The Storm God

Chapter 3730 New power! (Please subscribe!)


"Are you leaving now? So soon?"

"Is there something wrong?"


For Bai Xiaofei's sudden farewell, Flash and others expressed their incomprehension. The war has just ended, and there are no two celebration banquets, so you are leaving?

Isn't this too hasty?

Especially Supergirl Kara, when she heard that Bai Xiaofei was leaving soon, she felt even more inexplicably sad.

Are you really hopeless? Could his sudden departure be because of his hug just now?

Blame me!

If I had restrained myself a little earlier and hadn't been so impulsive, perhaps such a thing would not have happened.

That's all right, he's leaving soon.

what do I do?


Sarah knows what Supergirl is thinking.

So seeing this scene, my first reaction was to come over and pat Kara on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei made a pun.

Smiling to Supergirl Kara and the others, she said, "I still have a lot of things to deal with. Not only Lei Lei needs to be taken care of, but also other crises, so I can't stay for a long time..."

Of course.

All these are Bai Xiaofei's excuses.

The truth is, he is afraid that if he stays here, he will make Supergirl Kara fall deeper and deeper, which is not good!


What happened just now, he did some tricks secretly.

Only by leaving immediately can we divert everyone's attention to the greatest extent, otherwise once everyone recovers, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no doubts.


Möbius the Anti-Monitor was not imprisoned in the Quantum Universe.

The Mobius just now was just an illusion clone created by Bai Xiaofei with energy.

The real anti-surveillance agent had already been replaced by Li Daitao when Bai Xiaofei took advantage of the fact that The Flash and others had lost their vision and senses, and hid in his own small universe.


The plot succeeded, and Mobius was successfully captured. Bai Xiaofei's mind was almost entirely focused on the follow-up experiment.

Why would you waste time with these people?


No matter how the Flash and the others try to persuade him to stay, Bai Xiaofei finally shook his head and refused, then tore apart the space, turned and left.

Only the people were left in place, speechless for a long time.

Especially Supergirl Kara.

Infinitely sad.


the other side.

In Bai Xiaofei's small universe world.

The anti-surveillance Mobius, who was sealed by a special isolation barrier, immediately became vigilant when he saw Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, and shouted: "Damn it, what are you, what is this place?"

this moment.

Mobius was a little scared.

The reason why he was fearless before was because no one could kill him at all, at most he was imprisoned.


The Bai Xiaofei in front of him was different, his intuition told him that the other party definitely had the ability to kill him.

This terrified Mobius.

after all.

No one wants to die.

The same goes for Mobius the Anti-Monitor.

Bai Xiaofei saw Mobius' fear, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't let you die, on the contrary, I will let you live well, because you are an excellent experiment for me. Material……"

It's fine if he doesn't speak.

This opening made Mobius even more frightened.

Experimental Materials? !


This is simply more terrifying than death!

Mobius didn't want this, so he asked: "What do you want, what are you going to do to me?"

this moment.

He was really scared.

There was even a hint of begging for mercy in his tone.

Bai Xiaofei was unmoved, and explained: "It's okay to tell you, after all, the follow-up experiment will need your cooperation to proceed smoothly."

"In fact, the infinite multiverse you know is not the only one, just like next door, there is also another version of you."

"My idea is to let the two different versions of you merge into one, and see what special changes and reactions there are."

"I think you should be curious too, right?"


Following Bai Xiaofei's explanation, Mobius was stunned: "Two versions of me? How is this possible?"

His first reaction was that the other party was deceiving him.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't make sense.


Mobius saw the scene projected by Bai Xiaofei, and its content was the scene of Aya's battle against the anti-surveillance king.

At the same time, Mobius could immediately confirm that that huge mechanical body was another version of himself.


The power used by the opponent is also antimatter energy. With this alone, no one can fake it.

"See it?"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with Mobius's reaction, seeing that he gradually calmed down, he continued: "That is another version of you, but compared to the current you, that version is undoubtedly much weaker."

"You caught him too?"

Mobius asked suddenly.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Replied truthfully: "It's not appropriate to say that it's grasping. To be precise, it should be his body that I obtained and completely transformed and used. In fact, his head is still hidden in a corner of the universe next door."


Mobius was silent.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of Bai Xiaofei's terror and power. Although another version of himself may not be as powerful as himself, he is also an anti-monitor.

In the end, he was easily beaten by the opponent until only one head was left to escape. How strong does this have to be?

My current situation is the best proof.

at the same time……

After the initial fear.

Now Mobius, on the contrary, is not so afraid, because he can see that Bai Xiaofei really doesn't intend to kill himself.

Although the original intention of the other party to do this is entirely to experiment with themselves and another version of themselves.

But for Mobius, this is an opportunity. You know, the different versions of the anti-monitor are all himself.

Maybe the ultimate beneficiary of the fusion experiment is Mobius himself, so he can do whatever he wants by then?

So far.

Mobius even secretly became a little excited.

All of this is really overwhelming, and there is no way out, and there is another village in the shadows, and I must not give up!

As long as hope is still there, I still have the possibility of making a comeback!

After figuring it all out.

Mobius put his posture very low, and directly told Bai Xiaofei that he would cooperate with the other party's experiment.

At the same time, I also hope that Bai Xiaofei can treat himself as kindly as possible.

after all.

No matter how you say it, you are also a big boss.

Face is still important.

"no problem!"

Bai Xiaofei said so, but actually he didn't mean to respect Mobius at all.

After chatting.

With a casual wave of his hand, Mobius was completely sealed.


I really think I am blind.

Your little thoughtfulness can be seen at a glance by my grandma's eyes, and you still want to play tricks?

I can't kill you!

Bai Xiaofei sneered secretly in his heart.

After completely sealing and collecting Anti-Monitor Mobius, he withdrew from the small universe world.

There is no rush for the test.

After all, the body of the anti-supervision king is still with the dust star Aya in the next universe. Bai Xiaofei's main task now is to protect Bai Xing and then give birth to a singularity.

At the same time, try to understand the evolution and growth of this infinite multiverse as much as possible. The benefits to Bai Xiaofei are huge. Such an opportunity is once in a lifetime. Of course, he will not be distracted by other things.

Go back to Shirahoshi's residence.

Bai Xiaofei only took one look, and found that his daughter Bai Xing's absorption was almost three-quarters of the way.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will take another three or four days to completely absorb the special original power bestowed on her by the ghost green arrow.

at the same time.

A whole new force.

It seems that it is also slowly conceiving and growing in Bai Xing's body.


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