The Storm God

Chapter 3725 Bait! (Please subscribe!)

"It really is him!"

Seeing the ugly appearance of Anti-Monitor Mobius, everyone's expressions changed suddenly, with solemnity, anger, and deep hatred in their eyes.

after all……

This guy has done a lot of outrageous things.

Green Arrow Oliver died because of him!

There was no way to get revenge before.


It's different now.

After this period of improvement, the strength of Flash and others has increased to a certain extent.

Coupled with the help of infinitely shrinking bombs, everyone's confidence has greatly increased, unlike before, they are completely helpless.


Lei typed frantically on the keyboard, and immediately got a series of data. Lei explained: "According to the data, the current anti-monitor Mobius is very weak, and seems to be recuperating in the anti-matter universe... "


Everyone looked puzzled.

Anti-Monitor Mobius is weak? Why? Could it be that Oliver the Green Arrow did something in the dark?

follow closely.

Everyone got excited.

Because the weaker the anti-monitor Mobius is, the more favorable the situation is for them. Unfortunately, the other party is hiding in the anti-matter universe now, and no one can reach it.


They will definitely rush over and kill Mobius completely.

Of course, the premise is that the infinitely smaller bomb can be manufactured, otherwise it would be useless to go there.

So far.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Lei.

It means that to deal with Mobius, the anti-surveillance, it depends on your infinitely shrinking bomb. Our technology experts, can you give us some help and make it earlier?


Ray apologized for this.

Because if he rushes to work with all his strength, the infinitely shrinkable bomb can actually be manufactured in advance.

But because of his distraction, this led to the postponement of the infinitely shrinking bomb. Now that he has found the whereabouts of the Anti-Monitor Mobius, he must not be able to do this again.


Lei patted his chest and promised: "Give me two more days, after two days, I will definitely make an infinitely smaller bomb!"


Everyone nodded to express their belief, and then a group of people left one after another, busy with their own affairs.

Kara and Sarah didn't leave.

Sarah wants to avenge Oliver wholeheartedly, so she is extremely concerned about the infinitely shrinking bomb.

The meaning of staying is also very simple, which is to urge Lei.

As for Kara?

All right!

She's all about the summoner thing.

Lei said helplessly that because he had to seize the time to make the infinitely shrinkable bomb, the summoner could only be shelved temporarily.


Even so, Lei will not turn off the summoner device that has been made. What if Bai Lei, who does not know where, can really receive the signal?

That is definitely great news for everyone.


Kara understands.

Then she flew away. After all, her team had a lot of things to deal with in the Chaochao Department.

Whether it is dealing with Mobius, the anti-monitor, or other crises and super annoyances, she, a super girl, cannot leave for too long.

Especially the former.

What if something goes wrong in this operation? The best plans and countermeasures must be made in advance.

Not only Supergirl Kara, but also several other superhero teams, such as The Flash, Batgirl, etc., are also like this.


at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei was not idle here either.

The situation of Anti-Monitor Mobius is far worse than he imagined, and this is also very good for him.


The more troublesome thing is.

Mobius has been hiding in the antimatter universe, which is not okay.

First, as time goes by, Mobius' strength will inevitably become stronger and stronger, and it will become more and more troublesome to deal with.

Furthermore, some uncontrollable changes are prone to occur.


Bai Xiaofei wanted to force Mobius out.

After all, the antimatter universe is the territory of Mobius, and it will be very disadvantageous to fight there.

But if it's on your own territory, it's another matter.


Mobius is not stupid either.

If there is not enough temptation and benefits, he will never leave his territory easily.

It's like fishing.

Without enough delicious bait, why do people take the bait?


Bai Xiaofei stroked his chin, thoughtful: "The anti-monitor Mobius' power comes from anti-matter, and he is extremely weak now, it's time for the huge anti-matter energy to restore himself..."

"If I can come up with enough antimatter energy as bait, I believe that after Mobius senses it, there is a high probability that he will take the risk and come to give it a try!"

"after all……"

"He is immortal and cannot be completely eliminated. Even if he is very weak now, there is no need to have too many scruples. On the contrary, if he can devour enough antimatter energy, he can return to his peak..."

"No one can withstand such benefits!"


Bai Xiaofei thought about it.

Finally, he thought of the most reliable way, which is to use part of the energy of the anti-surveillance king in the next universe as bait.

Through the research and analysis of the anti-surveillance king, Bai Xiaofei has been able to simulate and produce the corresponding energy.

The disadvantage is that there is no corresponding armor and rune support, which will greatly deplete Bai Xiaofei's strength.


For the sake of the overall situation, Bai Xiaofei decided to take a gamble.

So, he began to prepare "bait". While Bai Lei realized the original power and strengthened herself, Bai Xiaofei used his own energy to simulate and transform while protecting her.


A mass of antimatter energy of extremely high quality was produced by Bai Xiaofei, but it was sealed by layers of mysterious and powerful isolation barriers to prevent it from being detected by the outside world.

And the other side.

Ion Xialei finally lived up to expectations and successfully made the infinitely shrinkable bomb, and the Flash and others were also ready.

Really, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

The crowd gathered together. .

"What should we do now?" Sarah asked everyone, "Are you waiting for the anti-surveillance Mobius to come?"


Lei Mo remained silent.

That's the way it is, so what if they were ready? With their abilities, they simply cannot go to the antimatter universe.

The only feasible way is to wait for the anti-surveillance Mobius himself to come, but this possibility is not high.

Unless the opponent's strength has recovered to a certain level, Mobius has enough confidence.


The other party will definitely continue to stay in the antimatter universe to recuperate.

The Flash Barry Allen frowned and said, "Ray, can you think of a way to force Mobius out?"


Lei pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, with my ability, I still can't do that. Maybe Oliver in ghost state can, but he's gone..."

Everyone was silent again.

But at this moment, a certain instrument behind Lei rang suddenly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It's a summoner!"

Kara had the quickest reaction.

When she saw that Lei's modified enlarged version of the summoner finally responded, she was overjoyed: "It finally responded!"

next moment.

Everyone also saw the scene reflected on the summoner.

It was a scarlet signal with an extremely huge energy response, but its location area was unknown!

This shows that the other party is not in this world at all, but in a strange place that no one knows.

And this undoubtedly proved Lei's previous guess.

follow closely……

On the screen of the summoner, there was a sudden flash, and a very familiar figure of Kara appeared——

Bai Xiaofei!


The Flash Barry Allen couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, and said in amazement, " is Bai Lei's father?"


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