The Storm God

Chapter 3737 Betrayed! (Please subscribe!)


Although Bai Xiaofei left, but before leaving, he left some observation coordinates.

This allows the avatar to directly watch the battle situation on the spot.

The avatar was busy comprehending and absorbing the power of the universe, and couldn't be distracted for too long, so after dispelling the spell and letting his clone return to the main body, he separated it again.

Once the avatar comes out, the first thing to do is to watch a good show.

And when he saw Ilus, he went berserk and showed himself, his mouth grew wide.

at the same time……

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei also finally understood why Ilus wanted to recruit him, and was so angry because of his "death".


The opponent is a dragon species!

Looking at the real body of Ilus, it seems that it is still a very rare and special ancient dragon species, anyway, Bai Xiaofei has never heard of this kind of dragon.

The most important thing is that in Bai Xiaofei's gene, it is also rich in the gene sequence of dragon.

That is.

To a certain extent, Bai Xiaofei can also be regarded as a dragon species. In short, he is of the same family as Ilus.

Being in a foreign land, but bumping into the same race unexpectedly, one can imagine the feeling of such a feeling, it is definitely always happy.

Even if this person is his enemy.

"I said so!"

Bai Xiaofei secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and thought, "So it's because of this, I thought she really liked me..."

Having said that.

However, Bai Xiaofei was still very moved by Ilus' respect and friendship, and even felt that it was a bit too much for him to cheat the other party like this?

after all……

He and Ilus have no enmity.

Although the reincarnation space is Bai Xiaofei's enemy, it doesn't mean that everyone in it is his enemy.

Just because the opponent's strength is too strong, without giving Ilus any chance, he completely included the opponent in the enemy's sequence, isn't this too hasty?

to be honest.

Bai Xiaofei felt slightly regretful.

But it's too late to say anything now, and everything can only be said after the war over there is over.

It's really impossible to save Ilus after the incident.

Someone thought so.


And the battlefield on the other side.

Ilus, in the form of his own body, was fighting fiercely with the heavily armed Oneiroi Lord Murphys. The two sides fought fiercely, showing no mercy at all.

Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team are too weak to intervene in it. They can only keep retreating, away from the center of the battlefield, and become spectators.


Although their strength is not good, their vision is quite accurate.

Especially Captain Dragon War.

"I'm going to lose!"

His eyes have special magical powers.

Therefore, it is possible to see some gaps and tricks between the two sides of the battle earlier and more easily than others.

For example, their master Oneiroi Morpheus seems to be far from being Iluth's opponent.

Don't look at the fact that the two seem to be evenly matched and evenly matched, but those are all illusions.

In fact.

In such a state, Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, couldn't last long at all, and he would wilt quickly in a short time.

And at that time, it was almost the moment when Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was defeated and completely suppressed.

One thought here.

Long Zhan couldn't help feeling a little worried and fearful.

You know, they are with Morpheus, the God of Dreams. The boss is gone, and they, who are younger brothers, basically will not end well.

Unless Ilus is kind enough to let them go.


The probability of this is too low.

After all, the other party is the famous chaos tyrant in the reincarnation space, and the prestige of the female tyrannosaurus is even far higher than that of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Who made him a Chaos Dragon?

Naturally, ordinary people are too strong. Whether it is talent or potential, they are far behind other races.

The key Ilus also has a stronger background and backing.

All of these are not comparable to Morpheus, the God of Dreams. Although he is not bad, the gap between the two parties is absolutely huge.

Especially now facing Ilus, it is not the real body of Morpheus, God of Dreams, but just an incarnation.

This is even more incomparable.

"what to do?"

What's even more sad is that even if Long Zhan and the others wanted to help, they couldn't do anything about it. Who made their strength too low?

Uncle Locke and others are not stupid either.

Although they couldn't tell whether Ilus and Oneiroi were stronger or weaker, they could draw an analysis and conclusion by watching Long Zhan's expression.

When everyone saw the worried look of the boss, Long Zhan, they knew that the situation of themselves and others seemed not very optimistic.

The most impulsive Jianxiu Haotian couldn't help but said: "Boss, what should we do now?"

"How about running away?"


No one wants to die.

Even the most optimistic Haotian is no exception.

However, such a proposal was immediately opposed by other people, and the goblin sarcastically said, "Escape?"

"Hehe, what are you kidding, with our strength, where can we escape? Do you really think it's easy to get rid of them at their level?"


Hao Tian suddenly withered.

What the goblin said, he naturally knew it was very reasonable, but if he didn't run away, would he just sit and wait for death?

Although escaping cannot avoid death in the end, at least there is still a glimmer of life. Sitting and waiting for death is absolutely certain.

Jiao Niang stared at Long Zhan, silent.

The meaning is obvious, she always listens to Long Zhan, she will do whatever Long Zhan says, and stay with her to the end.

Even if it is death!

Not only her, but also Uncle Locke.

After Long Zhan was silent for a moment, he finally said with a wry smile: "Does the final choice still fall on me?"

"Forget it!"

"Since everyone trusts me so much, then I'll go all out. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, if it's a disaster that can't be avoided, let's take a gamble!"

"This time, I agree with Haotian's proposal!"


He didn't give a damn.

He directly told everyone his choices and thoughts.

Ilus's strength is too strong, if Morpheus, the God of Dreams, came here, he might be able to fight the opponent evenly.

But if it is just an incarnation, it is obviously absolutely hopeless, almost 100% will fail.

Faced with such a situation, the only thing Long Zhan and others can do is to run away, or sit and wait for death, and...

Attack Ilus with Morpheus, the Oneiroi.

And among these three options, the latter two have undoubtedly the highest death rate, absolutely dead!

Choosing to escape, although it will not change anything in the end, at least there is still a glimmer of hope and possibility.

after all……

For Ilus.

These people are just little shrimps and minions, and they don't pay attention or concern at all.

The premise is that these people did not offend and offend Ilus.

However, Long Zhan and others obviously did not do such stupid things and behaviors, so there is still a possibility that they escape without being chased.

that's all.

Among the three options, Long Zhan chose to escape.

That is Haotian's proposal.

With such a choice, Uncle Locke and the others were not surprised or surprised. Instead, they all showed an expected expression and smile.

Apparently, they thought so too.

"very good!"

Seeing that no one had any objections, Long Zhan's eyes narrowed immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "Since everyone agrees with this choice, it's not too late, let's start acting now!"


The other four nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Locke began to apply various buffs to everyone. When the status of the five people was piled up to the best, they collectively chose to flee without hesitation.

And the other side.

Ilus and Oneiroi Morpheus are still fighting wildly.

In fact, both of them were concerned about the situation of Long Zhan and others, but neither of them showed it.

Now that the Dream Team really chose to flee, Iluston showed a mocking smile, and teased Morpheus, the God of Dreams: "Murphys, have you seen it, this is the sad end of your betrayal!"


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