The Storm God

Chapter 3729 Refused! (Please subscribe!)

"Depend on!"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless at that moment.

Do you really think that you are awesome, or do you think that Mobius can't hold a knife? A little white canary dares to single out the anti-monitor...

Brain watts it!

to be honest.

He understood White Canary's mentality of wanting to avenge Oliver.

If it were him, if his best friend died because of the other party, Bai Xiaofei would absolutely desperately avenge his friend.


There is also time for revenge.

Just like the white canary in front of me, what the hell is revenge? It's clearly making trouble and giving away people's heads, okay?

"good chance!"

Anti-monitor Mobius saw White Canary Salad rushing towards him, he was overjoyed, he couldn't deal with Bai Xiaofei, could he still be better than a mere mortal?

This is a golden opportunity.

fuck her!

next moment.

The terrifying anti-matter energy beam directly blasted at White Canary. Although the latter tried his best to dodge, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, so it had no effect.

Seeing that Sarah was about to die here, the Flash Barry Allen rushed over to save her at a critical moment.

"Salad, don't be impulsive!"

Barry Allen persuaded, but Sarah obviously didn't appreciate it very much, and said stubbornly: "I must avenge Oliver!"

"I know!"

Barry Allen frowned and said: "But that's not now, we have to wait until Mr. Bai has completely suppressed Mobius, and you will only add to Mr. Bai's confusion..."


Sarah glanced over her shoulder.

I saw that Bai Xiaofei and Mobius were still fighting, and it was more dangerous and terrifying than before.

Mobius was obviously outraged because he didn't kill Sarah, and the attack was very violent, and the scope of the attack was extremely huge. ,

If Bai Xiaofei hadn't tried his best to suppress and protect everyone, the aftermath of this shock alone would have killed The Flash and the others.

But even so, that terrifying coercion of power also possessed a very terrifying threat, so everyone had to stay away from it.


This is what Bai Xiaofei did on purpose.

Otherwise, if another idiot like White Canary pops up, who the hell can stand it.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't allow anyone to sabotage his plan.

To this.

The Flash and others were completely unaware.

They simply thought that Mobius, the Anti-Monitor, was too powerful to intervene at all.


before that.

They had already handed over the infinite shrink bomb to Bai Xiaofei for the sake of safety and insurance.

As long as Bai Xiaofei sees the right opportunity, restricts Mobius' actions, and gives him a look, the Flash Barry Allen will immediately rush over to cooperate with him, and use the infinitely shrinking bomb to completely trap Mobius in the quantum universe middle.

And this opportunity, it seems, is not as easy as imagined.

At least.

After Bai Xiaofei fought with Mobius for nearly a moment, the latter still showed no signs of being suppressed.

As for The Flash and the others, the lives of the Reaper Shadow Demons are still continuing. Although the number has indeed decreased a lot, there are more leftovers, and there is basically nothing to spare.

Especially just now, because of White Canary's reckless action, Mobius found an opportunity to break the blockade of the energy field, exposing a gap, and allowing a large number of Shadow Demons to fly in.

The Flash and the others suddenly felt pressured.

To this.

Salad is very regrettable.

But now is not the time to pursue accountability, they must use all their strength to deal with the enemy.

Bai Xiaofei watched everything silently, and said in his heart: "Very well, everything is going according to my plan, including Mobius, then the next thing is to finish!"

next moment.

He suddenly released his big move.

Terrifying power swept across the entire battlefield in an instant, and the brilliant light enveloped everything, making it impossible for everyone to open their eyes.

Feelings of spirituality and so on have completely lost their effect because of the violent energy turbulence.

Take this opportunity.

Bai Xiaofei shot directly, the god emperor's peak Dzogchen terrifying power, shot instantly, trapped Mobius with one move.


The light disappears.

When Flash and the others recovered their vision again, they saw only Bai Xiaofei using the energy beam to control the Anti-Monitor Mobius.


Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei also cast a look at The Flash, which means that success or failure depends on you.


The Flash Barry Allen nodded heavily.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the people around him, and they all nodded, full of trust in The Flash.


All enemies are handed over to them.

The Flash Barry Allen has only one task now - to run! Use the fastest speed to rush to Bai Xiaofei's side, get the infinitely smaller bomb, and throw it at Mobius!


Barry Allen didn't dare to neglect, and after gaining some momentum, countless golden lightning bolts condensed all over his body immediately.

That's the sign of the Speed ​​Force manifested.

At this moment, The Flash's strength has been raised to the strongest state, and then he took a step forward and rushed to Bai Xiaofei's side at the fastest speed.

Bai Xiaofei also happened to be very lucky. At the right time, he took the infinite shrink bomb out of his arms and threw it at Barry Allen.

"It's all up to you!"


The Flash nodded heavily.

As a result, after infinitely shrinking the bomb, he turned around and rushed towards the Anti-Monitor Mobius without stopping.


In the eyes of the other party who gradually widened and panicked, finally threw the activated infinitely shrinking bomb.


The bomb detonated.

The power of the special rule system instantly acted on Mobius, and the latter began to shrink infinitely in an instant.

Before the Flash Barry Allen stopped, Mobius, the anti-monitor of a generation, was completely trapped in the quantum universe and could never come out again.

at the same time.

Because of the infinite reduction in size, it is also difficult for Mobius to have any influence on the world outside the quantum universe.

Crisis on Infinite Earths has come to an end.


Everyone was overjoyed immediately.

Although the Shadow Demon was still there and did not disappear because Mobius was trapped, it still couldn't stop the excitement and joy of the crowd, and even the attacks were very rhythmic.

Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's participation, the poor Shadow Demon was quickly cleaned up like a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Supergirl Kara was so excited that she even forgot to hug Bai Xiaofei.


She hasn't completely lost her mind.

He just hugged Bai Xiaofei and didn't kiss him, otherwise he would really die of sociology.

But even so, Bai Xiaofei understood Supergirl Kara's feelings for him in an instant.

After all, his primordial eyes are not covered.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei could only smile wryly.

To be honest, Supergirl Kara is very beautiful, and her ability is not bad, but it is a pity that Bai Xiaofei didn't come here to pick up girls.

The key point is that Supergirl Kara and her daughter Bai Lei were very good best friends. How do you let Bai Xiaofei accept such a relationship?

not to mention……

Now Bai Xiaofei has calmed down.

Unless it is a special case, he will not provoke other women. After all, he has to be responsible for his children.

Bai Xiaofei feels that the current situation is quite good, there are not too many women, and the children will not have too much conflict.

If it is really like the ancient emperors, with three thousand beauties in the harem, then things like harem fighting for favor and Kowloon winning the heir apparent will not be far away.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want that.


Even though he has a little affection for Supergirl Kara, but at this moment, Bai Xiaofei can only choose to refuse.

In order to avoid trouble, he even offered to resign on the spot.


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