The Storm God

Chapter 3734 Continue to fool! (Please subscribe!)

The power of the anti-matter wave is really powerful, stronger than Ilus's protective barrier, which disintegrates and collapses in an instant.


Bai Xiaofei was not happy about it.

Because he suddenly discovered that he had been fooled, and all of this was actually a conspiracy set up by Ilus.

The protective barrier is real, but the person inside is fake. It is a phantom clone that is false and real.

When the barrier was shattered and the anti-matter wave cloned several phantoms, making it vulnerable, Bai Xiaofei immediately knew that he had hit the mark.

He wants to go.


It's too late!


Before Bai Xiaofei could make a move, a ball cage completely condensed by the power of law appeared out of thin air, trapping Bai Xiaofei in it.

follow closely.

The figure of Ilus also appeared from the chaos.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.

this time.

It was Bai Xiaofei who lost.

The loss was not due to the gap in strength, but a scheming plan.

in short.

Bai Xiaofei was too anxious.

Because he was too obsessed with delaying time, the opponent seized the opportunity and successfully took the initiative. Using this as a bureau, he successfully captured Bai Xiaofei.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei not only shook his head and smiled wryly, he really often stands by the river without getting his shoes wet, this time he was convinced by the defeat.

None of the strong masters who can get mixed up in the reincarnation space to this extent are weak.

Especially female players.

"caught you!"

There was a smile on Ilus's face at the moment.

That pair of bright and big eyes stared at Bai Xiaofei, and said with a smile: "How do you run now?"

"Say it!"

"Where is your master?"

"What is his purpose?"


Illus asked.

At the same time, she was also very surprised that in this cosmic world, he had never sensed the existence of other reincarnation space powerhouses before.

Could it be that because of the restart of the universe, the other members felt it, so they wanted to come over to share?

Don't think about it!

This is my wife's Chinese meal!

No matter who the opponent is, don't even think about taking food from my old lady's mouth!

Even the Oneiroi Morpheus is the same.


Others are afraid of him, but my mother is not.

Regarding her own strength and means, Ilus is still quite confident, and others dare not say it, but against Morpheus, the God of Dreams, she is 70% sure that she can defeat the opponent.

Who made her a Chaos Dragon?

Born with extremely strong resistance to various attributes, if he can understand and absorb the restart and evolution power of this infinite multiverse, Ilus can even evolve another layer and completely refine his chaotic body.

By then...

A character like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is at best an ordinary person in front of her.

Of course Ilus has something to be proud of.

I don't know.

Bai Xiaofei lied to her all of this, he was not a subordinate of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys at all.

Bai Xiaofei was completely throwing the blame and blame.

But Illus believed it.

no way.

The universe of this world has just restarted, and there is no such thing as too powerful horror.

A master like Bai Xiaofei appeared out of nowhere, and he also had various reincarnation watches, it was hard not to make people believe Bai Xiaofei's lies.


The most important thing is that the attack methods used by Bai Xiaofei before are completely simulated warlords under the command of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, almost fake ones.

Putting everything together, even if Ilus still had some doubts in his heart, he was basically completely defeated by the lies and chose to believe the "facts" in front of him.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very pleased.

Although I was caught carelessly, but fortunately, the matter of blaming the blame was a complete success.

Until now, the other party still thinks that he is the subordinate of Murphys, the God of Dreams. If that is the case, then simply walk to the dark, and continue to fool around!


Bai Xiaofei raised his neck arrogantly, stared at Iluth's big bright eyes neither humble nor overbearing, and said with a sneer, "Is there even a need to ask? Of course it's about snatching benefits. After all, the universe has just restarted, but there are a lot of benefits. "

"If it were you, would you allow others to share such great benefits and deliciousness with you?"


Illus narrowed his eyes.

She had some doubts about Bai Xiaofei's words.

But after looking at each other, Ilus believed it a little bit, because she used her innate magical power just now.

Anyone who looks at her, as long as her strength is not much stronger than her, will be forced to confide in her heart.

In other words.

You can't lie, you can only tell the truth.

But he didn't know that Bai Xiaofei had already seen the way, and secretly operated the Primordial Eye to fight against it, so he didn't show his flaws.

It can only be said that a mountain is still as high as a mountain, and it would be unlucky for Ilus to meet such a bug-level opponent as Bai Xiaofei.

Of course.

Illus isn't stupid either.

She would not easily make a certain conclusion or decision just because of Bai Xiaofei's few words, but fell silent.

"Is this person really under the command of Morpheus, the God of Dreams?"

"Why do you always feel that you are obedient? For example, with the character of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, how could you send only such a person?"

"Shouldn't it be majestic and mighty, if you put on a good show, even if you can't beat it, you should show your momentum?"

"This kid feels very insidious!"


Illus was puzzled.

But after thinking about it, she thought of other possibilities: "It's also possible that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is busy with other things, so he can't get away, so he has to?"

"It's like realizing and absorbing the evolutionary mystery after the restart of the universe. You know, now is a critical moment!"

"After this village, there will be no more land."


One involves self-interest.

Ilus's mind suddenly became a little anxious.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a flash of light in her eyes, she looked at Bai Xiaofei full of murderous intent, and said coldly: "Boy, tell the location of other people, especially the location of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, otherwise I will definitely let you You would rather die than live!"

Ilus really wants to continue to absorb and comprehend the mysteries of the evolution of the universe, but when he thinks that someone is still hiding in the dark, he doesn't have a sense of security in his heart.


She could only force Bai Xiaofei.

If Bai Xiaofei didn't say anything, then there would be nothing good to eat; if he did, then the problem would be easy.

As long as Ilus is anti-customer and takes the initiative to attack, it will be fine.

after all.

The results of other people's perception can also be robbed. To put it bluntly, it means sharpening a knife and not cutting firewood by mistake!


Bai Xiaofei understood what Iluth meant.

Suddenly, he cried out inwardly: "Ma Dan! This woman is not easy to deal with, and she still wants to take the initiative to attack. How can I deal with it now?"

He wanted to continue throwing the blame, and lead this dangerous woman to Morpheus, the God of Dreams, so that the two sides would clash and kill each other.

But the problem is, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is not in this world at all. How can you call Bai Xiaofei to blame?

Could it be possible to get the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus from a distance?



A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Bai Xiaofei's heart, and he secretly said pleasantly: "It seems that it is not impossible!"

To know.

At this moment, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is trapped in Bai Xiaofei's star formation, unable to escape.

And the universe next door also has Aya and the dark matter universe as helpers, responsible for helping Bai Xiaofei run.

That is to say.

As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, he can send a signal to Aya, remotely control the star formation, release a specific gap, and then use it as a connection point between the two universes to lure Morpheus, the Oneiroi.

in this way.

Bai Xiaofei then fooled Ilus over.

When the two sides meet at that time, and no matter how confused the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is, Illus here will definitely fight.

After all, in her opinion, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, is here to snatch opportunities and benefits, and there is no need to be polite to him at all.

And with the personality of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, if he really found out that this universe has so many benefits, he would probably be driven by greed to devour and absorb it.

This saves Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble, just a little operation and a little time difference can make the two sides kill each other!

"Okay, let's do it!"

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to be negligent for a moment, and quickly informed his deputy Aya of the universe next door and his strongest younger brother Baikas of his plan through the Hongmeng Dark System.


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