The Storm God

Chapter 3722 Problem target! (Please subscribe!)

"It's so terrifying!"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback by this terrifying consumption rate, and immediately stopped his brain storming.

no way.

If it continues like this, God knows how many stars will be destroyed.

You know, this is just a calculation simulation, and there is no actual operation yet.

Just counting it, it's so terrifying, if you really do it, I'm afraid that Bai Xiaofei's small universe will be squeezed dry at that time!

In addition to being frightened.

Bai Xiaofei was also very excited.

Because this shows that his conjecture is at least theoretically feasible, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

But along with it, there are many problems.


Terrible energy consumption.

The scale of the universe in Bai Xiaofei's small world is not too strong. Compared with the extent of the universe in other existing worlds, it is at most the level of a child, still immature and young.

According to the simulation consumption analysis of the fusion calculation of the three universes by the Hongmeng Dark System, the extent of such a universe is probably just enough for the initial stage of calculation.

With the subsequent increase in difficulty and the intensification of consumption, the supply will definitely exceed the demand, and there will be sluggishness.

This is not acceptable.

after all.

The strength of the small world is directly related to the level of Bai Xiaofei's own realm. The three universes are only at the theoretical stage, so it costs so much. If there is no solution, continue to mess around...

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse!

"I have to think of a way!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and said in thought: "On the one hand, we must accelerate the development and improvement of our own small world; on the other hand, we must also actively explore a new small universe. Only by developing in multiple directions can we meet our various needs in the future..."

But then again, these things are easy to say, but they are more difficult to do.

Let’s not talk about the development of the small universe.

It's nothing more than a question of speed, even if you don't care about it at all, it is definitely in a state of growth, so there is no need to worry.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to operate a little bit, and it can be solved. Although it is impossible to achieve the desired effect all at once, it can also shorten the gap.


Opening up a new small universe is not easy.

This thing is like raising children. Without enough resources and a strong capital, you can't support one of them, and you want to get two?

What a joke!

Bai Xiaofei's luck is good, he created a singularity, and has great potential, and his future achievements are limitless.

Unfortunately, it is still only in the seed stage.

It will take considerable time and process if it wants to take root, grow, and provide enough resources for Bai Xiaofei to support the various abilities of the Hongmeng Dark System.

One thought here.

Bai Xiaofei frowned involuntarily: "It seems that as long as the center of gravity is now, it's better to strengthen your own small universe!"

"But how to do it?"


The growth of the small universe is beyond the need for one's own efforts, and it can also be achieved by plundering.

It's like eating a snake.

Eating a big snake of a fat girl is far faster than finding all kinds of ingredients by yourself.


Bai Xiaofei also fully has this ability.

For example, in the infinitely diverse world of this world, every earth, or other planet, is planted with Bai Xiaofei's life seeds.

Afterwards, these seeds will take root and sprout, and ruthlessly devour everything around them, turning them into their own nourishment and energy.

Does it look familiar?

That's right!

This ability is derived from the Celestials in the Marvel Universe, Star-Lord's father, Igo.

It's just that the current Bai Xiaofei is many times stronger than before, so even with this ability, he has become even more powerful and terrifying.

Yi Ge's avatar seeds still need their own divine power as a driving force, otherwise they cannot control the onset and devouring of those seeds.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

As long as he is willing, he can create life seeds almost infinitely.

And these life seeds don't need Bai Xiaofei's special care at all, or waste his divine power.

They are not picky eaters at all.

Extremely adaptable, it can thrive and develop even in the harshest planetary environments.

after all……

Although the universe is large, almost everything is made of matter, the difference lies in the different types of matter.

But Bai Xiaofei's life seed can feed on matter, regardless of your environment and conditions, as long as it is made of matter, it will all be its food.


Even some illusory existences can still be devoured and absorbed, such as special powers in dreams.

This is the enhanced ability that Bai Xiaofei obtained after devouring and absorbing the clone of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

That is.

If Bai Xiaofei wants to become stronger and accelerate the growth of his own small universe, he can completely spread his own life seeds in this world.

No need for him to manage and worry.

It only takes a very short time, and these seeds will turn into towering trees, or even vast interstellar forests, completely becoming Bai Xiaofei's resources and mines.

With the scale and particularity of the universe in this world, there is no need to devour everything, just a little bit, it is enough to support Bai Xiaofei to continue the fusion simulation calculation of the three universes.

But Bai Xiaofei gave up on this idea almost instantly.


This universe belongs to White Star.

As a father, how could Bai Xiaofei steal things from his daughter?

Before, Bai Xiaofei divided the universe for the sake of the singularity, which is already a little sorry for Bai Xing. If he swallows and absorbs the material energy of the divided universe, it is really unreasonable.

Unless it is the infinite diversification of this world, the evolution has reached a certain grand scale, and Bai Xing has obtained enough benefits, which is not at all short of what Bai Xiaofei needs.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to have the idea of ​​this universe.

After all, there are so many worlds in the universe, such as the DC universe next door, which is currently in chaos, Bai Xiaofei can completely act recklessly in the next universe to meet his own needs.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Originally, he didn't intend to take such a big step, but since he had the idea of ​​merging the three universes, he had to temporarily change the plan.


Darkseid in the universe next door, and Morpheus, the Oneiroi, will have to face and solve it sooner or later.

Since it is necessary to fight, then simply play the big one.

Moreover, even if Bai Xiaofei in this world doesn't do anything, this trip is not a loss at all.


The scale of the universe he divided is about twice that of the existing universe. Once the singularity reverses and explodes, and the creation of the world begins, it will be the time of Bai Xiaofei's harvest.

According to the existing data analysis, this income is definitely not low.

Even if it still can't meet Bai Xiaofei's needs, at least it can last for a while, and it will greatly strengthen Bai Xiaofei's ability.

That's fine.

If the plan of the universe next door develops smoothly and successfully defeats Darkseid and captures the real body of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, then Bai Xiaofei's assets will be filled in an instant.

After all, those two are almost at the same level as Bai Xiaofei, or even stronger.

More benefits can definitely be extracted from them.


"In addition to the next-door universe, there are also quite a few pretty good guys in this universe!"

"For example, the anti-surveillance Mobius who the Flash and others may face soon, why not let him practice first!"

"The antimatter universe is also the universe!"


Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly brightened, and he muttered to himself: "Although the current version of Anti-Monitor Mobius is completely different from the previous peak version that destroyed the infinite multiverse, the camel who died is bigger than the horse." , if it works well, maybe it can still be raised..."


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