe the movement of these members of the reincarnation space.

He firmly believed that the other party would definitely let his feet slip.

Even if they don't have it now, they will definitely not be able to bear it in the future, unless the other party completely gives up this big cake.

But that is obviously impossible.

after all.

A major event like the restart of the multiverse is not something that can be encountered casually. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has so many benefits beyond imagination that a fool would be indifferent.

The difference lies in the focus of the other party's attention, which aspect it is, and when it will do it.

Just like Bai Xiaofei himself.

What he seeks is mainly the extreme explosion and change when the universe restarts, as well as the derivative power of the subsequent infinite multiverse.

Because these are very important to him.

Whether it's Bai Xiaofei's existing small universe or the future development of Singularity, they all need these as the foundation.

The current opportunity, for Bai Xiaofei, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to gain insights.

No matter what, Bai Xiaofei will never give up.

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts and ideas, the battle between a group of people is still going on in the scene.

Although the number of Shadow Demons is almost endless and they seem to be powerful, in fact their individual strength is not strong.

Even ordinary people like Bai Canary can kill some casually, which shows how weak these things are.

In a word.

Just like chopping melons and vegetables, there is no skill or difficulty at all. The only key lies in the anti-monitor Mobius and the ghost-possessed Green Arrow.

These two are the real top-level high-end combat power, and the outcome between them completely determines the trend of the entire battle situation.

Even if Bai Xiaofei and the boss of the reincarnation space are hidden in the scene, it is the same.

after all……

Leaving aside the hidden purpose of the reincarnation space, Bai Xiaofei wants the universe to restart anyway.

Namely: The Specter defeats the Anti-Monitor.

If the other party's purpose is similar to your own, then you should also hope for this result, otherwise, you may jump out to make trouble.

This is not harmful to Bai Xiaofei.

At the very least, he can roughly guess the other party's position, and take corresponding measures and actions.

It can also increase the ghost's favor towards him to a certain extent.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In short.

Plan before moving.

Wait and see the changes, and respond to all changes with the same.

But it's a pity, Bai Xiaofei thinks very well, but that existence's endurance is also extremely strong.

Bai Xiaofei waited for a long time, but the other party didn't move at all, and continued to hide.

On the other hand, the battle between the Ghost Green Arrow and the Anti-Monitor Mobius became more and more fierce, and the shots became more and more fierce.

Energy attack, space manipulation, telepathy, divine power... almost all the tricks that can be used are used.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very ideal.

It's not that there is any problem with their abilities. The key is that the opponents are all at the same level, and they are evenly matched, so it is difficult to distinguish between them. Most of the attacks were neutralized by the moves of both sides.

Moreover is.

That's all the space here.

The anti-monitor Mobius didn't have to worry about the feelings of those shadow demons, but the ghost had to take care of the safety of the Flash and others.

Fortunately, it was a ghost, otherwise, if it were someone else, they would have been killed by anti-monitors long ago.

It can also be seen from this point that in terms of overall strength, Specter is better, because while taking care of the safety of The Flash and others, he can also draw with Mobius, which is awesome .


That's not enough.

What they want is victory, salvation, and restoration of everything to its original appearance, rather than endless fighting like this.


After fighting for half a day.

Seeing that the consumption of Flash and others is getting bigger and bigger, and those shadow demons are endless, one batch dies and another batch emerges...

If this continues, The Flash and the others will inevitably be grinded to death by the other party. The ghost Green Arrow suddenly gritted his teeth and made a decision.


Taking advantage of an opening opportunity of Anti-Monitor Mobius, Green Arrow suddenly rushed over and hugged him tightly.

at the same time.

An unparalleled terrifying force erupted suddenly from Green Arrow's body, drowning him and Mobius in an instant.


He is going to die with the other party.

The anti-monitor also realized the intention of the Green Arrow, and he wanted to break free, but no matter how hard he tried, it had no effect at all.


There's no after that.

The next moment, the power of the ghost was completely detonated.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely majestic and massive energy tornado suddenly exploded. After the bright light and flames of war, the anti-monitor Mobius completely disappeared.

Apart from the messy surface devastated by the terrifying energy, only Green Arrow Oliver was seriously injured and dying.


When Flash Barry Allen came back to his senses, the shadow demons around him had already disappeared.


They found out that the Green Arrow was in trouble, and rushed over one by one, their concern was beyond words.

Oliver, on the other hand, explained everything to everyone when he was dying, and told everyone that he was leaving.

He is responsible for lighting the flames of the reboot.

The Flash Barry Allen is in charge of the follow-up operations and efforts to make this flame of hope grow bigger and bigger.

As for those guys who were relatively unfamiliar to Bai Xiaofei, it was unknown whether it was intentional or unintentional, but Oliver even glanced at them.

Among them is Bai Xiaofei's daughter Bai Xing.


The treatment Bai Xing received was obviously different from those guys, Bai Xiaofei could feel it, the way Oliver looked at Bai Xing was full of love!


Bai Xiaofei was startled immediately, and wondered in his heart: "What's the situation? Why is Oliver treating Bai Xing like this?"

"Did something happen between them?"


He couldn't figure it out.

During this period, the power of the ghost, like a flood breaking a bank, is disappearing and passing away at the speed of light.

At the same time, this also means that the life of Green Arrow Oliver is about to come to an end, and he is going to die again.

But his sacrifice was worth it.

Green Arrow Oliver not only defeated the Anti-Monitor Mobius, but also ignited the flame to restart the universe.

Somewhere in the small universe, the holy light suddenly appeared.

The power of creation is taking effect and spreading rapidly, and this battlefield, due to some special reasons, has produced some delayed effects, so no one feels it.

But Bai Xiaofei sensed it.


A certain woman among those unfamiliar members of the reincarnation space also changed slightly, as if she also felt something.

Bai Xiaofei, who noticed this, could almost conclude on the spot that this woman with a beautiful figure and face is the deep hidden boss of the reincarnation space!


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