The Storm God

Chapter 3714 Gift! (Please subscribe!)

That moment.

Bai Xiaofei had a feeling in his heart, and immediately entered a state of meditation.

However, before immersion and epiphany, he separated a bodyguard and broke away from the environment at that time.


Like Flash Barry Allen and others, the avatar was reset to a completely unfamiliar environment in a blink of an eye.

As far as the eye can see, it is a bustling metropolis.

The familiar style of the United States immediately made the avatar realize that he should be somewhere in the United States at this moment.

As for the specific location, it is also easy to guess, either the Midtown where the Flash Barry Allen is located, the Star City where the Green Arrow is located, or the city where Supergirl is located, etc.

after all……

This is a brand new world of integration, and the subsequent plots are basically inseparable from these protagonists.

Of course, Bai Xiaofei doesn't really care about these superheroes, what he cares most about right now is undoubtedly his daughter Bai Xing.

After crossing over, what exactly did she experience?

Why does Green Arrow have strange feelings for her? Could it be that there was any friendship between the two parties?

All these doubts need Bai Xiaofei to explore.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei is also very curious and concerned about what will happen to Bai Xing after the universe restarts, so he wants to find her as soon as possible.

in addition.

He also didn't forget those strange reincarnation space members.

Except for the hidden female boss, who is hiding in a corner with the deity, who is absorbing and digesting the insights from the restart of the universe, the other members of the reincarnation space should not be in any danger.

After all, Mobius, the Anti-Monitor, had already been killed, and the Shadow Demons had all disappeared.

In theory, they should be reset directly to this newly integrated earth world like The Flash and others.


Exceptions are not excluded.

For example, the ghost Green Arrow has seen through the opponent's measurement, anyway, the strange look he gave them at the end made Bai Xiaofei very concerned.

Bai Xiaofei reckoned that for these people, the Ghost Green Arrow should have other arrangements, including his own daughter.

Because before dying, Green Arrow also took a look at Bai Xing.

Although the way he looks at Bai Xing is completely different from the members of the reincarnation space, it still makes Bai Xiaofei very worried.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei began to unleash his spiritual power, preparing to search and track the breath of his daughter Bai Xing, as well as the mark left on her body.


His search came to fruition.

at the same time.

Somewhere in another city, in a luxurious and luxurious room, a certain young and beautiful beauty was in a daze alone.

Everything that happened before was too fast.

It was so fast that she couldn't react, especially the last look Oliver gave her...

Bai Xing felt that Oliver seemed to have noticed his identity, but for some reason, the other party did not point it out.

Even at the last moment, he gave himself a terrifying source of power in the reset teleportation.

all of these.

This made Bai Xing very confused and puzzled.

In addition, Bai Xing was a little excited and excited, because she found that her strength realm had been greatly improved.

The reason for all this is that apart from the restart of the universe, the seed of one's own will is being infinitely divided and evolved with the birth of the original earth.

The greater help is undoubtedly the original power that Oliver gave to himself in the end!

This power is actually very suitable for his own attributes, as if it was born specially for him, directly allowing Bai Xing to break through the shackles that were difficult to break for a long time before.

It even once stepped into a new field.

Through this source of power, Bai Xing suddenly realized how insignificant he was, even as a child of Gaia and Bai Xiaofei, he seemed so insignificant in front of this vast source of power.

Just like the scene of the earth in the vast universe of stars.

If you want to become stronger, you can only constantly improve yourself, and this source of power, like a mentor, will lead Bai Xing, avoid many detours, and grow stronger at the fastest speed.

Such a good thing naturally makes the people very happy.

at the same time……

She is also worried.

Will there be any problems with this force?

Why did Oliver help himself? I don't seem to have any deep friendship with him, right?

If I have to say that the relationship is good, I am afraid that the relationship between myself and Supergirl is closer, which makes the sudden gift very suspicious.

This moment.

Bai Xing really wanted to find someone to confide in and communicate with.

Naturally, Supergirl and the others couldn't do it, after all, Bai Xing's identity was a secret and couldn't be easily told to others.


The only person Bai Xing thought of who could help him was Bai Xiaofei, a cheap father. She firmly believed that if her father was here, she would definitely be able to help her solve her doubts.

And think of my father.

Bai Xing couldn't help recalling the special feeling during the decisive battle, and secretly wondered: "That feeling was so real, I even suspected that it was my father who came, but he never appeared again..."

"I guess I'm delusional..."


As a result, Bai Xing just finished speaking.

A familiar and charming magnetic voice suddenly sounded in the room: "That's not an illusion, but a real and incomparable blood induction!"

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's figure also tore through the space in an instant, and walked out of the space crack with a smile.


Bai Xing was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, he cheered and rushed directly into Bai Xiaofei's arms.

Bai Xiaofei hugged his daughter Bai Xing, with a kind smile on his face, and said softly: "I'm sorry, my good daughter, because of special circumstances, I couldn't show up at that time..."


Bai Xing understood very well: "I know, father, I also feel those strange people. They hide very deeply, and they seem to have other thumbnails..."

Following Bai Xing's explanation, Bai Xiaofei realized that his daughter Bai Xing had dealt with these people long ago.

It's a pity that the other party's hiding is too deep, even though Bai Xing tried all kinds of probing and investigation, he didn't get any useful clues after all.


Infinite universe world destruction.

A group of people were teleported to the vanishing point by Nash, escaped the catastrophe, and began to accumulate strength to fight against the anti-monitor and save the universe.

Because of his distrust of those people, Bai Xing has always retained his strength, but he never expected that the other party was too tolerant, and even reached the final decisive battle, but he still hid it deeply.

If it wasn't for what Bai Xiaofei said, Bai Xing wouldn't even know that among those people, there was actually a terrifying strong man who was similar to his father.

"Fortunately, I can hold my breath, otherwise, if I can't help but make a move, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

With lingering fear in his heart, Bai Xing patted his well-developed chest, stuck out his tongue and said, with a cute expression.

Bai Xiaofei nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he didn't hesitate to praise, and praised his daughter Bai Xing for being smart, alert, and awesome, making the latter smile so happily that his eyes immediately turned into beautiful crescents.


After smiling, Bai Xing immediately thought of his own problem, and Dang Lian told Bai Xiaofei the ins and outs of the matter, and finally asked: "Father, there will be no problem with this power, right?"


Bai Xiaofei was shocked and astonished.

Obviously, he was completely ignorant of this matter, and couldn't understand Oliver's actions, and was also full of worries.


Bai Xiaofei is going to check his daughter's body immediately, to find out the mystery of that terrifying source of power.

He wants to study, what is the purpose of Oliver finally giving such a powerful and terrifying source of power to his daughter Bai Xing?

next moment.

Bai Xing sat cross-legged, with five hearts facing the sky, embracing the essence and guarding the one, and began to silently and carefully contact and operate the terrifying original power.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei's powerful spiritual power also immediately entered Bai Xing's sea of ​​consciousness, and began to explore the nature of this power.


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