The Storm God

Chapter 3735 The plan succeeds! (Please subscribe!)

The universe next door.

On Dust Star, Aya is directing everything.

After Bai Xiaofei left, there was not much movement here. After all, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was trapped in the star formation and couldn't get out, so naturally there was no danger.

On the other hand, the situation on the Kruga star is more complicated. Even with a large number of mechanical assistance, it may be difficult to fully recover for a while.

The most important thing is the loss of combat power.

The impact of the invasion of Apocalypse is still being fermented, and the Dark Legion has gained huge benefits from it...

The situation is so complicated that it is difficult to explain clearly in a few words.

In short.

It's busy over there.

Even Aya had to get busy, because Sinestro had already asked for help.

To this.

What else can Aya say?

He could only nod his head and agree, who made Sinestro the most important and optimistic little brother of Bai Xiaofei.

This favor must be done.

And at this moment.


The news of Bai Xiaofei came suddenly.

Aiya saw that the person who sent the message turned out to be Bai Xiaofei, she immediately regained her spirits, and quickly received and opened it.


The whole person was shocked.

The same scene almost happened to Bai Cass.

Of course.

Compared to Aya's shock and disbelief, Bai Cass' performance was much better. He was only slightly taken aback, and then immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's order and began to execute it.

On the other hand, Aya was stunned for a moment.

Not only that, the efficiency of action, Aya is also much worse than Bai Cass, after all, the intelligence level and management authority of the two parties are different.

The same thing is that neither side has lost the chain.

After getting the news, they immediately executed it quickly, and with the full cooperation of the two, the formation of the Star Dou Great Formation was quickly changed.


the other side.

Trapped in the Star Dou Great Formation, Morpheus, the God of Dreams who couldn't find the exit and direction at all, was almost going mad with depression.

Secretly shocked by Bai Xiaofei's awesome and powerful methods, he also often got angry with Long Zhan and others to vent his anger and anxiety.

But that doesn't change anything.

If you can't get out or you can't get out, it will make Long Zhan and others gradually wear down and reduce their belief in the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

And at this moment.

The actions of Aya and Baicas were finally implemented.

Feeling desperate, Morpheus, the God of Dreams who thought he was about to fall here, suddenly had a feeling and immediately looked towards a certain direction in the starry sky.

"There seemed to be something unusual there just now!"

The connection points created by Baicas and Aya are very secretive, and no one can see any deliberate feeling at all.

Coupled with the fact that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is being tortured a lot now, he suddenly saw the hope of going out, so naturally he didn't think too deeply.

He would only think that this is the path of infinity, and he finally found the weakness and loopholes of the Star Dou Great Formation by himself.

I don't know.

All of this is Bai Xiaofei's calculation.

Closer to home.


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, brought Long Zhan and others to the void area that was constantly flickering with abnormal cosmic chaotic energy.

"What a powerful force!"

"This fluctuation seems to involve some mysterious power from the beginning of the universe, no wonder it won't be affected by the Star Dou Great Formation..."

"God-sent opportunity, it's really fitting that I wait for this opportunity!"


Morpheus, the God of Dreams, has seen a lot.

I saw the mystery almost immediately, and although I felt a little strange in my heart, the great hope and joy washed away these doubts on the spot.

Not much pause and hesitation.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, directly ordered Long Zhan and others to leave the enveloping range of the Star Dou Great Formation through the void and chaos in front of them.

After confirming that Long Zhan and others had passed and that there was no danger, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, went into battle in person.


next moment.

He came directly from the DC universe world next door to the brand new DC universe world just after restarting.

As soon as he arrived, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, felt the difference in this world. Apart from being surprised, he was more naturally delighted and excited.

"This feeling……"

"It can't be wrong, it is definitely the origin mystery at the beginning of the universe, and there are infinitely diverse derivative powers..."

"This is really lucky. Not only did I ask for the restraint of the Star Dou Formation, but I also encountered such a good thing..."


The excited Oneiroi Lord Morpheus was not polite at the moment, and immediately began to try to absorb the power of this universe.


When the mysterious power of the new universe was sucked into the body in batches, and then refined and absorbed to restore and strengthen itself, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was so comfortable that he almost didn't groan.

But they didn't notice at all that the strange passage they passed through just now had completely disappeared at some point.

Of course.

Even if he noticed, it is estimated that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, didn't care at all.

Compared with all kinds of troubles and depressions in the universe next door, there are endless benefits and comfort here.

Not only Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but also Long Zhan and others, even compared to their masters, the performance of these people was even worse.

after all……

Before that, their consumption was extremely huge, but they never had a chance to recover, and they were beaten and scolded mercilessly by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, and they were forced to the extreme.

Now that they finally got out of the predicament and entered a new cosmic world like a paradise, they can absorb and feel the power of the universe to their heart's content, recover and strengthen themselves, Long Zhan and others will naturally not be polite.

Even if the Oneiroi Lord Murphys is by his side, they don't care about it at all. After all, the universe looks awesome and huge at first glance. The little power they absorb is nothing to the Oneiroi Lord Murphys What kind of.

As long as this boss is not a stingy iron cock, theoretically speaking, he will not blame them.

And it is true.

It's not that Morpheus, the God of Dreams, didn't fail to notice Long Zhan and the others' absorbing actions, but he just frowned slightly and ignored them.

Obviously, they didn't take the power absorbed by Long Zhan and others to heart at all. After all, compared with the power of the entire vast universe, those were not even a drop in the ocean.

As the boss, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, naturally couldn't have no mind at all. This power should be bestowed on Long Zhan and others.

that's all.

After the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus and his party came to this world, the first thing they did was not to get to the bottom of it, but to directly absorb the power of the universe, so as to restore their previous huge consumption.

Sensing the situation here, Bai Xiaofei was immediately overjoyed, and secretly said: "Very good, this saves me a lot of trouble, the next step is to find a way to lure Ilus over!"

All this is a long story.

But in fact, it all happened in a very short period of time.


In order to achieve the best results for the plan, Bai Xiaofei did not immediately tell Ilus about the whereabouts of the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, but deliberately "stubborn" for a while.

It wasn't until Ilus intensified the punishment and tortured Bai Xiaofei to extract a confession. Then he pretended that he couldn't bear the punishment and had to speak up to save his life, and told Yilusi the location of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys and others. Ruth.

"You are wise!"

Yilu suddenly showed a satisfied smile, and said: "I will trust you once for now, if I find out that you are lying, I promise to make you suffer a hundred thousand times more than now!"


She took Bai Xiaofei and rushed directly to the area of ​​the universe where Morpheus and others were.


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