The Storm God

Chapter 3728 Cut leeks! (Please subscribe!)

"It's him!"

"I can't go wrong, I will never forget that ugly look, that is Mobius the Anti-Monitor!"

"He finally showed up!"


With the appearance of Mobius, The Flash and others suddenly became nervous and excited. Some people thought that Bai Xiaofei didn't know Anti-Monitor Mobius, and even took the initiative to explain to him.

As everyone knows.

For Anti-Monitor Mobius, he is far more clear and understanding than everyone present.


Knowing is knowing.

Bai Xiaofei didn't reject their kindness, while secretly observing and guarding against Mobius, he listened to everyone's explanation.

And at the scene.

Apart from being more cautious at the beginning, Mobius became more daring later on. Seeing that there was indeed nothing wrong with the surroundings, he descended with confidence.

"It's now!"

"Do it!"


This is the moment.

The Flash and the others moved, activated the energy field to activate the energy field, and launched an attack to perform an attack.

And Bai Xiaofei was not idle either.

Immediately, he used the development technique to completely close the loopholes in the isolation barrier, making the breath of the antimatter energy group disappear without a trace in an instant.

This is also a kind of protection for the antimatter energy group. Without a powerful enough method, even Mobius can't easily obtain the antimatter energy inside.


Supergirl's heat sight attack was almost the first to hit.

But it's a pity that her attack power is nothing to Mobius.

It doesn't hurt or itch, it's just harassment at best.


But Mobius, the anti-monitor, was furious: "You despicable guys actually set a trap to lure me to appear..."

While roaring, he immediately dispatched countless shadow demons around him, hoping that these younger brothers would help eliminate The Flash and the others.


Although there are many shadow demons in number, their quality is too low.

Not to mention people with abilities like The Flash, even a mortal like White Canary can easily eliminate many of them.

Especially after the upgrade, White Canary's abilities have been greatly improved, making it easier to fight the Shadow Demon.

Coupled with the assistance and cooperation of The Flash and others, those shadow demons were harvested by everyone like leeks.

There is no shadow demon that can get close to the core area of ​​the antimatter energy group where Bai Xiaofei is.

And Bai Xiaofei.

Just like that, with arms folded, standing proudly here, domineering and awe-inspiring.


Anti-monitor Mobius didn't pay much attention to Flash and others, but when he saw Bai Xiaofei, his ugly brows were tightly frowned.

Because his intuition told himself that this person was not simple.


Extremely dangerous.

This was the first time in Mobius's life that he had such a feeling and a crisis reaction. He was surprised and unbelievable, but at the same time, he immediately retreated.

It's not that he was cowardly.

But Mobius knew very well that since the enemy had set a trap, there must be someone behind him. If he ventured here, he would have lost the opportunity. If he did not evacuate as soon as possible, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Especially in the enemy's camp, there seemed to be another terrifying existence whose strength seemed to be no less than his own.

It is unwise to fight recklessly.


It's too late.

Bai Xiaofei had expected that Mobius might escape.

So the moment the energy field was activated, another layer of stronger and larger isolation barrier was activated.

It's like a huge upside-down transparent bowl that directly traps everyone in it.

Without Bai Xiaofei's permission, no one can leave.

Especially Mobius.

after all.

Bai Xiaofei's main target is this guy.

"Bang bang bang!"

Mobius' antimatter energy bombarded the surrounding enchantment barriers, but did not produce annihilation or other effects.

Instead, it was directly transported to other spaces as if encountering spatial turbulence.

This scene left Mobius dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, he glared at Bai Xiaofei: "You made this barrier? Who are you?"


Bai Xiaofei sneered, and stared at Mobius, like a hunter staring at his prey, his eyes full of sternness.

He said: "I am your terminator!"

The voice did not fall.

The ball of antimatter energy had already been taken back by Bai Xiaofei, and he put it back in his own space.

This scene immediately made Mobius a little dumbfounded. The super energy I was thinking about disappeared like this?

Depend on!

He is very angry.

The more angry you are, the more you want to destroy and vent.


Mobius rushed directly to Bai Xiaofei.

Although he knew that he might not be Bai Xiaofei's opponent, but for his own safety, Mobius decided to give it a go.

You can't just sit and wait for death, can you?

That's not his character!


The existence of Mobius is composed of antimatter, so his attacks, energy, etc. are also greatly related to antimatter.

For other substances, the power of this attribute is extremely destructive, because no substance can resist its opposite.

The relationship between the two parties is like fire and water.

Oppose each other and restrain each other. Once they meet one piece, there will be violent conflicts and reactions.


This refers to the general case.

But now, Mobius is facing Bai Xiaofei, so the situation is another matter.


Bai Xiaofei can also use and manipulate antimatter energy. In other words, the power of Mobius' energy attribute is nothing to him at all.

Antimatter is awesome, but who gets the score.

What if the enemy is also antimatter?


It's almost like left hand hitting right hand.

Neither of them has any advantages, and some only have competition and fierce fighting of pure strength, the strong wins, and the weak loses.

There is absolutely no third way.


The anti-monitor Mobius was shocked to find that the guy in front of him, the technology of manipulating and using anti-matter energy was even superior to his own!

This made him feel incredible.


Mobius' eyes were wide open, full of disbelief: "How could you be better at manipulating antimatter energy than me? It's absolutely impossible!"


Bai Xiaofei replied with a smile: "Nothing is impossible, why can't I use this kind of power? Just because I'm not from antimatter? Don't be ridiculous!"

During the conversation.

He also snapped back hard.

In an instant, the terrifying and powerful antimatter energy even overwhelmed Mobius for a time, sending the opponent back again and again.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that in the battle between the two sides, Bai Xiaofei definitely has the absolute upper hand.

Mobius is like a little leopard who has encountered a kingly lion, unable to lift his head at all in the face of absolute force.

It's not that he doesn't dare, it's that he doesn't have that ability at all.

And the other side.

The situation of The Flash and others is also very optimistic. After all, Mobius, who is the most difficult to deal with, has already been calmed down by Bai Xiaofei.

The rest of these shadow demons are leeks.

Even if the number is slightly large, it will pose a bad threat to The Flash and others. It only takes a certain amount of time for them to completely eliminate them.

To know.

This battlefield is protected by energy fields and barriers. Apart from these shadow demons right now, there is nothing else.

Even if Mobius summoned some again, those shadow demons couldn't get in at all.

The reason for this is the key to Bai Xiaofei's isolation barrier, otherwise just relying on an energy field is really not enough.

Seeing the situation so optimistic.

At this moment.

White Canary suddenly had some ideas, and left her own battlefield without even saying hello.

Then he rushed directly to Mobius.


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