The Storm God

Chapter 3727 Mobius takes the bait! (Please subscribe!)

"This is?"

Technology expert Lei saw the highly compressed energy body in Bai Xiaofei's hands, and immediately widened his eyes.

Then hurriedly came to him, studied it a little bit, and showed a shocked and unbelievable expression:

"High-purity compressed antimatter energy?!"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei glanced at Lei quite appreciatively, after all, relying on eyes and observation alone, one can determine the properties of energy, not everyone has this ability.

Lei can do this, he is worthy of being a famous science and technology expert in DC Superhero, and he really has something.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's affirmative answer, the rest of The Flash and the others all showed shocked expressions.

To know.

Antimatter energy is very abnormal.

The anti-monitor Mobius relied on antimatter energy waves to destroy the infinite multiverse.

Its horror is evident.


The one in front of me is even more awesome.

Not only does it have highly compressed antimatter energy, but it can even seal it so that it won't have any impact on the surroundings.


This ability alone is enough to explain many problems.

At the very least, they are absolutely unable to do it, and probably only the Green Arrow Oliver in ghost state can do it.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel more confident about the upcoming war, and they all secretly said, it was indeed right to invite Mr. Bai!

This wave is absolutely stable!


Not without exception.

For example, Lei, a technology expert, is not most concerned about the enemy Mobius, the anti-monitor.

It's the antimatter energy in Bai Xiaofei's hands, how on earth can it be so highly compressed without affecting the surroundings?

To know.

Although energy is a thing with different attributes, some basic laws are still common.

For example, the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force.


The energy ball in Bai Xiaofei's hands almost completely violated these laws, which made Lei very unbelievable.

At this moment, there is only endless curiosity in his heart, where is the anti-monitor Mobius.

It's cool and stay there!

Love so and so!

For Lei's question, Bai Xiaofei just smiled and didn't answer, it's not that he didn't want to explain.

The main reason is that the field involved in this thing is too esoteric.

Even Ray didn't understand.

That being the case, why waste effort?

To this.

Ray couldn't say anything.

It's just a pity secretly, if this ability can be replicated by means of technology, he believes that it can definitely promote the rapid development of society.

If it were an ordinary person, Lei might still be chasing soft and hard things, trying to get the technology.


He didn't dare to face a big boss like Bai Xiaofei!

Although this great god looks like a spring breeze, giving people a sense of approachability, everyone at the scene can also personally experience Bai Xiaofei's terror and strength.

Not to mention, Bai Xiaofei's ability to cross the void with his physical body and forcibly tear apart space and dimensions is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although Sisko can do a similar scene, but it is his shock wave ability, which is completely different from Bai Xiaofei.

There is an essential difference between the two sides.

Closer to home.

With Bai Xiaofei's anti-matter energy, the plan to attract the anti-monitor Mobius to leave the anti-matter universe can be regarded as completely settled.


A group of people came to a certain open space in the suburbs.

This is the battleground chosen by the Flash Barry Allen and others after careful selection.

It's different from the movies.

This place is wider and far away from the city, and there are enough powerful and wide energy field generators around it.

Once the energy field is activated, it is enough to cover the entire battlefield.

Of course.

This energy field is only useful for ordinary guys, such as Mobius, the anti-monitor, it has almost no effect.

However, the function of the energy field is not to limit that kind of boss. Its only function is to prevent the energy shock from accidentally spreading to the surroundings.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly, expressing his appreciation.

Although with his level of skill, this thing is useless, but it is definitely more than enough to deal with ordinary small scenes.

Like Shadow Demon or something.

"Mr. Bai."

After everyone got ready, Flash Barry Allen came to Bai Xiaofei and said, "We can start."


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he walked to the center of the field, put the antimatter energy group on the ground, and cast a spell to untie an extremely small opening.

In this way, the powerful breath of antimatter energy will be released, and then sensed by the anti-monitor Mobius.

Faced with such a delicious meal, Bai Xiaofei believed that Mobius would definitely come here at risk.

And all they have to do is wait patiently.


It is also necessary to hide the figure or something.

Otherwise, the anti-surveillance Mobius would have noticed him before he came, so wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

"Everyone come to me!"

Bai Xiaofei unceremoniously stopped him from creating a hidden barrier. After all, Flash and others do not have this ability.

"Trouble Mr. Bai!"

Flash and others expressed their gratitude to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei smiled back, and when everyone came to his side, he decisively released the isolation barrier.

next moment.

In the senses and visions of other creatures outside, the figures and auras of Bai Xiaofei and others disappeared in an instant.

The only thing left on the scene was the highly compressed antimatter energy, and the surrounding force field generators and other technological devices were also hidden by Bai Xiaofei.

In this way, nothing will be lost.

Unless the anti-surveillance Mobius is much stronger than Bai Xiaofei, it is impossible to see any clues.

Time passed quickly.

A blink of an eye.

Two hours passed.

As a result, Mobius, the anti-monitor, still didn't make any movement, which made Flash and others a little worried. Was there something wrong with the plan?

"Do not worry!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and comforted everyone, "It will take a process, let the bullet fly for a while, and he will come!"


Everyone was silent.

Only Lei was in the barrier, staring at the miniature antimatter detection device without taking his eyes off it.


At a certain moment, Lei exclaimed: "It's moving! There's movement, and the detection device shows that Mobius, the anti-monitor, has started to move!"


The Flash and the others immediately moved over.

Everyone took a closer look, and as expected, they saw the signal representing Mobius, the anti-monitor, moving rapidly.

And the direction they came from was exactly their side.

That is.

Bai Xiaofei's anti-matter energy group, this bait has already worked. According to this speed, I am afraid that the anti-monitor Mobius will come here in a short time.

Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

The Flash Barry Allen even said: "Everyone, get ready, and when Mobius arrives, immediately activate your position and catch him off guard!"


Everyone nodded in agreement, gearing up.

A look of can't wait.

Especially salads.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything.

Because these are small scenes for him, if Anti-Monitor Mobius is at his peak, it may still be a little troublesome.

The current weakened version?

Feel sorry!

Someone said that he didn't pay attention to it at all, and he could be dealt with casually. As for the superheroes around him, he was responsible for dealing with the little soldiers.

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei is not interested in those shadow demons at all.


Half an hour passed.

In the anticipation of everyone, Mobius, the anti-monitor, finally came. There was nothing shocking about the big scene, but he suddenly appeared in the sky with a group of shadow demons like ghost fog, and followed him straight to the sky. The antimatter energy group on the ground came.


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