The Storm God

Chapter 3719 Summoner! (Please subscribe!)


Everyone nodded slightly.

The strength of the Anti-Monitor Mobius is obvious to all. Even the Green Arrow Oliver in the ghost state is difficult to deal with, let alone them. If there is no way to restrict the actions of the Anti-Monitor and infinitely shrink the bomb It's really hard to work.

If you want to solve the anti-surveillance, you must first find a way to limit his actions.

Even if only for a moment.

By then...

With the speed of Flash Barry Allen, if you look at the right time and give it a go, the possibility of success is very high.

The question is how can the actions of the anti-surveillance be limited?

The opponent is too strong.

Moreover, it is the incarnation of anti-matter, and ordinary methods do not work at all.

Superman and Supergirl are almost the strengths of the Flash and others, but their attack methods are mainly manifested in physical aspects, and it is difficult to play a role against the anti-monitor, especially to restrict the opponent's actions.

in short.

Letting the two charge into battle and attracting the anti-monitor's firepower is no problem, but wanting to limit the actions of the anti-monitor and let the other side show their flaws, thus creating an opportunity to throw an infinitely shrinking bomb to the Flash Barry? Allen, this is somewhat It's difficult.

Superman and Supergirl both know this too,


Their brows were immediately frowned together, frowning.

But White Canary didn't give up hope because of this. Since his team didn't have enough experts to trap Mobius the Anti-Monitor, what if he asked for foreign aid?

Just like Bai Xiaofei!

She glanced at everyone, which means, do any of you know any experts or capable people in this field?

But unfortunately, there is nothing we can do.

at last.

White Canary looked at Supergirl Kara.

She asked: "Kara, isn't your relationship with Bai Lei very good? I remember you once said that Bai Lei left you a special contact method. If there is any difficulty or danger, use that. Then Bai Lei will rush to the rescue as quickly as possible..."


Supergirl Kara nodded.

Then he smiled wryly: "But that was in the past. At that time, Bai Lei's father hadn't found her. Didn't he find Bai Lei later and took her away with him? It's probably not a world..."

Speaking of which.

Kara was taken aback for a moment, and said in amazement, "Sala, what do you mean..."

"That's right!"

White Canary Salad nodded and said: "Since all of our replies have no news, let's try this. Even if it still doesn't work, we have nothing to lose. We just have to find another way."

"But if it is really successful, then we will add a super combat force, even Bai Lei's family. Even if their strength is not as good as Mobius, the anti-monitor, I am afraid they will not be much weaker. If we add Give them the task of restricting movement, I think the possibility of success is very high!"


Sarah's point of view was immediately endorsed by everyone.

The Flash Barry Allen said: "Kara, since this is the case, let's try it quickly. Time waits for no one. No one knows when the Anti-Monitor Mobius will attack. We must seize the time as much as possible. in case!"

"……All right."

Supergirl Kara finally nodded with a wry smile.

She explained: "Before Bai Lei gave me a summoner. After Bai Lei left, I put it away. Then the earth was destroyed. Now the universe restarts and the earth merges. I don't know that the summoner is still there. Not here..."

"I have to go home and look for it."


Then it flew away.

The rest of the Flash, Barry Allen and others, continued to discuss countermeasures. Regardless of whether Supergirl Kara found the summoner or not, they must prepare for the worst. After all, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. .

The point is that this is their own business. Even if someone helps them through the crisis this time, what about the next time?

You can't rely on others every time, can you?


Having said that.

But the cruel reality is that until the return of Supergirl Kara, the Flash Barry? Allen and others have not discussed a specific action strategy. invalid.


They are not without results.

For example, Lei, who is in charge of science and technology, said that he can make an anti-matter tracker to search and locate the location of the anti-surveillance Mobius, which can not only verify the authenticity of the mysterious email, but also give people Everyone knows more, so as to know themselves and the enemy, and take more initiative.

Other than that, there is no further progress.


Everyone looked at Supergirl Kara.

Eyes look forward to.


Supergirl Kara smiled and nodded in everyone's hopeful eyes, and said, "I found the summoner, and it's almost the same as before it was destroyed, but I didn't use it right away..."


In front of everyone, Supergirl Kara took out the summoner she found.

The Flash Barry Allen and others looked closely, only to see that it was a coin, about the size of a pair of buttons, with a strange shape similar to a coin, with special patterns such as lightning branded on it, although it looked ordinary. , but everyone can feel a strong power fluctuation from it.

This fluctuation is very special. If you don't feel it carefully, you won't be able to notice it. Only when you concentrate your mind and feel it at close range can you feel it a little bit. It has a strong concealment effect.

Ion Xialei, a tech expert, has never seen such a special summoning device. Immediately, he became interested in hunting, and asked curiously: "Kara, how do I use this thing? Can I do some research? My instinct tells me that this is a A special type of technology that we've never seen before, it..."

The look of excitement and excitement on his face was like a pervert seeing a peerless beauty, or a gourmet encountering a precious and delicious food that is rare in the world, his eyes are full of expectations.

But it's a pity that Supergirl Kara doesn't plan to hand over her precious item to Ion Man for research. After all, it is a precious item given to her by her best friend Bai Lei. What if Lei destroys it? manage?

To this.

Ray could only shrug helplessly.

Although he looked indifferent on the surface, everyone could tell that Lei's eyes were full of regret, the kind of depression and loneliness that he had finally met with something precious to his appetite but had no luck with it, almost Blind people can see it.

In normal times, everyone might comfort Ion Xialei, but at this moment, what everyone is more concerned about is obviously not this, but whether the summoner can successfully contact Bai Lei?

The Flash Barry Allen said, "Kara, how do I use this?"

"Just a light pinch!"

As Kara said, she lightly pinched the finger holding it, and the thunder and lightning graphic relief on the summoner immediately lit up with a ray of bright thunder, obviously it had been successfully activated and the transmission signal was sent out.


There's no after that.

Supergirl Kara and the others gathered together like this, waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, until nearly half an hour passed, everything was still the same, nothing happened at any time, as if the light was just a light.


Flash Barry? Allen and others formed a circle, you look at me, I look at you, and finally their eyes fell on the summoner in Supergirl Kara's hand, followed by Kara's gaze, and said doubtfully: "Is this... broken?"

"have no idea!"

Supergirl Kara shook her head blankly: "It used to be very fast, but now it's like this, maybe it's because after the restart of the universe, it's different from before, or Bai Lei is not in the same world as us, so the transmission signal can't be sent..."

"I don't know exactly what the situation is."


between words.

Full of unbearable loneliness.


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