The Storm God

Chapter 3721 Cosmic vision! (Please subscribe!)

Kara has mixed feelings.

What Sarah said to her made Kara many questions that she was unwilling to face, and they popped up almost instantly, and the whole person was at a loss and at a loss.

She didn't know if it was right for her to do so.

All she knew was that she really liked that person, the one who couldn't extricate herself, was hopeless, these days when the earth was converging and the crisis was lifted, Bai Xiaofei was always in Kara's mind almost all the time.

She has completely fallen.


Kara didn't want to think about many problems, because she also knew that she had little hope, and all she got in the end was pain and disappointment.

But many things are not what she wants.

Especially feelings!


Sarah noticed her own situation and said it directly, which was almost tantamount to clarifying the problem and forcing Kara to make a choice.

to be honest.

For this, Kara also understands that the salad is for her own good.

Because this is the case with emotional matters, procrastination will only make yourself more painful, instead of hesitating and looking forward and backward, it is better to give it a go, dare to love and hate.

Even if you fail in the end, at least you won't regret it.


The timing in front of us is also very good.

The point is, what would Carla do? Sarah can only help her raise the issue. How to solve and deal with it still requires the person concerned to come in person, and others cannot participate and help.


In this way, there was silence for a while.

Cara's face froze suddenly, as if she had made some kind of decision.

I saw that her eyes were no longer confused and hesitant, but became firm and resolute, and said to Sarah: "Thank you, I think I should already know what to do..."

"That's good!"

Sarah nodded with a smile, and said, "No matter what decision you make, I will support you! If you have any difficulties and need help, you can also come to me..."


Carla smiled, too.

Afterwards, the two began to change the subject in a tacit understanding.

It directly spanned from Kara's feelings to Lei's research, and many things after the fusion of the earth, as well as development and changes.

Just like Baldy Lai.

You know, this guy was Superman's old enemy before.

As a result, Lai Tuo has changed suddenly and has become the immediate boss of the Supergirl Kara Chaoying team department!

Who can stand this?


The earth merged, not only the superheroes, but also those super criminals.

In the past, a guy who could be solved by Chaoying alone may not be able to do it now, because the opponent is likely to form a gang to strengthen his own strength.

If the Chaoying do not make changes and unite, the consequences will be unimaginable.

What Carla meant was, can they form a team with those who are more familiar and tacit understanding, and if they encounter difficult problems that cannot be solved individually, they can unite and deal with them together.

Like the Crisis on Infinite Earths event.

"I think so too!"

Sarah nodded in agreement, and said, "Individual power is limited after all, and it's easy to be targeted by those who want to, but if it's a group cooperation, it's different."

"I think we can study this matter in depth. Presumably Barry Allen and the others should have similar ideas and a sense of crisis, but they didn't bring it up immediately because of the anti-monitor Mobius."

"Let's find a chance and discuss it."


Supergirl Kara nodded.

The two continued to chat for a while, and then encountered an unexpected incident.

The phone rang suddenly, saying that a huge monster had appeared on a certain street, causing great panic and confusion. As Chaoying, they had to rush there to deal with it as soon as possible.

The two looked at each other.

Without saying anything, they stood up in a tacit understanding.


at the same time.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei also encountered some things.

But it's a good thing.

He could clearly feel that besides the original earth, this universe has once again spawned many dimensional worlds, some of which are developing at an unimaginable speed.

Just like Earth 12.

In that dimensional world, even the Green Lantern came out.

And the other party gave Bai Xiaofei a very familiar feeling, probably because the Flash Barry Allen had linked up with the shadow version of himself, so that the earth in the newly born infinite world, the overall style of Green Lantern, It's almost the same as the movie.

Even the development process over there once surpassed that of the next door.

This is incredible!

In addition, there are also No. 19, No. 9, No. 21, No. 96, etc., which have developed super-English dimensional earth worlds. The development of these earths is different from that of the original earth. Some are fast, some are slow, and some are Some are ordinary, some are brutal...

In short.

The changes are huge.

I don't know if it's the result of the natural development of the universe to a certain extent, or the rapid evolution caused by the imminent appearance of the Anti-Monitor.

Such a result, for Bai Xiaofei, undoubtedly has huge benefits.

After all, this is a stage of qualitative change in the development of the multiverse. If you can learn from it, it will be of great benefit to Bai Xiaofei himself and the birth of the singularity.


Bai Xing, who is the Gaia of the earth, has also obtained amazing benefits because of this.

The most obvious manifestation is that the speed at which Bai Xing comprehends the original power gifted by the ghost green arrow has increased countless times in an instant, just like a fool who has opened his mind and is sitting on a rocket like a snail.

At this speed, Bai Xiaofei estimated that it won't be long before Bai Xing can completely absorb that source of power and use it for himself.


Absorption is absorption, refining is refining.

It's completely different things to be mastered and to be able to follow one's inclinations, or even to comprehend thoroughly, and then to create one's own style and characteristics.

That is.

Even if Bai Xing completely absorbs that source of power, it is equivalent to opening the door to a new world, and there are more mysteries and journeys waiting for her in the future.

Either way, it's good news.

At least……

Because of the rapid evolution of the infinite earth world, the process of Bai Xing's opening the door to the new world was compressed to an unbelievably short period of time.

It even provides a good direction and reference for Bai Xing's future development and improvement, as well as the pursuit of the avenue. Any of these benefits is immeasurable.

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

Especially when thinking of Ion Man's quantum universe theory, a very terrifying idea was born in his mind-the universe is vast and infinite, the mysteries of the human body are also boundless, and the microscopic quantum realm is beyond imagination.

Three different universe types, but they all share a terrifying similarity.


What if the three of them are combined?

Just like fists, palms and legs, heaven, earth and people, if you can use a certain method to combine the three elements into one, to what extent will your own strength level be improved?

Theoretically speaking, it should be more than enough to break through the Venerable Realm.

Just don't know how much will be left over.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's heart became completely hot.

Various data and possibilities also began to flash in my mind, like a storm of thinking, and all its contents were related to the three universes.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible it seemed!

If it weren't for being unable to get away now, I am afraid that Bai Xiaofei would have dropped everything and directly devoted himself to crazy research and experiments. Now he can only think about it, and then rely on the terrifying computing power of the Hongmeng Dark System to carry out Various data simulations.

This directly led to the fact that in Bai Xiaofei's cosmic world, countless stars were consumed instantly, and all their energy was used for data simulation.

Moreover, this consumption rate is still geometrically multiplying at an astonishingly terrifying rate. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take long before it will completely surpass the expansion and improvement speed of the universe.


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