The Storm God

Chapter 3718 Shrink the bomb! (Please subscribe!)


When everyone was discussing extremely intensely, Supergirl Kara suddenly spoke and said weakly: "Maybe the other party is really for the peace of the universe? After all, not everyone wants to destroy the world, or make trouble..."

For some reason, at this moment, Supergirl Kara suddenly thought of her good sister——Bai Lei's father. Bai Xiaofei's powerful figure and elegant demeanor had already left an indelible influence on her heart.

It's just that Kara didn't think too much about her own affairs because she was in the middle of the crisis of Infinite Earths and Bai Xiaofei was anxious to find his wife. Now that the universe has recovered and the earth has merged, everything is moving in a good direction.

Suddenly received a special email message, at that moment Supergirl Karabian immediately thought of Bai Xiaofei.


At first he was only skeptical.

But as everyone's discussion got deeper and deeper, Supergirl Kara felt that her guess might be right. If the person who sent the message was Bai Xiaofei, then everything would be explained. Supergirl Kara believed that Bai Xiaofei would definitely not What a bad idea.


When everyone heard this, they were slightly taken aback.

Then they all looked at Supergirl Kara strangely, their expressions seemed to say, "Are you kidding me?"

Only White Canary seemed to think of something, looked at Supergirl Kara with complicated and weird eyes, raised her eyebrows and said, "Kara, what do you mean, that person sent these messages?"


When Bai Canary spoke, the others became even more confused.

Hey Hey hey!

What the hell are you two fighting about?

Can't you speak more clearly? What that person? Who are you talking about? Oliver? Or someone else?

Whether it's The Flash, the Atom, or Superman, they are all very puzzled at the moment. At first, it was just Supergirl talking nonsense, why suddenly even White Canary became inexplicable?

"Do you remember before the infinite world was destroyed?"

Bai Canary didn't mean to show off. Seeing that her teammates were stunned and didn't think of Bai Xiaofei, she could only explain to everyone, and finally said: "I believe you have seen the strength of that person. Or heard, if these messages are sent by him, then everything can be explained."

"that person?"

Some people still don't understand.

At this time, Barry Allen, the flash man who had completely wandered over his head, showed a dazed expression, and then his eyes lit up and said: "So you are talking about the father of the super girl Bai Lei. His strength is indeed true. It's terribly scary..."

Speaking of Bai Xiaofei, Flash Barry Allen couldn't help feeling a little bit sad, and sighed: "If Bai Lei and her father were there at that time, with the strength of their father and daughter, maybe Oliver would not have died. "


Those words immediately resonated with everyone.


Whether it is Bai Lei or Bai Xiaofei, their strength is beyond imagination. If they were there at that time, the conspiracy of the anti-monitor Mobius would not have succeeded so easily. The two women will surely defeat Mobius!


Both left at that time.

In order to find their lost relatives, such a reason made it impossible for everyone to stop and ask for help. After all, the other party is not from this world, at most they just have some friendship with themselves and others.

But this kind of emotion is definitely not as good in front of relatives.

Why do people ignore their loved ones because of it?

Compare your heart with your heart.

If they were the other party, everyone couldn't guarantee that they would definitely stay.

At that time, everyone was still worried that the infinite world was at stake, and they didn't know whether Bai Lei and his daughter had found their relatives, and whether they had survived the catastrophe that affected the entire multiverse.

Now that it is open, it may be that I am waiting for others to worry too much.

If this message was really sent by Bai Xiaofei, then it is obvious that Bai Lei and her daughter are not only not in any danger, on the contrary, they may live a comfortable life, and even have insight into everything, otherwise they would not be kind enough to remind themselves to wait for others. Watcher Mobius is still alive.

So far.

Everyone who was still a little unbelieving and skeptical immediately dispelled the doubts in their hearts.

The Flash Barry Allen made a final decision: "The matter is relatively simple now. If Bai Lei's father really sent these messages, it is certain that Mobius the Anti-Monitor is still alive and will make a comeback. it is true!"

"Even if he didn't send it, and it's about Mobius, the Anti-Monitor, we must prepare for the worst, otherwise if the prophecy comes true and we have no precautions, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"What do you think?"


Everyone was silent.

Everyone has to admit that Barry Allen's words are quite reasonable.

After all, the power and terror of Mobius, the anti-monitor, is obvious to all. If Oliver hadn't been resurrected from the dead and miraculously possessed the powerful power of ghosts, it would be impossible for them alone to save the world and restore everything !

If such a horrible guy wants to make a comeback, it is natural to plan ahead and make good preparations. Even if there is only a one in ten thousand possibility, he must be given the highest attention, because the consequences of failure are too heavy for everyone to bear.

"I agree!"

Soon, the Atom gave a clear answer.

Immediately afterwards, Batgirl, Superman and others also expressed their support for the decision of Flash Barry Allen. No matter who sent this message, they must show 12 points of energy, take it seriously, and never Any contempt and carelessness are allowed.

"very good!"

Barry Allen nodded excitedly.

Then he turned his gaze to the Atom and said, "Now we have a huge advantage that we didn't have before, that is, we have a deeper understanding and cognition of the anti-surveillance Mobius, and we also know Mobius in advance. The crisis that Sri Lanka will make a comeback may..."

"In other words, this time, we have almost enough time to brainstorm and discuss ways to deal with the enemy. Lei, you are the most technologically capable of all. What good ideas and suggestions do you have for dealing with Anti-Monitor Mobius?"


Atomic Ray was silent for a while.

Looking at his appearance, he was obviously thinking. Everyone agreed tacitly without urging them, but waited silently and patiently. After all, Lei was in charge of science and technology among the crowd, and he could only rely on him for this matter. If even he If there is no way, then everyone will be even more helpless.

And Lei did not disappoint everyone. After a while, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then excitedly said: "I thought of it! As we all know, Mobius, the Anti-Monitor, is composed of antimatter, which cannot be destroyed or created, but But it can be changed!"

"Then what?"

Supergirl Kara asks the crux.

Atomic Man Lei continued with a smile: "We can design a super shrinker, similar to a super bomb, as long as it can hit the anti-monitor, it can be infinitely reduced, and eventually trapped in the quantum universe, no longer able to Appear!"

"Is it feasible?"

White Canary immediately clenched her fists. The Green Arrow Oliver is her best friend. If there is no other way, that’s fine. Since there is, then White Canary will naturally want to avenge Oliver. This matter , no one can rob her!

Everyone didn't mean to fight with White Canary, but all looked at Atomic Xia Lei.

Lei Ze said excitedly: "Well! If there are no accidents, there should be no problem. The key lies in whether this shrinking bomb can hit the anti-surveillance. This requires a certain amount of control over him, otherwise it will be easy for the opponent to Dodge, or move to other places!"


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