The Storm God

Chapter 3720 Kara's thoughts! (Please subscribe!)


The summoner did not respond. This situation made the atmosphere a little awkward and helpless.

at last.

It was Flash Barry Allen who broke the silence. He looked at Supergirl Kara and said, "Kara, I know this summoner has a special meaning to you, but this is a special situation. Can you take it out and let Lei take care of it?" Do some research?"


What the Flash means, Supergirl Kara can actually understand in an instant. She just wants Lei to help with research and analysis, and try to make a signal amplification device.

Just like looking for the Destiny Saint before, with Lei's ability, as long as he succeeds, even if Bai Lei is not in this world, it should be fine.


Bai Lei has completely left this multiverse world.

So far.

Supergirl Kara couldn't help but feel a little tangled.

She wasn't worried that Lei's workmanship was not good, the main thing was that it was a gift from Bai Lei, which was of special significance.

I handed it to Lei like this, and after doing various researches, even dismantling it...

Thinking of this scene, Kara felt a little sorry for Bai Lei.

But in the end, Supergirl Kara nodded and chose to agree. Obviously, the heart of justice defeated sensibility. Kara believed that even if Bai Lei knew about it, she would definitely forgive her.


The reminder still needs to be reminded.

Supergirl Kara handed the summoner to Lei, and repeatedly reminded him earnestly: "Be very careful!"


Lei smiled and nodded to express his understanding, and solemnly assured: "I know what it means to you, so I won't try to dismantle it until I'm absolutely sure..."

The implication is that now it is at most analysis and research. As long as he can understand the transmission principle of the summoner, Lei can use it to create a suitable signal amplifier.

In this way, there is no need to dismantle such a violent act of dismantling the summoner, but if it is really impossible to research, then you can only try to dismantle it.

To this.

Supergirl Kara didn't say anything either.

After all, all of this is for the peace of the universe. Green Arrow Oliver even sacrificed himself, so what is his loss and dedication?

If Bai Lei really wants to blame, then blame me!


Lei took the summoner and was busy researching, while Flash and others continued to prepare to discuss the matter of dealing with the anti-surveillance Mobius.

In fact, when the matter has progressed here, there is nothing to discuss, because the general strategy and policy have basically been set.

All they have to do is rely on Lei's technology to create an infinitely smaller bomb and a signal amplifier for the summoner.

If the latter still fails in the end, unable to summon Bai Lei and his son to help out, then The Flash and the others can only rely on themselves.


Their follow-up memories are mainly aimed at this point.

And Flash Barry Allen meant that while there is still time, let everyone improve their strength as much as possible.

After the restart of the universe and the fusion of the earth, The Flash and others could clearly feel that an extremely powerful strange force suddenly appeared in their bodies.

This power loosens their bottlenecks, and their potential is infinitely improved. As long as they are willing to work hard, their future achievements are absolutely limitless!

Not to mention the powerful characters with special abilities like The Flash and Supergirl, even ordinary mortals like Batgirl and White Canary have gained powerful power because of this.


The Anti-Monitor is too strong.

Facing such a terrifying existence, The Flash and the others still feel the pressure. The critical time is tight, and the enemy may jump out to make trouble at any time.

If they could be given a little more time, the strength of The Flash and the others would definitely be greatly improved.

At that time, the task of restricting the actions of the Anti-Monitor Mobius may not need the help of others.


Reality has no ifs.

At this moment, The Flash and the others can only plan for the worst. Regardless of whether the summoner will succeed in the end, they must seize the time to improve their strength as much as possible.

Only if you are strong enough, you can overcome all difficulties without relying on outsiders. The sacrifice of Green Arrow Oliver, Flash and others don't want to go through it again.

After a while.

Everyone discussed and came up with a rough and feasible result.

To put it simply, it is their own improvement. It is better to rely on your own team, because everyone is familiar with each other and it is easy to operate.

If you really have any problems, you can also seek help from other people, mutual help and mutual benefit, even in a short period of time, the improvement can be very obvious.

They didn't have enough pressure before, so they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, they just experienced the destruction and restart of the universe, and finally restored peace. Naturally, everyone should enjoy and get familiar with the current world.

Unexpectedly, Mobius, the anti-monitor, was not dead yet, and the pressure suddenly came. Naturally, Flash and the others couldn't continue to relax, and had to force themselves.

Everyone started to leave separately.


When Supergirl Kara was about to fly away, White Canary suddenly stopped her, saying that she had something to say and wanted to talk to Kara.


Kara was at a loss.

But seeing that White Canary is so serious, it seems that she came to find her specially, and Supergirl Kara couldn't refuse.

So, the two women disguised a little, and came to a relatively quiet coffee shop.

After taking a seat.

As soon as the waiter left, White Canary Salad went straight to the point and asked Supergirl Kara, "Kara, have you fallen in love with Bai Lei's father?"

"Ah I……"

Supergirl Kara suddenly paled in shock.

That expression was exactly like the little secret in my heart was discovered and exposed, flustered and shy.

She was trying to explain something.


But White Canary Salad shook her head and said, "Kara, I understand your feelings. After all, Bai Lei's father is not an ordinary person. Let alone you, even I can't help being tempted..."

"Huh? Salad you..."


Sha La nodded unabashedly, and said with a smile: "There was a time when this person appeared repeatedly in my heart..."

"However, when Oliver sacrificed, I let it go completely, because I knew it was impossible for us."

"He has a wife and children, and he doesn't like me at all, so why should I bother? Think about it, it's actually good to be a friend..."


Speaking of which.

She paused slightly, and then continued: "Of course, this is just my opinion. Your situation is a little different from mine."

"What's the difference?"

Carla asked curiously.

Bai Canary smiled brightly and said: "I don't have such a godly assist as Bai Lei around me. If I can see Bai Lei again, as long as you can persuade that little girl to agree to be your daughter, her father will not have any difficulty."

"There is a saying in Huaxia, men chasing women, across mountains, women chasing men, interlayer yarn, plus Bai Lei, a powerful god assist, I believe your chances of success will be greatly improved!"

"You know, Bai Lei's father doesn't just have one wife. As long as you don't care about sharing a lover with others, I don't think there will be any obstacles there."

"After all, our Kara is also a beautiful woman, and she has such a good relationship with Bai Lei. If you really want to chase her, the success rate is extremely high!"


Supergirl Kara blushed when she heard these words.

While shy, I was also secretly delighted, is this really the case? Bai Lei, she...

Will you support yourself, a good girlfriend, in pursuing her father?

Ah, why does it feel a little messy!

what do I do?


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