The Storm God

Chapter 3738 Solicit! (Please subscribe!)


Meng Shenjun's expression is extremely ugly at this moment.

Apparently, he didn't expect that the fantasy team would actually betray him and flee from the battlefield. Although all of this was understandable and human, it was absolutely intolerable to him.

Facing the taunt from the female tyrannosaurus Ilus, Oneiroi snorted coldly: "Hmph, it's just a bunch of garbage, and it's gone as soon as it leaves. What do you care about? I don't need such ants!"

Obviously talking hard.


The two sides fought each other again, fighting each other, refusing to give an inch. At the same time, all kinds of strange tricks were used to smash this cosmic starry sky into pieces, which was terrible.

Countless stars, because of their fierce battle, were affected by Chiyu, destroyed, and turned into dust all over the sky.

Even some newly born dimensional worlds were destroyed because of this, and they were completely stillborn, with no future.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei also never expected it.

The fantasy team is so kind, at such a critical moment, they will betray and leave the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

But think about it.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys is obviously a bodyguard, not a deity.

Facing the same level, or even stronger female Tyrannosaurus Ilus, it is almost a certain defeat.

Compare your heart with your heart.

If I were present, I am afraid I would do the same.


What surprised Bai Xiaofei was.

With the temperament of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, it is amazing that he didn't plant a restriction in the body of Dream Team.

Or, the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus has absolute certainty that he can control these powerful members?

But what about the situation now?

Will you not accept the order of the emperor abroad?

All right!


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei felt it was an opportunity.

To be honest, the strength of the fantasy team is still very good, especially Uncle Locke's clergyman inheritance.

Although Bai Xiaofei forcibly deprived him of it, his talent is still there. If he can win him over and make him his little brother...

He didn't mind re-giving Locke's original power of inheritance, which would also solve the embarrassing situation that Bai Xiaofei had no general available for the time being.


Bai Xiaofei didn't have this chance.

After all, with the God of Dreams Lord Murphys on top of him, Bai Xiaofei didn't think he had the ability to instigate the fantasy team.

But now it's different.

Without Bai Xiaofei instigating rebellion, the fantasy team left directly.

Now he only needs to throw out his olive branch to the fantasy team and promise a lure, the success rate is still very high.

after all……

Everyone needs a meal.

Even the members of the reincarnation space are no exception.

After leaving Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the fantasy team will definitely face a very embarrassing and embarrassing situation.

Because according to Bai Xiaofei's understanding, the power and influence of Oneiroi Morpheus in the reincarnation space is still very large.

If there is no strong enough capital and backing to back it up, there will be absolutely no good fruit for the Dream Team to return to.

Even if the forces of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys did not confront them directly and retaliate against them, even if they only let out some rumors, the rest of the guys who wanted to curry favor with them would naturally do it.

It's not that the members of the fantasy team haven't thought about these problems, but in comparison, the current situation is undoubtedly more urgent.

They are also helpless and can only take one step at a time.

after all……

Without the present, how can there be a future?

After thinking over and over again, Bai Xiaofei finally made a decision.

He doesn't watch movies anymore, anyway, they are all old-fashioned scenes, it doesn't matter whether you watch them or not.

At that time, it will be enough to directly extract the data from the dark matter, and there is no need for Bai Xiaofei to look at it himself.

What he cares more about now is the fate of the fantasy team.

As for the battle between Ilus and Oneiroi Morpheus, there is no big difference between who is strong and who is weak, who wins and who loses.

Who made Bai Xiaofei a fisherman?


He was ready to reap another part of the unexpected joy.


The vast expanse of cosmic starry sky.

Members of the fantasy team, such as Long Zhan, are currently wandering and fleeing aimlessly.

They are very confused about the future and the future.

after all……

The reincarnation space is not something they can quit as soon as they want. They don't have enough terrifying and powerful strength. After all, they are just pawns at the mercy of others.

As the distance gets farther and farther away, and the temporary safety becomes more and more secure, everyone's mood becomes more melancholy and confused.

Haotian was the first one who couldn't help asking: "Boss, where are we going now? Are we just floating in the universe like this?"


Long Zhan remained silent.

At this moment, he really wants to say, you ask me, who the hell am I going to ask?

Obviously, Long Zhan doesn't know how to beat him and others in the future. After all, everything is improvised and forced. Now he is in a completely unfamiliar space world, how does he know how to go in the future?

And at this moment.


A figure that was quite familiar to them suddenly appeared.

It was Bai Xiaofei!


As soon as Bai Xiaofei showed up, he warmly greeted Locke and the others: "Dear everyone, we meet again!"

That familiar and intimate look doesn't look like an enemy at all, but more like old friends who are familiar with each other.

"It's you!"

On the other hand, Long Zhan and the others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and all of them subconsciously assumed vigilance and fighting postures.

For fear that the other party would give them a surprise attack.

"it's me!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then he pressed his hands and gestured: "Everyone, don't be so nervous, I don't have any malice this time..."


Long Zhan and the others were suddenly stunned.

no offence?

what's the situation?

We are enemies, you didn't come to see us for war, could it be that you came to chat?


You just robbed us not long ago!

Uncle Locke was speechless.

"what do you want?"

He directly asked the doubts in everyone's mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to play tricks on the Dream Team, and replied truthfully: "It's nothing, I just saw that you left Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, and I just wanted to arrange a good place for you."

These words are straightforward enough!

In short, I have no malicious intentions, I am here to introduce you to a job, not to fight.


This wave of operations by Bai Xiaofei immediately shocked Locke and the others. They were stunned for a moment, and then they came to their senses.

Depend on!

Feelings are all planned by this guy!

They finally understood, whether it was the sudden appearance of Ilus, or the weird exit...

This is all Bai Xiaofei's conspiracy!

The purpose is to let them kill each other, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman, and their dream team is probably part of the plan.

So far.

Everyone has the feeling of deep thinking and fear.

I just feel that Bai Xiaofei is really terrifying. Although his strength may be similar to that of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, but in terms of scheming and calculations, he is more than a dozen blocks away from the latter!

To be an enemy of such a person is only despair and sorrow!

Just like waiting for yourself.


I was led by the nose almost the whole time.

He hadn't even seen the Lord's face a few times, and he was already made into such a miserable mess.

If the other party is serious, who the hell can stand it.

Recalling the previous scene of being threatened by Bai Xiaofei, at this moment, Uncle Locke suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.


He took the initiative to stand up.

Looking directly at Bai Xiaofei, he resolutely said: "If you guessed correctly, your so-called good place should be to hang out with you, right?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

He was very satisfied with Locke's performance, and said with a smile: "I think you guys still have some potential. It's a pity to waste it like this. Since you have all betrayed Morpheus, the God of Dreams, why don't you come to me? It can give you the greatest space to display.”


"I can even help you reach a higher level of the Three Senses with the inheritance of the clergymen I took away from you earlier."

"Others have their own special care too."

"how do you feel?"


Bai Xiaofei directly set out his own conditions.


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