The Storm God

Chapter 3726 Arrival! (Please subscribe!)


At this moment, Kara's mood was very complicated.

The summoner was given to her by Bai Lei, but now it is not Bai Lei who is summoned, but Bai Lei's father...

The key is that this person is still Kara's crush.

This is very...


Not only her.

The Flash and others around him also felt a little embarrassed, but anyway, it was a good thing that they finally got in touch.


The Flash Barry Allen walked up to Kara, touched Kara with his arm, and said, "It's up to you to explain the situation."

no way.

Who makes Kara and Bai Lei have the best relationship?

Even though the person opposite her is not Bai Lei, but her father, there is still some friendship after all.

Much stronger than their so-called outsiders.


Supergirl Kara hesitated.

Then he mustered up his courage, raised his head, looked at Bai Xiaofei in the picture, and said, "Mr. Bai, hello, I'm Kara..."

"I know!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Leilei often mentions you to me, saying that you have helped her a lot and miss you very much..."


When Kara heard this, her nervousness eased a lot, and then she started to talk with Bai Lei as the topic: "Mr. Bai, where's Lei Lei?"


We summoned Bai Lei, but why did you, the father, appear? Isn't it convenient for Bai Lei now?

Everyone was puzzled by this.


Of course, it was impossible for Bai Xiaofei to tell them the real situation, so he could only fabricate a lie: "She is currently practicing in seclusion, not to mention you, even I, a father, can't see her..."


"Is there anything important you need to ask her?"

"I can leave a message for you."


Kara was about to speak.

At this time, Flash Barry Allen stood up and said, "Mr. Bai, Bai Lei is not here, so we can find you."


Bai Xiaofei expressed his surprise just right.

Barry Allen explained: "It's like this, our world is facing a huge threat. He is the anti-monitor Mobius, the representative of the anti-matter universe, before he..."

He briefly told Bai Xiaofei about the crisis on Infinite Earths, and finally said: "Now our world has just been reborn and merged, but Mobius shows signs of making a comeback."

"Our ability is not enough, so we want to find some helpers to deal with Mobius together. Mr. Bai, you are so powerful. If you lend a helping hand, I believe Mobius will definitely lose!"


This is the official invitation.

After the words had been spoken, everyone's expressions immediately became solemn, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

For fear of hearing a negative answer.


After being silent for a moment, Bai Xiaofei suddenly smiled heartily, and replied: "Forget it, I just happen to have nothing to do right now, so I can help you guys a little bit in the past, and it's time to relax and travel."

"At the same time, I am quite interested in Mobius, and maybe I can get some benefits from him."

"Let me know when you are ready. Before leaving, I have to make some preparations..."


After speaking, he hung up the communication.

But the Flash and the others were still immersed in the great excitement just now, and they would be overwhelmed for a long time.

Until half an hour later.

Only then did everyone react, followed by a burst of intense cheers.

Especially Supergirl Kara is even more excited.

He actually agreed!

He is coming!


Without Lei Lei's company.

It's just me and him, so we can...


I wonder if his wife will come with him? If yes, then what should I do?

Continue to endure the secret love, or choose to confess to him?

So tangled!

In short.

Bai Xiaofei was completely in his mind.

As for the anti-monitor Mobius and so on, Kara had long forgotten about it, because Bai Xiaofei's appearance had already been regarded as the arrival of success by her.

Other people around, except for Sarah, no one noticed Supergirl Kara's abnormal reaction.


Sarah sighed helplessly.

I thought to myself: "Kara basically got her wish this time, but I don't know what the final result will be?"

"Hopefully it will come true!"


After a while.

After regaining their composure, everyone began to discuss the battle meeting.

With Bai Xiaofei's help this time, The Flash and the others can be said to have doubled their confidence, and they are in an unprecedentedly good mood.

There is an infinitely smaller bomb.

The super master who pinned down Mobius, the anti-monitor, also confirmed that he would lend a helping hand to join.


The next step is to determine the location of the battle.

Regarding this, everyone put forward different suggestions and opinions, but the same thing is that you must choose a place with fewer people.

so as not to hurt the innocent.


Lei suddenly thought of something, and said, "I forgot to ask just now, I wonder if Mr. Bai can lure Mobius out, if not, what should we do?"


Speaking of this, Flash and the others felt a little depressed. They were excited just now, but in the end they missed this most important question.

It really shouldn't be.

At this time...

But Supergirl Kara said: "I believe that Mr. Bai will be fine, after all, he is Bai Lei's father, a super strong man who can travel through the infinite universe at will!"


When everyone heard the words, their eyes immediately lit up.

The opponent is so awesome, without any equipment, he can travel through the infinite world at will. Wouldn't it be easy to lure Mobius out?

Waiting for others is really nothing to worry about.


Not without doubt.

But after all, it is a minority, and the Flash Barry Allen also said that at worst, he and others are almost ready, and then use the summoner to confirm with Mr. Bai.

that's all.

The matter was decided.

For the next two days, everyone is actively preparing.

The selection of the venue, the erection of the energy field and the erection of the energy field... each perform their own duties, and they are extremely busy.


Everything is ready.

Ion Xialei also activated the transmitter again.

Bai Xiaofei's figure appeared on the monitor almost instantly, and he greeted everyone with a smile: "It seems that you are all ready, so I'll go over now?"


The Flash Barry Allen suddenly stood up and said embarrassedly: "That... Mr. Bai, I have a question, I wonder if you have a way to attract Mobius from the anti-universe? "


Bai Xiaofei pretended to be surprised and said: "You mean, to transfer the tiger away from the mountain and fight it on your own territory?"


Everyone nodded in unison.

The Flash Barry Allen also said that he and others were fully prepared, and that was the only thing missing.

I was in a hurry last time, so I didn't have time to ask.

Of course.

It's okay if you can't.

They believed that with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he could definitely take them freely and safely into and out of the antimatter universe.

"no problem!"

However, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and directly gave an affirmative answer, saying: "Isn't it just to attract the anti-surveillance Mobius from the anti-matter universe? I will leave this matter to me, and you will be satisfied!"

The Flash and the others were overjoyed.


The newsletter is over.

But not long after, Bai Xiaofei's familiar and powerful figure walked out of the dimensional rift.

"Mr. Bai!"

Everyone expressed their welcome.

Especially Supergirl Kara, Sarah even deliberately pushed Kara, pushing Supergirl directly in front of Bai Xiaofei.

Cara immediately blushed. Although she said that the salad was too bad, she was happy in her heart.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about this.

After some chills, he took out the bait he made and explained to everyone: "With this, I don't have to worry about the anti-monitor Mobius not coming!"


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