The Storm God

Chapter 3723 The detector is completed! (Please subscribe!)

Speaking of anti-surveillance Mobius, Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of another possibility, can this guy be integrated with the anti-surveillance king of the next universe?

According to this infinite multiverse, the anti-supervisor king should be a double or triple body similar to Mobius.

Theoretically speaking, although the forms of each other are not the same, the essence should be completely the same.

Just like in the infinite dimension, there are N many Flashes, but their shapes and characters cannot be the same person, but they are all closely related to the Speed ​​Force.

The same reason.

Different versions of The Flash can absorb each other's energies, or even complement each other. What about Mobius the Anti-Monitor?

If the anti-surveillance king is transformed, and then the anti-surveillance Mobius is allowed to enter it and become the driver, how terrifying will the powerful alliance of the two super villains be?

"It looks like it's very clever!" The more Bai Xiaofei thought about it, the more excited he became, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

But he also knows.

Now these are all my own imaginations. If I want to really conduct the experiment, the premise is that I must be able to catch the anti-surveillance Mobius.

Otherwise everything is empty talk.

"Then just wait!"

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry, hasn't Flash and the others already started making detectors?

With their protagonist's aura and role, they shouldn't fail.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to sit back and enjoy the success.

that's all.

Time passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, more than a week passed like this.


Under Ion Xialei's disdainful efforts, the super detector for detecting and tracking antimatter information signatures was finally created by him.

Then, without any hesitation, under the nervous gaze of everyone in The Flash, Lei activated the antimatter detector.

next moment.

On the huge technological display, a large area of ​​antimatter signals was immediately displayed, but unfortunately, these were not Mobius, the anti-monitor.

It's just some antimatter that was born by chance in some multiverses. Their signal strength, compared with Mobius, is like the gap between the sun and fireflies.

It is not a magnitude of existence at all.


This is just the beginning.

With the passage of time and the continuous amplification of the detector signal, the area and scope of its exploration will also become larger and larger.

Even if there is no test result now, Ray believes that they will find Mobius at some point.

To this.

Flash and others agree.

The advent of the detectors means that they have an early warning function, as long as they detect the signal characteristics of Mobius, they can accurately determine the position and location of the other party.

This is far better than not knowing anything and meeting the enemy unprepared. What the Flash and others have to do now is to plan ahead, and once the alarm sounds, they will immediately enter a state of combat readiness.

"Ray, how's the Infinity Bomb making going?"

The Flash Barry Allen asked.

"It's still going on!"

Lei explained: "The infinitely shrinkable bomb is different from my combat uniform. Its design and requirements are more stringent and powerful. It must be able to achieve near-infinite shrinkage, and at least reach the quantum level..."

"Otherwise, Mobius will not be trapped at all, and will only be reduced to a microscopic state, causing us even greater trouble!"

"But it's coming soon. In about a week or so, I'll be able to build it completely."


The Flash and others are not all tech novices.

Everyone agrees with Lei's explanation. After all, Lei has been very busy this week.

It is necessary to make an antimatter detector, and at the same time, to study Bai Lei's summoning device, and to make an infinitely smaller bomb...

He never left the laboratory for almost 24 hours a day. For a Lei who can't clone and whose physical fitness is only at the level of an ordinary human, he can complete the current workload in about a week, which is already quite good.

Flash is fast, but unfortunately, he is not proficient in things in the quantum field.


It can help Lei improve his work efficiency.

Fortunately, they still have plenty of time now, so they are not so anxious and urging Lei's work efficiency.

Some people even advised Lei to pay attention to his body and take a break to relax, but he shouldn't be exhausted because of this.


Ray nodded casually.

Looking at this posture, it is obvious that he will not relax and rest.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly, and after a wry smile, they left the laboratory one after another, leaving Lei alone to continue fighting hard.


After the Flash and others left.

Lei was not in a hurry to continue making infinitely smaller bombs, but put all his energy on Bai Lei's summoner.

after all……

The technology of infinitely shrinking bombs is his strong point.

To put it simply, it is not too difficult. The reason why it has not been produced for so long is that apart from the difficulty of technical upgrades, one of the biggest reasons is that Lei was distracted.

The antimatter detector is one, and the button-sized summoner in front of me is no exception.

Even the latter has a larger proportion.

Lei boasted that his technological ability was very good, but when faced with Bai Lei's summoner, he found sadly that he was as weak as a primary school student.

There is simply no way.

After working for so long, I have not analyzed its working principle and some mysteries at all.

I just understand a little bit, the structure of the summoner.

That is.

If you want to understand the principle of the summoner, there is no other way but to disassemble it.

To this.

Ray was confused.

After all, the summoner is not his, but Bai Lei gave it to Supergirl Kara, which means a lot to Kara.

Lei also promised Kara, there is really no way to dismantle it.

And at this moment.

It is the most critical moment.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Lei knew that no matter how hard he tried, the result would not change much.

"Tear it down!"

After a moment of silence.

Lei finally made a decision. After sighing deeply, he used his special equipment to start dismantling the summoner.


The button-sized summoner was successfully broken down into smaller parts by Lei.

And he also detected a very strange special metal material from inside - Ulu metal.

"Is this its energy source?"

Lei wore a high-powered magnifying glass on his eyes, and held tweezers in his hand, trying to pick up that small piece of Ulu metal...


The next moment he was shocked.

Because Lei was shocked to find that no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't move that piece of metal material.

"How can this be!?"

Lei was immediately shocked beyond measure by the scene in front of him, and his face was full of confusion: "The summoner as a whole obviously doesn't weigh much, why is there a piece of metal inside that is so weird!?"

"Could it be because of the special texture imprints on it?"

"Is it the power of magic?"


Lei Bai was puzzled.

In terms of technology, he is definitely a master, but when it comes to magic, this is not his strong point.

Without any choice.

Ray could only call Supergirl Kara and explained the reason, meaning, can you come over.

He believed that with Supergirl Kara's Kryptonian power, she should be able to handle this extremely special metal material.

at the same time.

Lei can also learn more about Bai Lei from Kara, and these are all related to whether he can crack the working principle of the summoner.


Superfast Kara replied: "I'll be right there."


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