The Storm God

Chapter 3716 Kill? (Please subscribe!)


Seeing Bai Xiaofei standing in front of the group of original power, speechless for a long time, without any movement, Bai Xing couldn't help but speak.

Meaning, how is it, is there any result?


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

Then explained to Bai Xing the nature of this group of original power, which is very beneficial to her and has no disadvantages.

You can safely and boldly "take" it.


Doubts about this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide anything, and told Bai Xing about the same, but his daughter smiled and said: "Why do you think so much, let's talk about future things in the future, and eat the benefits in front of you first is the kingly way!"

It's quite a heartless feeling.

Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled, and said with a smile: "That's right, but I'm too careful and prudent. If that's the case, then you should absorb it well, and I will protect you."


Bai Xing was not polite to Bai Xiaofei either.

After all, father and daughter are not outsiders, so Bai Xing immediately began to absorb that group of original power without having to play with those polite things.

Just for a moment.

Then there was an extremely huge power, which was directly released from that ball of origin, and then completely integrated into Bai Xing's sea of ​​consciousness world.

"What a deep source!"

The corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly as he saw it. Such a huge and terrifying power was just a drop in the bucket for it. The gift of the Ghost Green Arrow is really big enough.


He shook his head with a wry smile.

Bai Xiaofei withdrew from his daughter Bai Xing's Sea of ​​Consciousness World. After all, there was no danger here, so there was no need for Bai Xiaofei to stay any longer.

On the contrary, the outside world may need some help from him in front of his father, such as establishing an isolation barrier or something.

Bai Xing absorbs such a powerful source of power, even if he restrains it at that time, it may cause some energy fluctuations.

To know.

The current world is a merged version.

All kinds of super criminals and black technologies emerge in endlessly. If you don't take some precautions, you may be noticed by others.

in addition……

If the current plot does not change much, then the Anti-Monitor Mobius should not be completely dead, but will make a comeback.

Although the strength will be weakened to the extreme, it still has a certain degree of danger, and Bai Xiaofei has to guard against it.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Be careful.


Needless to say, Bai Xiaofei's movements were extremely swift and perfect, almost at the moment when his consciousness returned, he had implemented multiple protections, no less than a dozen super barriers, and directly protected his daughter Bai Xing in it.

Seeing Bai Xing immersed in absorbing and comprehending the original power, as well as the continuous improvement and progress of his strength, his face was full of smiles.

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei observed for a while, and found that Bai Xing really deserved to be the capital of the sky, and the original power did not have a tendency to go berserk, and it output energy very stably, helping Bai Xing to understand and improve.

He left the room and went to the balcony on the top floor.

After finding his daughter and confirming her safety, Bai Xiaofei's mind began to shift to other aspects.


Those members of the reincarnation space, what fate will they usher in after the universe restarts and the earth merges?

Since Bai Xing was given a super gift, those people must also be treated specially by the ghost green arrow, right?

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei really wanted to know, were the members of the reincarnation space completely wiped out, or did they engage in some small tricks?

He couldn't believe that the look that the ghost Green Arrow looked at the members of the reincarnation space was just a look.

But it's a pity.

Those people don't have the tracking marks set by Bai Xiaofei on them, so if you want to find them, you have to search for a needle in a haystack.

If this was done in the past, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, it would be easy and effortless.

But the key point is that the current universe has just restarted, the earth has also been seamlessly super-integrated, and almost all the rules of the world have been strengthened and rewritten.

This adds a lot of difficulty to the search for spiritual consciousness.

at the same time……

As time goes by.

The energy originating from the earth is also constantly spreading, fission is happening all the time, and countless parallel earths are born and evolving.

What Bai Xiaofei wants to find may not necessarily be on this Earth of origin, and it is not impossible to find it on other multi-dimensional Earths.

This is undoubtedly more difficult.


Bai Xiaofei searched around, almost searched all over Shiyuan Earth, and found no trace of those members of the reincarnation space.

It's as if those people have completely disappeared since the restart of the universe, and there is no clue about them at all.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that those people were either completely wiped out by the Green Arrow Ghost, or they probably knew some special tricks.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to disappear so completely.


This also means good news, that is, there is no need to worry about the threat of reincarnation space for the time being.

Except for the female super boss who is feeling.

in addition……

Bai Xiaofei also found out.

At this moment, the Flash Barry Allen and others also realized the differences and anomalies in the new world, so they gathered together to confide in each other's troubles and incompatibility.

Especially when they learned that Oliver the Green Arrow was not resurrected, but died completely, everyone became extremely sad and lost.

after all.

Oliver saved everyone, but sacrificed himself.

It's not fair!


Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that Flash and the others didn't even mention the disappeared members of the reincarnation space.

as if...

They don't even know that these people exist.

This is very unreasonable!

To know.

Those people have been hiding for a long time, otherwise they would not have stayed with the Flash and others until the end, and participated in and witnessed the restart of the universe.

As a result, the Flash and the others now remember almost everything, but only the members of the reincarnation space are forgotten.

If there was nothing tricky about it, Bai Xiaofei would never believe it.

And the only explanation is the ghost green arrow.

Bai Xiaofei can assure you that he must have done something. Not only did those people in the reincarnation space disappear, but he also modified the memories of The Flash and others.


The matter about Bai Xing was an exception.

The Flash and others did not forget the existence of Shirahoshi, but because of some special reasons, they did not come to find and call Shirahoshi.

It was as if they had known that Bai Xing was busy with something, so that they casually said that Bai Xing was busy and cut off the thought of looking for her.

This made Bai Xiaofei very concerned and speechless.

no doubt.

This must be the work of the ghost Green Arrow again.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that it might be the ghost Green Arrow, and he didn't want Flash and others to disturb Bai Xing's cultivation, so he also slightly modified everyone's memories.

Otherwise, after experiencing such a major event, it would be impossible to simply say that Bai Xing had something to deal with and dismiss it.

As for the specific extent of the modification, Bai Xiaofei also doesn't know, after all, he doesn't know the specific friendship and process of Bai Xing, Flash and others.

What's more, with the participation of the ghost green arrow.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't very concerned either.

What he really cares about is whether the Anti-Monitor Mobius is dead or not? If you are not completely dead, where are you at this moment?

Although the weakened anti-surveillance is still a very powerful opponent to Flash and others, but to Bai Xiaofei, it is just a poor dog who lost his home.

To deal with him, you don't need Bai Xiaofei's avatar body, his avatar is enough to completely settle him.


It's best to be alive.

After all, the anti-monitors in this world still have some abilities and things, so it would be a pity to just kill Mobius like this.

Making the best use of everything is the kingly way.

Shame on waste!


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