The Storm God

Chapter 3713 Integrate the world! (Please subscribe!)

Finally know which one you are!

Bai Xiaofei was secretly happy in his heart, but then quickly put all his thoughts into the flame of the restart of the new universe.

This fire is no ordinary fire!

But the fire of Nirvana!

It was born from nothingness, and possesses unimaginable powers such as reshaping everything and creating living matter.

Even Bai Xiaofei was deeply shocked by this flame, because this flame not only reshaped the universe itself, but also contained personal will beyond imagination.

What is personal preference?

simply put.

It is someone's wish and idea.

Take this restart of the universe as an example. If it is a normal process, all kinds of things in the universe, and even life, start from scratch, and it will take an extremely long process and evolution to reach the current level.

Moreover, the development and course of it are also full of infinite uncertainties, and it is impossible to follow the original track and remain almost unchanged.


It's not a reboot, it's a recovery.

However, the fact is that Oliver, the ghost green arrow, not only restarted the universe, but also achieved a basic and complete recovery.

In the time and space of the Flash, the time and space of Supergirl, the time and space of Green Arrow, the time and space of Legends of Tomorrow, etc., everything that happened, its experience and past are almost the same as before the destruction of the universe.

The only difference is that in the restarted universe, the locations of these people are all integrated into the same space-time earth.

That is: the current Siyuan Earth is a super-large fusion world that integrates all superhero characters and backgrounds including The Flash, Supergirl, Green Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow.

Although it is simple to say, it is not easy to achieve this in reality. After all, everyone's identity background and past experience, especially some devastating events encountered, often produce huge conflicts and paradoxes.

This is a pretty big problem, which can easily lead to various bugs and loopholes, which can cause endless problems and troubles.

Take a simple example.

Let’s just talk about the Dragon Ball world. In the follow-up setting, there are twelve universes, and only the sixth universe and the seventh universe are twin worlds. Everything is basically similar.

For example, the Saiyans, the big devil Frieza, etc., can find similar prototypes from them.

The only pity is that there is no other version of Monkey King and Prince Vegeta.

after all……

The sixth universe and the seventh universe are symmetrical universes, not parallel worlds, so some discrepancies are normal.

But in the world of DC universe, this kind of thing is very common.

For example, the infinite earth world that appeared before, the most famous of which is undoubtedly the various versions of Wells.

As the saying goes, the iron-clad Wells, the flowing Flash.

For several seasons of The Flash, no matter how the other characters change, but this character is the only one who has returned in various ways, but you still can't find any reason or fault.


No matter how many versions of Wells there are, they basically appear alone, and rarely two or more Wells live or work together in the same time and space.

Because that can easily cause all kinds of troubles, and this has also been shown in the Flash episodes, that is, through black technology, different versions of Wells are connected together, and meetings are held to discuss difficult problems.

The results can be imagined, there are all kinds of ideas and behaviors colliding together, which is called a wonderful event!

This is relatively simple.

Just imagine.

What would happen if you put Son Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z together with Dragon Ball GT?

The two Gokus, the two Vegetas, and even one of the Gokus is a kid version of his childhood.

And then……

A follow-up to Dragon Ball Super.

And the other one is taking the path of Super Race 4, two completely different styles are intertwined and collided...


Think about it all feel messy.

Especially when it comes to some of the related characters, such as Bulma, if there is only one Bulma or Kiki in the same time and space, which Vegeta or Monkey King will she follow?

There are many, many more questions like this.

In short.

The fusion of the infinite universe is definitely not that simple. If there is no complete grasp and careful design, it will definitely not succeed.

Even if there is no problem now, at some point in the future, various contradictions and loopholes will inevitably lead to greater disasters.


Oliver, the ghost green arrow, managed to do it.

Even though there are still some logical inconsistencies in the original Earth after the restart and fusion, there are basically no major problems or problems.

at the same time.

Its subsequent development and evolution have also produced some other incredible features.

Just like the existence of Green Lantern!

To know.

In this cosmic world, among the various major events in the past, the role of Green Lantern is rarely mentioned.

It even made people doubt for a while whether the official has included the green light into the content of the series.

After the crisis on infinite earth, in the subsequent development of the multiverse, the easter eggs showed people the existence of Green Lantern.


Looks like it's a movie version.

Although it makes people very speechless, after all, Green Lantern was brought in, coupled with the addition of some other superhero character worlds, it will undoubtedly make the DC universe after the restart more colorful.


The matter of the series has nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei.

Speaking of these, it is nothing more than to illustrate the power and terror of the ghost Green Arrow Oliver's ability.


Bai Xiaofei was very afraid of this.

He even suspects that all of this is likely to be in the other party's calculations, otherwise a person who can only rely on self-destruct and perish with the enemy will not have the ability to make the restarted universe be born according to his own wishes , and even development and evolution.

At least Bai Xiaofei couldn't understand it at all.

The only explanation is that the ghost Green Arrow Oliver had already calculated everything.

That was after he died with Mobius, the anti-monitor, and he was sure enough to control the changes in restarting the universe.

This is scary!


These are not important now, the most important thing is to quickly take advantage of this opportunity to reap a lot of benefits.

The universe is restarted, the changes and development are fast forwarding, and even directly across to various original time and space worlds, all the characters are restored, and they are perfectly integrated...

Such an opportunity is very rare.

Not to mention that the ghost has disappeared and left now, even if the other party is standing in front of Bai Xiaofei, he will not take the other party seriously, because the fire of nirvana that restarted the universe has completely erupted at this moment.

at the same time.

The terrifying mighty force also exploded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling light of creation swept everything in an instant, sweeping away all chaos and nothingness!

This process is very mysterious.

Let’s say it slowly, it’s like countless epochs, it’s extremely long; let’s say it quickly, it’s almost fleeting, anyway, when Flash Barry Allen and others recovered from their trance, everything around them changed.

Everything I have experienced before is like a dream, and when I open my eyes, it is still everything I am familiar with.

This is the so-called cosmic reboot, can you believe it? Restoring a system will be better soon without you!


The so-called fast is only for ordinary people, such as Bai Xiaofei, the process and evolution of the restart of the universe, it seems extremely slow and real.

Especially Bai Xiaofei who has the Eye of Primordial Mengmeng, he can even perceive all the subtleties and changes in it.

Including the key points of the birth and evolution of the infinite earth!


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