The Storm God

Chapter 3717 Spoiler! (Please subscribe!)

"Can't find it?"

After a while, Bai Xiaofei showed a disappointed expression. His spiritual power almost searched the entire earth, but he couldn't find any clues about the Anti-Monitor Mobius, not even a Shadow Demon. , which made him very speechless and depressed.

"It seems that Mobius, the anti-monitor, should not have dropped the ball yet. I don't know where he is hiding in the universe, but it's right to think about it. His current power is not as strong as before. How can it be possible without some preparations?" Will you come to trouble The Flash and others?"

Bai Xiaofei secretly guessed.

In the plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the ending part of the follow-up did not explain in detail how the anti-monitor Mobius escaped the destruction of the ghost Green Arrow. Everyone only knows that this guy suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Then, somehow, he came up with a way to deal with Mobius.

In Bai Xiaofei's view, these are simply nonsense.

To know.

That's Mobius the Anti-Monitor, the super boss who once destroyed the entire multiverse, if it's so easy to solve, will it be their turn? There are no capable people in other universes, right?

If you have to give a reasonable explanation, it can only be that some things happened that Bai Xiaofei didn't know about. Brainwashed, or beaten into a brainless state.

Or the Flash and others, after the restart of the universe and the fusion of the earth, all the abilities, especially the halo of the protagonist, have been infinitely magnified, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the huge contradictions before and after.

Especially the Atom.

Not only is he a double body of Superman from Heaven, but his creativity is simply against the sky.

Looking for the sage of destiny can be tracked and located across the multiverse. After the universe restarted, he invented a super black technology casually, which can infinitely shrink the anti-monitor Mobius, so as to destroy his humanity... …

This kind of opening and hanging ability is simply speechless.


What Bai Xiaofei is most concerned about is not these, but where is the anti-surveillance Mobius right now? No matter whether he is the original Anti-Monitor or the changed version, the effect on Bai Xiaofei is the same anyway.

That is the power and tool of becoming Bai Xiaofei.


Make it into a brand new Lantern!

Since the Black Death Emperor can make the anti-monitor Mobius into the lamp beast and total energy of the black lamp, then Bai Xiaofei believes that he can also make the anti-monitor Mobius into the lamp beast and energy of his own design source.

Even, it can completely use its power to fight against the Black Death Emperor.

After all, the strength attributes of the two of them have great commonality, otherwise the Black Death Emperor would not have chosen Mobius the Anti-Monitor as the Lantern Beast and the total energy source. Then in turn, through the study of Mobius' power, we can also find a way to deal with the Black Death Emperor.


The process is not simple.

But Bai Xiaofei firmly believes that Huangtian pays off.

The Infinite Universe restarts and fuses the superheroes on Earth after the fusion. Barry, Allen and others, isn't the protagonist's halo against the sky? Then simply use them to help yourself, Bai Xiaofei believes that with the help of these natives, the development and research results will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

To know.

In the plot of Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Atom only took a very short time to develop and create a black technology bomb that can shrink the Anti-Monitor Mobius infinitely, giving them enough time and resources, Bai Xiaofei didn't believe that they couldn't figure out why.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since Flash and the others don't know that Mobius, the Anti-Monitor, is still alive and will make a comeback, he should tell them in advance, and also tell the terrifying guy like the Black Death Emperor other side.

As for whether the other party believes it or not?


This is easy to solve.

Not to mention, as long as Mobius, the anti-monitor, appears in the future, it means that Bai Xiaofei's news is correct. Naturally, the Flash Barry? Allen and others will also believe in the more terrifying Black Death Emperor. Threat exists.

It doesn't matter if you don't believe all of them, as long as there are one or two, Bai Xiaofei has absolute confidence, and can use more facts to prove that his words are absolutely true. At worst, he can take some of them to visit the universe world next door.

Countless army of dead corpses in black lights, rampantly raging the horror scene of the universe, I believe that few people can bear this terrible scene, when the time comes, Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to say anything, the other party will be completely convinced and regret it.


That was the last thing to do when there was really no way to do it, but as long as there was still a chance, Bai Xiaofei would not take that step, because it meant that all his previous methods had failed, and it was not an honorable thing.

Bai Xiaofei was proud and arrogant, so he was naturally unwilling to admit defeat easily.

Although Bai Xiaofei did not see the end and ending of "The Flash", "Supergirl" and other dramas, but many subsequent things can still be analyzed and speculated based on the previous situation. With Bai Xiaofei's current ability and Hongmeng's secret The terrifying computing power of the system is absolutely inseparable.

As long as Bai Xiaofei makes good use of these plot information, he won't have to worry about gaining the trust of The Flash and others, especially because of Bai Lei's relationship. Tou, who can bear the burden of ordinary people?

"Just do it!"

Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Although now his daughter Bai Xing is comprehending and absorbing the energy of the original power, and needs someone to protect him so that he can't leave, but it's just to send some news, even if he doesn't leave, Bai Xiaofei still has a way to send the news.


Invade the technological power of The Flash and others.

If only one or two superhero teams received similar mysterious information, perhaps no one would care and believe it, but if a large number of superheroes have received special and important information, and the credibility is surprisingly high .

That situation is out of the question.

In particular, these news also involved super villains like Anti-Monitor Mobius. In view of the horrible things the latter had done before, even if the news provided by Bai Xiaofei was ambiguous and very vague, I believe they would not dare to ignore it.

After all, that is the great devil who once destroyed the multiverse world!

No one wants that kind of thing to happen again.

Even if it's just catching wind and shadows, someone will definitely investigate the matter related to this clearly. Even if they can't find out, they will definitely plan ahead and take various protective measures to deal with possible terrorist incidents.

The facts were indeed as expected by Bai Xiaofei.

When the Flash team, the Supergirl team, the Legends of Tomorrow team and others all received the news that Mobius, the anti-monitor, would make a comeback, they didn't dare to be careless and neglected, and quickly gathered together again.

"Do you think this is going to be true?"

The first person to ask was White Canary. He had the deepest relationship with Green Arrow, so he naturally didn't want to believe that Oliver had sacrificed himself and hadn't killed Mobius, the anti-monitor.

After all, they saw it with their own eyes at the time, and the anti-monitor was directly blown up by Oliver, otherwise there would be no restart of the universe and the fusion of the earth, because it was inconsistent and unreasonable.


Why isn't Mobius dead?

How did the person who sent the message know all this?

What is the purpose of passing the matter of the other party to a multi-person team at once? After all, there were not many survivors at the scene at that time. The rest of the people who came back from the dead had their relevant memories deleted, and only these survivors retained their relevant memories.

What is the purpose of the person who sent the message?

Is the universe at peace?


Anyway, they didn't believe it at all.

If this is the case, why didn't you jump out to fight against the anti-surveillance Mobius at that time, but bluffed at this moment. This is clearly an ulterior motive, and the drunkard's intention is not to drink!


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